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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Nike+ to RunKeeper Importer
* GPX to Runkeeper mass data importer
* @author Daniel Seripap <>
* @copyright Daniel Seripap (c) 2014
* @version 1.0
* @license MIT
* This uses the HealthGraph API wrapper to import GPX data to Runkeeper.
* The GPX format for this has been tailored for
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use HealthGraph\Authorization;
use HealthGraph\HealthGraphClient;
* [$client_id Runkeeper client ID]
* @var string
* [$client_secret Runkeeper client secret]
* @var string
* [$redirect_url app location]
* @var string
$client_id = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
$client_secret = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET';
$redirect_url = 'http://localhost/runkeeper_mass_import';
* [$button Runkeeper connect button]
* @var [type]
$button = Authorization::getAuthorizationButton($client_id, $redirect_url);
// Spit connect button to the page
echo $button['html'];
// the healthgraph api returns ?code=xxxx on success...I havent confirmed this but it should be on success
if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) {
$token = Authorization::authorize($_GET['code'], $client_id, $client_secret, $redirect_url);
$hgc = HealthGraphClient::factory();
'access_token' => $token['access_token'],
'token_type' => $token['token_type'],
// Scan all files in the data folder excluding .DS_Store
// TODO: Check if valid GPX file. There is no error handling for that yet
$dir = getcwd() . '/data/';
$files = scandir($dir);
$files = array_diff($files, array('.', '..', '.DS_Store'));
$gpxCount = 0;
$gpxData = array();
foreach($files as $file) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file($dir.$file);
$track = array();
$count = 0;
// Dump track data to an array
foreach ($xml->trk->trkseg->trkpt as $trackInfo) {
$track[$count] = array(
"latitude" => floatval($trackInfo->attributes()->lat),
"longitude" => floatval($trackInfo->attributes()->lon),
"altitude" => floatval($trackInfo->ele),
"timestamp" => strtotime((string)$trackInfo->time),
"type" => $count === 0 ? "start" : "gps",
// Set the last track to end, minus 1 to the $count as well
$track[--$count]['type'] = "end";
// Grab start
$startTime = $track[0]['timestamp'];
$startTimeFormatted = date('D, j M Y H:i:s', $startTime);
// Recalculate timestamp to seconds
foreach ($track as $key => $value) {
$track[$key]['timestamp'] = floatval($track[$key]['timestamp'] - $startTime);
// Get entire duration; Runkeeper is expecting this data in meters so we have to do some math
$duration = $track[$count]['timestamp'];
// There's probably a better way to do this....let me know if so :)
$theta = floatval($xml->metadata->bounds->attributes()->minlon) - floatval($xml->metadata->bounds->attributes()->maxlon);
$dist = sin(deg2rad(floatval($xml->metadata->bounds->attributes()->minlat))) * sin(deg2rad(floatval($xml->metadata->bounds->attributes()->maxlat))) + cos(deg2rad(floatval($xml->metadata->bounds->attributes()->minlat))) * cos(deg2rad(floatval($xml->metadata->bounds->attributes()->maxlat))) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
$dist = acos($dist);
$dist = rad2deg($dist);
$miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
// Convert all that to meters
$total_distance = $miles * 1609.3;
$gpxData[$gpxCount] = array(
"start_time" => $startTimeFormatted,
"duration" => $duration,
"total_distance" => $total_distance,
"path" => $track,
// Each activity, send to Runkeeper
foreach ($gpxData as $singledGpx) {
$data = array(
"type" => "Running",
"start_time" => $singledGpx['start_time'],
"duration" => $singledGpx['duration'],
"total_distance" => $singledGpx['total_distance'],
"path" => $singledGpx['path'],
"notes" => "Imported via Seripap's GPX Mass Import Tool",
"post_to_facebook" => false,
"post_to_twitter" => false
$command = $hgc->getCommand('NewFitnessActivity', $data);
$result = $command->execute();
echo $result . "<BR>";
} else {
// Something went wrong with RK auth
echo "There was an error :(";
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