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Created October 14, 2018 11:47
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class CockpitHelper {
public static $_COCKPIT_RESTAPI_TOKEN = null;
public static $_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL = null;
public static $_COCKPIT_ADMIN_RESTAPI_TOKEN = null;
public static $_ASC = 1;
public static $_DESC = -1;
* @param String $collectionName
* @param Array $filter example : ['published' => 1, 'foo' => 'bar']
* @param int $limit
* @param int|String $order possible values CockpitHelper::$_ASC/$_DESC | 1/-1 | "ASC"/"DESC" ("asc"/"desc")
* @return Array the results
public static function getCollectionEntries($collectionName='News', $filter=[], $limit = 0, $order_by = '_o', $order = null) {
if(strtolower(gettype($order))==='string') // allow passing "ASC" and "DESC" (or "asc"/"desc")
$order = ['asc' => self::$_ASC, 'desc' => self::$_DESC][strtolower($order)]; // CURRENTLY UNTESTED
$order = self::$_ASC; // default when nothing is passed or if a unrecognized string is passed as order param
if(is_null($filter)) $filter = [];
$filter_processed = '';
foreach($filter as $key => $val) $filter_processed .= "&filter[$key]=$val";
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(self::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/api/collections/get/'.$collectionName.'?token=' . self::$_COCKPIT_RESTAPI_TOKEN . '&sort[' . $order_by . ']=' . $order . $filter_processed . '&limit='.$limit), true)['entries'];
// rewrite links to pdfs or other assets that have been written to the content of an entry to match the correct URL (so for example if the user fills out a textarea with free text ans uses the asset browser to link an pdf -> this array walk will make a useable URL of the links within the user defined content)
$data = self::_fixRelativeUrls($data); // TODO/NOTE: THIS IS UNTESTED YET!!
return $limit===1 ? $data[0] : $data;
* @param String $singletonName
* @return Array the results
public static function getSingleton($singletonName='SINGLETONNAME') {
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(self::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/api/singletons/get/'.$singletonName.'?token=' . self::$_COCKPIT_RESTAPI_TOKEN), true);
$data = self::_fixRelativeUrls($data); // ... untested
return $data;
* image path helper - this method returns a URL that can be used within an html image tag in order to load images in front end that have been uploaded into cockpit
* $use_proxy => if true this function prepend /IMG/ in front of the complete URI which will cause the cockpit helper image proxy route to kick in.
* (note that this image proxy route needs to be injected into the cockpit instance by doing >CockpitHelper::injectImageProxyRoute($app)< within
* the index.php in order to make it capture requests to /IMG/* ).
* With $use_proxy : false => this method just returns the complete path to the image according the backend url.
* See "function injectImageProxyRoute" within the "CockpitHelper" (this) class...
public static function getFullAssetPath($path, $use_proxy = false) {
return sprintf('%s%s/storage/uploads/%s', ($use_proxy ? '/IMG/' : '') , self::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL, $path);
* check validity of the given credentials
public static function checkAuth($user, $pass){
$url = self::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/auth/check';
$fields = [
'auth' => [
'user' => $user,
'password' => $pass,
$data_string = json_encode($fields);
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))
return json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
* insert OR update a collection entry
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param Array $data the date fields that shall be set to the collection
* @param string|null $id ONLY IF A ENTRY SHALL BE UPDATED: the ID of the collection entry that shall be updated. Null if you want to create a new entry
* @param string|null $apiKey the apikey for this request or null if the helper apikey shall be used (of course therefor it must be configurated)
* @return Array the result
public static function saveEntry($collection, $data = [], $id = null, $apiKey=null) {
$url = self::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/api/collections/save/' . $collection . '?token=' . ( $apiKey ? $apiKey : self::$_COCKPIT_RESTAPI_TOKEN );
if($id) $data['_id'] = $id;
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode([
'data' => $data
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
