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Created December 2, 2019 09:08
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workload generator
import * as moment from 'moment';
import * as ms from 'ms';
function alignToInterval(time: moment.Moment, interval: string): moment.Moment {
const intervalMS = ms(interval);
const slot = Math.floor((time.unix() * 1000) / intervalMS) * intervalMS;
return moment.utc(slot);
function getRelativeBeginEnd(instantiationInterval, executionInterval, distributionTimespan, now = moment()): [number, number] {
// "rounds" the time to the slot, e.g. with a slot of 5m the time 00:06:13 becomes 00:05:00
const currentInstantiationSlot = alignToInterval(now, instantiationInterval);
const currentExecutionSlot = alignToInterval(now, executionInterval);
const distributionSlot = alignToInterval(now, distributionTimespan);
// figure out if the function should actually be instantiated by checking if the current instantiationInterval aligns with the executionInterval
if (!currentInstantiationSlot.isSame(currentExecutionSlot)) {
return null;
const lengthExecutionSlot = ms(executionInterval);
const lengthDistributionTimespan = ms(distributionTimespan);
// since we now know the current execution slot and its length, we can calculate the relative distribution, relating to the overall distribution
// example: task X should be executed every 15 minutes, generating work items for all users so that every user is handled equally over a period of 1 hour
// for task X then 4 executions happen every hour, with the according distribution
// for the hour of 0 o'clock this would look like this:
// 00:00:00, relativeBegin: 0, relativeEnd: 0.25
// 00:15:00, relativeBegin: 0.25, relativeEnd: 0.5
// 00:30:00, relativeBegin: 0.5, relativeEnd: 0.75
// 00:45:00, relativeBegin: 0.75, relativeEnd: 1
const diffSinceDistributionSlotBegin = currentExecutionSlot.diff(distributionSlot, 'ms');
const relativeBegin = diffSinceDistributionSlotBegin / lengthDistributionTimespan;
const relativeEnd = relativeBegin + (lengthExecutionSlot / lengthDistributionTimespan);
return [relativeBegin, relativeEnd];
// the workload generator is triggered every 5minutes
const instantiationInterval = '5m';
// the current task should be executed every 15minutes
const executionInterval = '15m';
// the workload for all users should be spread out over a time range of one day
const distributionTimespan = '1d';
const result = getRelativeBeginEnd(instantiationInterval, executionInterval, distributionTimespan, moment('2019-12-02T00:31:05'));
if (result) {
const [relativeBegin, relativeEnd] = result;
// now querying for all users that fall into that slot:
const query = `SELECT * FROM users WHERE distributionIdentifier >= ${relativeBegin} AND distributionIdentifier < ${relativeEnd}`;
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