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Created November 26, 2014 09:16
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package seronis.reddit.prompts;
import seronis.reddit.Main;
import seronis.reddit.util.DieNumeric;
* Created by seronis on 11/26/14.
public class Dice111 extends Main {
boolean finished;
private int numPlayers;
private int[] scores;
private int highScore;
private int forfeits;
private int winners;
private int curRound;
private DieNumeric roller;
public Dice111() {
roller = new DieNumeric(6);
private void init() {
finished = false;
numPlayers = 0;
curRound = 0;
public void run(String[] args) {
while(!finished) {
private void playGame() {
println("Welcome to Eleventy-One !!!");
while(numPlayers == 0) {
print("How many numPlayers will be playing? (2-6 or 0 to quit) ");
if( cin.hasNext() ) {
if( cin.hasNextInt() ) {
numPlayers = cin.nextInt();
if( numPlayers >= 2 && numPlayers <= 6 ) {
String purgeNewline = cin.nextLine();
if( numPlayers == 0 ) {
finished = true;
} else {
String ignore =;
if( ignore.startsWith("Q") || ignore.startsWith("q") ) {
finished = true;
numPlayers = 0;
println("You must enter a number between 2 and 6.");
scores = new int[numPlayers];
while( !checkGameOver() )
private void playRound() {
println("Beginning round " + ++curRound );
for( int player=0; player < scores.length; ++player ) {
if( scores[player] == -1 ) {
println("Skipping player " + (player+1) + "'s turn");
if( highScore >= 111 && scores[player] != highScore ) {
println("Skipping player " + (player+1) + "'s turn");
println("\nNow player " + (player+1) + "'s turn. Current score is " + scores[player]);
int tempScore = 0;
while( tempScore >= 0 ) {
println("\nYou have earned " + tempScore + " points this turn. Choose an option.");
if( tempScore > 0 )
print(" 1: roll 2: pass 9: quit \n\nYour choice? ");
print(" 1: roll 9: quit \n\nYour choice? ");
String input = cin.nextLine();
if( input.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("roll") ) {
int roll = roller.Roll();
if( roll == 1 ) {
println("You rolled a 1 ending your turn.");
tempScore = -1;
} else {
tempScore += roll;
println("You rolled a " + roll);
if( tempScore > 0 )
if( input.equalsIgnoreCase("2") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("pass") ) {
scores[player] += tempScore;
tempScore = -1;
println("Your new total score is " + scores[player] + "\n");
if( input.equalsIgnoreCase("9") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("quit") ) {
scores[player] = -1;
tempScore = -1;
println("You have forfeited the game.");
println("*" + input.isEmpty() + "*");
private boolean checkGameOver() {
winners = 0;
forfeits = 0;
highScore = 0;
for( int score: scores ) {
if( score == -1 ) {
if( score > highScore ) {
highScore = score;
winners = 1;
if( score == highScore ) {
if( forfeits == scores.length ) {
println("No players remaining. Game over.");
finished = true;
return true;
if( highScore >= 111 ) {
if( winners > 1 ) {
println("Sudden Death mode !!!");
return false;
} else {
println("We have a winner !!\n");
return true;
return false;
private void showScores() {
for(int player=0; player<scores.length; ++player) {
println("Player " + player + ": " + scores[player]);
} println("");
private void showRules() {
println( "\n" +
"The point of Elvenenty-One is to be the first player to get a score of 111 or more. You roll\n" +
"one die at a time. If you roll 2 or more the value of the die is added to your score for the\n" +
"round. If you roll a 1 you forfeit all points you've earned this round and your turn ends.\n" +
"You can stop rolling at any time and your points earned this round is added to your total \n" +
"score and the turn passes to the next player. If a player gets a score of 111 or more the \n" +
"players who have not yet rolled this round still get a chance to get a higher score. "
package seronis.reddit.util;
import java.util.Random;
* Created by seronis on 11/26/14.
public abstract class Die {
protected int value;
protected int sides;
protected boolean froze;
protected Random rand = new Random();
protected Die(int _sides) {
this.froze = false;
this.sides = _sides;
this.value = 0;
public int Roll() {
if( !froze ) {
value = rand.nextInt(sides);
return GetValue();
public abstract int GetValue();
public abstract String Display();
public void Lock() {
froze = true;
public void Unlock() {
froze = false;
public boolean isLocked() {
return froze;
package seronis.reddit.util;
* Created by seronis on 11/26/14.
public class DieNumeric extends Die {
public DieNumeric(int _sides) {
public int GetValue() {
return value+1;
public String Display() {
return "" + GetValue();
package seronis.reddit;
import seronis.reddit.prompts.Dice111;
import java.util.Scanner;
public abstract class Main {
protected Scanner cin;
protected Main() {
cin = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main theApp = new Dice111();;
public abstract void run(String[] args);
public static void print(String msg) {
public static void println(String msg) {
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