return curl_exec($ch);
* get a list of collection the user associated to the configured api key has access to
public static function getCollections($api_key=null) {
$api_key = self::$_COCKPIT_RESTAPI_TOKEN;
return json_decode(file_get_contents(self::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/api/collections/listCollections?token=' . $api_key), true);
* TODO ... just quickly copied this over here after used directly within a php file - untested
* Get user data determined by some filter option that can be passed (because for example collection entries don't contain the user, but only a ID; this method can
* be used to get the user info using the ID that comes along with collection entries)
* NOTE: this needs a admin token in order to get the information from cockpit (because this is internal data). Dont use this in JS because it would expose the admin api token
* param (filter):
* ['_id' => 123]
* oder
* ['_mby' => 456]
public static function getUserInfo(array $filter) {
return json_decode(file_get_contents(self::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/api/cockpit/listUsers?token=' . self::$_COCKPIT_ADMIN_RESTAPI_TOKEN), true);
* rewrite links to pdfs or other assets that have been written to the content of an entry to match the correct URL (so for example if the user fills out a textarea with free text ans uses the asset browser to link an pdf -> this array walk will make a useable URL of the links within the user defined content)
public static function _fixRelativeUrls(array $data) {
array_walk_recursive($data, function(&$item) {
if (strpos($item, '/storage/uploads/') !== false) {
$item = str_replace('/storage/uploads/', CockpitHelper::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/storage/uploads/', $item);
return $data;
* Cockpit Image Proxy Method
* Purpose:
* use php to fetch / proxy / tunnel the image at the given URI behind /IMG/ and just output it.
* Reason: On this way we can bypass CORS / foreign origin&host errors.
* Implement this method within the file that binds routes to the lime instance.
* It can be done like this:
* >
* CockpitHelper::injectImageProxyRoute($app); // where $app is the concrete lime instance
* <
* This will make the image proxy available though requests to /IMG/
* TODO add more image types (like for example PNGs)
public static function injectImageProxyRouteTo(Lime $lime) {
$lime->bind('/IMG/*', function($param) {
$img_file = $param[':splat'][0];
if(substr($img_file, 0, strlen(CockpitHelper::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL)) !== CockpitHelper::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL) die(); // make sure only images from the defined cockpit installation will be processed
$this->response->mime = 'jpg';
$url = isset($img_file) ? $img_file : null;
if (!$url) die();
$imgInfo = getimagesize($url);
if (stripos($imgInfo['mime'], 'image/jpeg') === false) die();
return readfile($url);
* Allows to get cockpit data as json using the routes defined here
* TODO secure this
* @param Lime lime instance
public static function injectApiRouteTo(LimeStorms $lime) {
// get collection entries
$lime->bind('/cockpit/collections/get/:collectionName', function($param) {
$this->response->mime = 'json';
return CockpitHelper::getCollectionEntries($param['collectionName']);
// get singleton data
$lime->bind('/cockpit/singletons/get/:singletonName', function($param) {
$this->response->mime = 'json';
return CockpitHelper::getSingleton($param['singletonName']);
// ... more to come
* Make cockpit generate a thumbnail and return its URL
* TODO params missing; add them:
* not that this cockpit request will take some time for cockpit will do all the thumbnail stuff. When creating a gallery using this the page may load round about 8-10 seconds when having ~ 20 pictures
public static function getThumbnail($assetId_Or_imagePath, $w=null, $h=null) {
return file_get_contents(CockpitHelper::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL . '/api/cockpit/image?'. http_build_query([
'src' => $assetId_Or_imagePath,
'w' => $w,
'h' => $h,
// ----
'token' => self::$_COCKPIT_RESTAPI_TOKEN
* make the cockpit images result being reduced to a very flat array without many other information
* this array can directly be used for example to iterate for slider images..
public static function flattenImgsStructure(array $imgs) {
array_walk($imgs, function(&$val) {
$val = str_replace(CockpitHelper::$_COCKPIT_BACKEND_URL, '', $val['path']);
return $imgs;
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