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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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HandleBars Helper
Serkan Berksoy May 2015
Create a list of tagnames that consist handlebars mustache template
CompileTemplates method gathers all templates and compiles them. Also stores them for rebind
Also it hides them before first binding so there is no flicker and tags being shown on screen
example usage:
cities : getCitiesModel(
{city : "İstanbul", data : istanbulResponse[0]},
{city : "Ankara", data : ankaraResponse[0]},
{city : "İzmir", data : izmirResponse[0]}
var handleBarsHelper =
tagNames : ["tagName1", "tagName2"
elements : {},
templates : {},
render : function(id, Model)
var tag = $("#" + id);
renderWithTemplate : function(id, Model, template)
$("#" + id).html(Handlebars.compile(template)(Model));
compileTemplates : function()
for(var i = 0; i < handleBarsHelper.tagNames.length; i++)
handleBarsHelper.elements[handleBarsHelper.tagNames[i]] = $("#" + handleBarsHelper.tagNames[i]);
handleBarsHelper.templates[handleBarsHelper.tagNames[i]] = Handlebars.compile(handleBarsHelper.elements[handleBarsHelper.tagNames[i]].html());
// More helpers.
Handlebars.registerHelper("everyOther", function (index, amount, scope) {
if ( ++index % amount )
return scope.inverse(this);
return scope.fn(this);
Handlebars.registerHelper("isNull", function(conditional, options) {
if(conditional == null) {
return options.fn(this);
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Also you can get tags' elements without requerying everytime with JQuery and reuse templates same way.

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Requires Handlebars.js and JQuery

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