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Last active April 2, 2021 15:27
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Save seripap/42248e793001e893f6633f2a0a1f66cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Slack Bot Autolinker

This is a Slack bot that automatically links to issues. Sort of how like the Github autolinks work, except for Slack.

For example, you type Check out SE-12, the bot will then link to{team}/se-12

const { App, ExpressReceiver } = require('@slack/bolt');
const serverlessExpress = require('@vendia/serverless-express');
// Define team prefixes here
const TEAM_PREFIXES = ['SE'];
// Define linear team
const LINEAR_TEAM = `fsf`;
// ----- That's pretty much it...
const LINEAR_LINK = `${LINEAR_TEAM}/issue`
const expressReceiver = new ExpressReceiver({
signingSecret: process.env.SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET,
processBeforeResponse: true
const app = new App({
token: process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN,
receiver: expressReceiver
const regexp = buildRegex();
app.message(regexp, sendLink);
async function sendLink({ message, context, say }) {
const issue = context.matches[0];
// @todo- validate that the issue is valid based on team provided.
// for example, if team is 'se' and an issue that was found in context was se- (no number),
// it should error. should always check against length of the actual team prefix as well.
const text = `${LINEAR_LINK}/${issue}`
let thread_ts = message.ts
if (message.thread_ts) {
thread_ts = message.thread_ts
await say({text, thread_ts});
function buildRegex() {
// match prefixes with upper and lowercase values
const matches = => s.toUpperCase()).join('|') + "|" + => s.toLowerCase()).join('|')
// We only care about the first match, no need for a global identifier
const r = `(${matches})-(.*?)[0-9]*`
return new RegExp(r)
module.exports.handler = serverlessExpress({
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