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Created December 18, 2021 09:21
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Day 18 Try 2
import copy
import functools
import typing as tp
Value = tp.Union[int, tp.List]
Pair = tp.List[Value]
def loader(lines: tp.Iterable[str]):
for line in lines:
if not line:
yield line
def parse(line: str) -> Pair:
val, _pos = parse_rec(line, 0)
return val
def parse_rec(line: str, pos: int) -> tp.Tuple[Pair, int]:
assert line[pos] == "["
pos += 1
left_val, pos = parse_val(line, pos)
assert line[pos] == ","
pos += 1
right_val, pos = parse_val(line, pos)
assert line[pos] == "]"
pos += 1
return [left_val, right_val], pos
def parse_val(line, pos) -> tp.Tuple[Value, int]:
if line[pos] == "[":
val, pos = parse_rec(line, pos)
val = str()
while line[pos].isdigit():
val += line[pos]
pos += 1
val = [int(val)]
return val, pos
def explode(p: Pair) -> bool:
return explode_rec(p, 0, [], [])
def descend(val: Value, index: int):
while len(val) == 2:
val = val[index]
return val
def explode_rec(
val: Value, level: int, left: tp.Optional[Value], right: tp.Optional[Value]
if len(val) == 1:
return False
if level >= 4:
if left:
left[0] += val[0][0]
if right:
right[0] += val[1][0]
val[:] = [0]
return True
return (
explode_rec(val[0], level + 1, left, descend(val[1], 0))
explode_rec(val[1], level + 1, descend(val[0], 1), right)
def split(val: Value):
if len(val) == 1:
return False
return split_val(val, 0) or split_val(val, 1)
def split_val(val: Value, index: int):
saved = val[index][0]
if len(val[index]) == 1:
if saved > 9:
half = saved // 2
val[index] = [[half], [saved - half]]
return True
return False
return split(val[index])
def simplify(val):
cond = True
while cond:
cond = False
if explode(val):
cond = True
if split(val):
cond = True
return val
def add(a: Pair, b: Pair) -> Pair:
a, b = copy.deepcopy(a), copy.deepcopy(b)
return simplify([a, b])
def magnitude(val: Value):
if len(val) == 1:
return val[0]
return 3 * magnitude(val[0]) + 2 * magnitude(val[1])
def task_1(lines: tp.Iterable[str]) -> int:
snailfish_numbers = [parse(line) for line in loader(lines)]
result = functools.reduce(add, snailfish_numbers)
m = magnitude(result)
return m
def task_2(lines: tp.Iterable[str]) -> int:
snailfish_numbers = [parse(line) for line in loader(lines)]
max_magnitude = 0
for x in range(len(snailfish_numbers)):
for y in range(len(snailfish_numbers)):
if x == y:
result = add(snailfish_numbers[x], snailfish_numbers[y])
m = magnitude(result)
max_magnitude = max(max_magnitude, m)
return max_magnitude
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