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Created December 15, 2017 07:19
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# -------------
# User Instructions
# Here you will be implementing a cyclic smoothing
# algorithm. This algorithm should not fix the end
# points (as you did in the unit quizzes). You
# should use the gradient descent equations that
# you used previously.
# Your function should return the newpath that it
# calculates.
# Feel free to use the provided solution_check function
# to test your code. You can find it at the bottom.
# --------------
# Testing Instructions
# To test your code, call the solution_check function with
# two arguments. The first argument should be the result of your
# smooth function. The second should be the corresponding answer.
# For example, calling
# solution_check(smooth(testpath1), answer1)
# should return True if your answer is correct and False if
# it is not.
from math import *
from copy import deepcopy
# Do not modify path inside your function.
path=[[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[2, 0],
[3, 0],
[4, 0],
[5, 0],
[6, 0],
[6, 1],
[6, 2],
[6, 3],
[5, 3],
[4, 3],
[3, 3],
[2, 3],
[1, 3],
[0, 3],
[0, 2],
[0, 1]]
############# ONLY ENTER CODE BELOW THIS LINE ##########
def diff(path, newpath):
error = 0
for i in range(len(path)):
px,py = path[i]
npx, npy = newpath[i]
error += (px-npx)**2 + (py-npy)**2
return sqrt(error)
# ------------------------------------------------
# smooth coordinates
# If your code is timing out, make the tolerance parameter
# larger to decrease run time.
def smooth(path, weight_data = 0.1, weight_smooth = 0.1, tolerance = 0.00001):
# Enter code here
newpath = deepcopy(path)
last_path = deepcopy(path)
done = False
while not done:
for i in range(len(path)):
px, py = path[i]
npx, npy = newpath[i]
nprx, npry = newpath[(i+1)%len(path)]
nplx, nply = newpath[(i-1)%len(path)]
newpath[i][0] += weight_data * (px-npx) + weight_smooth*(nprx+nplx-2*npx)
newpath[i][1] += weight_data * (py-npy) + weight_smooth*(npry+nply-2*npy)
if diff(newpath, last_path) <= tolerance:
done = True
last_path = deepcopy(newpath)
print newpath
return newpath
# thank you - EnTerr - for posting this on our discussion forum
#newpath = smooth(path)
#for i in range(len(path)):
# print '['+ ', '.join('%.3f'%x for x in path[i]) +'] -> ['+ ', '.join('%.3f'%x for x in newpath[i]) +']'
##### TESTING ######
# --------------------------------------------------
# check if two numbers are 'close enough,'used in
# solution_check function.
def close_enough(user_answer, true_answer, epsilon = 0.001):
if abs(user_answer - true_answer) > epsilon:
return False
return True
# --------------------------------------------------
# check your solution against our reference solution for
# a variety of test cases (given below)
def solution_check(newpath, answer):
if type(newpath) != type(answer):
print "Error. You do not return a list."
return False
if len(newpath) != len(answer):
print 'Error. Your newpath is not the correct length.'
return False
if len(newpath[0]) != len(answer[0]):
print 'Error. Your entries do not contain an (x, y) coordinate pair.'
return False
for i in range(len(newpath)):
for j in range(len(newpath[0])):
if not close_enough(newpath[i][j], answer[i][j]):
print 'Error, at least one of your entries is not correct.'
return False
#print "Test case correct!"
return True
# --------------
# Testing Instructions
# To test your code, call the solution_check function with
# two arguments. The first argument should be the result of your
# smooth function. The second should be the corresponding answer.
# For example, calling
# solution_check(smooth(testpath1), answer1)
# should return True if your answer is correct and False if
# it is not.
testpath1 = [[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[2, 0],
[3, 0],
[4, 0],
[5, 0],
[6, 0],
[6, 1],
[6, 2],
[6, 3],
[5, 3],
[4, 3],
[3, 3],
[2, 3],
[1, 3],
[0, 3],
[0, 2],
[0, 1]]
answer1 = [[0.4705860385182691, 0.4235279620576893],
[1.1764695730296597, 0.16470408411716733],
[2.058823799247812, 0.07058633859438503],
[3.000001503542886, 0.04705708651959327],
[3.9411790099468273, 0.07058689299792453],
[4.8235326678889345, 0.16470511854183797],
[5.529415336860586, 0.4235293374365447],
[5.76470933698621, 1.1058829941330384],
[5.764708805535902, 1.8941189433780983],
[5.5294138118186265, 2.5764724018811056],
[4.823530348360371, 2.835296251305122],
[3.941176199414957, 2.929413985845729],
[2.9999985709076413, 2.952943245204772],
[2.0588211310939526, 2.9294134622132018],
[1.1764675231284938, 2.8352952720424938],
[0.4705848811030855, 2.5764710948028178],
[0.23529088056307781, 1.8941174802285707],
[0.23529138316655338, 1.1058815684272394]]
testpath2 = [[1, 0], # Move in the shape of a plus sign
[2, 0],
[2, 1],
[3, 1],
[3, 2],
[2, 2],
[2, 3],
[1, 3],
[1, 2],
[0, 2],
[0, 1],
[1, 1]]
answer2 = [[1.2222234770374059, 0.4444422843711052],
[1.7777807251383388, 0.4444432993123497],
[2.111114925633848, 0.8888894279539462],
[2.5555592020540376, 1.2222246475393077],
[2.5555580686154244, 1.7777817817879298],
[2.111111849558437, 2.1111159707965514],
[1.7777765871460525, 2.55556033483712],
[1.2222194640861452, 2.5555593592828543],
[0.8888853322565222, 2.111113321684573],
[0.44444105139827167, 1.777778212019149],
[0.44444210978390364, 1.2222211690821811],
[0.8888882042812255, 0.8888870211766268]]
solution_check(smooth(testpath1), answer1)
solution_check(smooth(testpath2), answer2)
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