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Last active June 9, 2018 23:22
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Code for LambdaConf 2018 Unconference talk about generics
module Idea where
data Person = Person String (Maybe Gender)
data Gender = Male | Female | Other String
Person is like String :*: Maybe Gender
Gender is like NoFields :+: NoFields :+: String
data Pet = Dog String
| Cat Color String
| Fish
String :+: (Color :*: String) :+: NoFields
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
module OurOwnGenerics where
data Color
data U1 a = U1
data NoFields a = NoFields
data K1 r t a = K1 t
data Field t a = Field t
data (c :+: d) a = OneOnTheLeft (c a)
| OneOnTheRight (d a)
data (f :*: g) a = Both (f a) (g a)
data Metadata m c a = Metadata (c a)
data Pet = Dog String
| Cat Color String
| Fish
type RepresentationOfPet = Field String :+: ((Field Color :*: Field String) :+: NoFields)
petToRepr :: Pet -> RepresentationOfPet a
petToRepr (Dog n) = OneOnTheLeft (Field n)
petToRepr Fish = OneOnTheRight (OneOnTheRight NoFields)
petToRepr (Cat c n) = OneOnTheRight (OneOnTheLeft (Both (Field c) (Field n)))
class Generic t where
type Repr t :: * -> *
to :: t -> Repr t a
from :: Repr t a -> t
instance Generic Pet where
type Repr Pet = RepresentationOfPet
to = petToRepr
from = error "Exercise to the reader"
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language PolyKinds #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
module SOP where
import GHC.Exts
data Pet = Dog String
| Cat Color String
| Fish
data Color = RGB Int Int Int
type CodeOfPet = '[ '[ String ], '[ Color, String ], '[] ]
-- which is the kind of ReprOfPet??
class Generic t where
type Code t :: [[*]]
from :: t -> Repr (Code t)
to :: Repr (Code t) -> t
data Repr (dt :: [[*]]) :: * where
Here :: Fields c -> Repr (c ': cs)
There :: Repr cs -> Repr (c ': cs)
data Nat = Z | S Nat
type family Lookup (n :: Nat) (xs :: [k]) :: k where
Lookup Z (x ': xs) = x
Lookup (S n) (x ': xs) = Lookup n xs
data SNat (n :: Nat) where
SZ :: SNat Z
SS :: SNat n -> SNat (S n)
data Repr2 (dt :: [[*]]) :: * where
Ix :: SNat n -> Fields (Lookup n xs) -> Repr2 xs
data Fields (const :: [*]) :: * where
Done :: Fields '[]
(:*) :: t -> Fields ts -> Fields (t ': ts)
type family All2 c (xs :: [[*]]) :: Constraint where
All2 c '[] = ()
All2 c (x ': xs) = (All1 c x, All2 c xs)
type family All1 c (xs :: [*]) :: Constraint where
All1 c '[] = ()
All1 c (x ': xs) = (c x, All1 c xs)
geq :: All2 Eq c => Repr c -> Repr c -> Bool
geq (Here x) (Here y) = geq' x y
geq' :: All1 Eq t => Fields t -> Fields t -> Bool
geq' Done Done = True
geq' (x :* y) (x' :* y') = x == x' && geq' y y'
geq (There x) (There y) = geq x y
geq _ _ = False
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language DeriveAnyClass #-}
module UsingGHCGenerics where
import GHC.Generics
data Pet = Dog String
| Cat Color String
| Fish
deriving (Generic, Equality)
data Color = RGB Int Int Int
deriving (Generic, Equality)
class GEquality r where
equals :: r a -> r a -> Bool
instance GEquality U1 where
equals U1 U1 = True
instance Equality t => GEquality (K1 r t) where
equals (K1 x) (K1 y) = x === y
instance (GEquality f, GEquality g) => GEquality (f :*: g) where
equals (x :*: x') (y :*: y')
= equals x y && equals x' y'
instance (GEquality f, GEquality g) => GEquality (f :+: g) where
equals (L1 x) (L1 y) = equals x y
equals (R1 x) (R1 y) = equals x y
equals _ _ = False
instance (GEquality f) => GEquality (M1 m n f) where
equals (M1 x) (M1 y) = equals x y
class Equality t where
(===) :: t -> t -> Bool
(/==) :: t -> t -> Bool
x /== y = not (x === y)
default (===) :: (GEquality (Rep t), Generic t) => t -> t -> Bool
x === y = equals (from x) (from y)
instance Eq a => Equality [a] where
(===) = (==)
instance Equality Int where
(===) = (==)
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