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Last active August 31, 2020 17:55
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# (c)2020 Henrique Moreira -- fast Excel read-out
""" script allows you to learn Excel openpyxl usage """
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension, invalid-name
### Notes:
### unnecessary-comprehension, see:
import sys
from openpyxl import load_workbook
_SEP_CELL = "; "
_DEBUG = 0
def main():
""" Main script """
code = reader(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.argv[1:])
if code is None:
print(""" Excel-file [sheet [...]]
fastexcel script allows you to quickly learn how to use openpyxl.
code = 0
def reader(out, err, args):
""" Reader function """
debug = _DEBUG
if not args:
return None
param = args
path = param[0]
del param[0]
if param:
sheets = param
sheets = []
active = sheets == []
suite = xcel_reader(path, sheets, active)
if suite is None:
err.write("Uops, cannot read: {}\n".format(suite))
dump_xcel(out, suite, debug)
return 0
def xcel_reader(path, sheets=None, active=True):
""" Excel reader function """
assert isinstance(path, str)
suite = {"path": path}
wb = load_workbook(path)
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
if wb:
sheet_names = wb.sheetnames
ws_active =
if active:
ws_sel = [ws_active,]
ws_sel = [wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheets[0])]
suite["wb"] = wb
suite["req-sheets"] = sheets
suite["sheet-names"] = sheet_names
suite["active"] = ws_active
suite["ws-sel"] = ws_sel
return suite
def dump_xcel(out, suite, debug=0):
""" Dump one Excel sheet """
#sheets = suite["req-sheets"]
sheet = suite["ws-sel"][0]
cont, info = dump_one(sheet, out, debug)
(title, _), (max_col, max_row), _ = info
if debug > 0:
print("Debug: '{}': cols={}, rows={}, {}"
"".format(title, max_col, max_row, cont if cont else "(empty)"))
return 0
def dump_one(sheet, out=None, debug=0):
""" Dump sheet content to stdout (or another text stream) """
output = out if out is not None else sys.stdout
ws = sheet
rows = [row for row in ws.rows]
info = ((ws.title, ws.path), (ws.max_column, ws.max_row), ws.sheet_properties,
if not rows:
return tuple(), info
idx = 0
for row in rows:
idx += 1
s = "{}#\t".format(idx)
w = ""
for cell in row:
if w:
w += _SEP_CELL
if debug > 0:
val = "({}.{}='{}')".format(cell.coordinate, shown_cell_type(cell), cell_repr(cell))
val = cell_repr(cell)
w += val
if output:
output.write("{}{}\n".format(s, w))
return (ws.max_row,), info
def cell_repr(cell, when_null="---"):
""" Cell representation """
assert isinstance(when_null, str)
if cell.value is None:
s = when_null
elif cell.data_type == "n":
num_fmt = cell.number_format
spl = num_fmt.split(".")
if len(spl) > 1:
zeros = spl[-1].count("0")
zeros = 0
fmt = "{:0."+str(zeros)+"f}"
s = fmt.format(cell.value)
s = "{}".format(cell.value)
return s
def shown_cell_type(cell):
""" Return a single letter for the cell data_type.
's' means string.
# [openpyxl.cell package](
# openpyxl.cell.cell.VALID_TYPES = ('s', 'f', 'n', 'b', 'n', 'inlineStr', 'e', 'str')
# openpyxl.cell.cell.TYPE_BOOL = 'b'
# openpyxl.cell.cell.TYPE_STRING = 's'
# ...TYPE_NULL = 'n' ? (TYPE_NUMERIC too!)
# ...TYPE_FORMULA = 'f'
s = cell.data_type
if cell.is_date:
letter = "D"
letter = "c" if s == "str" else s[0]
return letter
# Main script
if __name__ == '__main__':
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