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Created August 3, 2023 14:11
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Helper functions to work with exceptions
(ns lib.clojure.exception
(:require [clojure.test :as test]
[lib.clojure-string.core :as string']
[lib.clojure.lang :as lang])
(:import (clojure.lang Associative ExceptionInfo)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn throwable?
"Test if `x` is `Throwable`."
(instance? Throwable x))
(defn ex-message-or-name
"Returns the exception message or class name if the message is empty."
(or (-> (.getMessage ^Throwable throwable) (string'/not-empty))
(.getCanonicalName (class throwable))))
(defn ex-message-all
"Builds single message from all nested exceptions.
Includes optional `context` string as part of the message."
([throwable] (ex-message-all throwable nil))
([throwable, context]
(when throwable
(loop [sb (-> (StringBuilder.)
(cond-> context (-> (.append (str context))
(.append " > ")))
(.append (ex-message-or-name throwable)))
cause (.getCause ^Throwable throwable)]
(if cause
(recur (-> sb (.append " > ") (.append (ex-message-or-name cause)))
(.getCause cause))
(.toString sb))))))
(ex-message-all (ex-info "One" {:x :one}
(ex-info "Two" {:x :two}
(ex-info "Three" {:x :three}))))
#_"One > Two > Three"
(ex-message-all (ex-info "One" {:x :one}
(ex-info "Two" {:x :two}
(ex-info "Three" {:x :three})))
#_"Prefix > One > Two > Three")
(defn ex-root-cause
"Find root cause for exception."
(if-let [cause (ex-cause throwable)]
(recur cause)
(ex-root-cause (ex-info "One" {:x :one}
(ex-info "Two" {:x :two}
(ex-info "Three" {:x :three})))))
(defn some*
"Returns the first logical true value of (pred throwable) for any exception
in exception chain, else nil.
Similar to `clojure.core/some` but for nested exceptions instead of collection."
[pred throwable]
(when (instance? Throwable throwable)
(loop [e throwable]
(when e
(or (pred e)
(recur (.getCause ^Throwable e)))))))
(defn- ex-with-class
"Returns first exception with class `c` in exception chain."
[throwable _ c]
(->> throwable (some* (lang/select #(identical? c (class %))))))
(defn- ex-data-with-key
"Returns first ex-data containing key `k` in exception chain."
[throwable _ k]
(->> throwable (some* (fn pred [throwable]
(when-let [d (ex-data throwable)]
(when (.entryAt ^Associative d k)
(defn- ex-data-with-val
"Returns first ex-data with entry [k v] in exception chain."
[throwable _ k v]
(->> throwable (some* (let [match? (if (some? v)
(fn equals? [x] (.equals ^Object v x))
(fn pred [throwable]
(when-let [d (ex-data throwable)]
(when-let [e (.entryAt ^Associative d k)]
(when (match? (.getValue e))
(defn- ex-data-val
"Returns value of first ex-data entry with key `k` in exception chain."
([throwable _ k] (ex-data-val throwable _ k nil))
([throwable _ k not-found]
(if-let [e (->> throwable (some* (fn pred [throwable]
(some-> ^Associative (ex-data throwable) (.entryAt k)))))]
(val e)
(defmulti ex-find
"Search for `subject` across exception chain of the throwable."
{:arglists '([throwable subject & params])}
(lang/add-method ex-find :ex-with-class ex-with-class)
(lang/add-method ex-find :ex-data-with-key ex-data-with-key)
(lang/add-method ex-find :ex-data-with-val ex-data-with-val)
(lang/add-method ex-find :ex-data-val ex-data-val)
(test/deftest ex-find-test
(let [ma {:a 1 :type :a} mb {:b 2 :type :b :nil nil} mc {:c 3 :type :c}
e (ex-info "A" ma (ex-info "B" mb (ex-info "C" mc)))
not-found (Object.)]
(test/are [form] form
(false? (some? (ex-find e :ex-with-class Exception)))
(true?, (some? (ex-find e :ex-with-class ExceptionInfo)))
(= ma (ex-find e :ex-data-with-key :a))
(= mc (ex-find e :ex-data-with-key :c))
(= mb (ex-find e :ex-data-with-key :nil))
(nil? (ex-find e :ex-data-with-key :x))
(= mb (ex-find e :ex-data-with-val :b 2))
(nil? (ex-find e :ex-data-with-val :b 1))
(= mb (ex-find e :ex-data-with-val :nil nil))
(= ma (ex-find e :ex-data-with-val :type :a))
(= mc (ex-find e :ex-data-with-val :type :c))
(nil? (ex-find e :ex-data-with-val :type :x))
(= 1,,,,,,,,,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :a))
(= 2,,,,,,,,,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :b))
(= 3,,,,,,,,,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :c))
(= :a,,,,,,,,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :type))
(nil?,,,,,,,,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :nil))
(nil?,,,,,,,,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :nil not-found))
(nil?,,,,,,,,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :x))
(= not-found,,, (ex-find e :ex-data-val :x not-found)))))
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