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Created December 6, 2017 10:13
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# ----------
# User Instructions:
# Write a function optimum_policy that returns
# a grid which shows the optimum policy for robot
# motion. This means there should be an optimum
# direction associated with each navigable cell from
# which the goal can be reached.
# Unnavigable cells as well as cells from which
# the goal cannot be reached should have a string
# containing a single space (' '), as shown in the
# previous video. The goal cell should have '*'.
# ----------
grid = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]
init = [0, 0]
goal = [len(grid)-1, len(grid[0])-1]
cost = 1 # the cost associated with moving from a cell to an adjacent one
delta = [[-1, 0 ], # go up
[ 0, -1], # go left
[ 1, 0 ], # go down
[ 0, 1 ]] # go right
delta_name = ['^', '<', 'v', '>']
def optimum_policy(grid,goal,cost):
# ----------------------------------------
# modify code below
# ----------------------------------------
value = [[99 for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]
policy = [[' ' for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]
change = True
while change:
change = False
for x in range(len(grid)):
for y in range(len(grid[0])):
if goal[0] == x and goal[1] == y:
# setting the goal
if value[x][y] > 0:
value[x][y] = 0
policy[x][y] = '*'
change = True
# visitable
elif grid[x][y] == 0:
for a in range(len(delta)):
# for each grid, get next move
x2 = x + delta[a][0]
y2 = y + delta[a][1]
# within the range and reachable
if x2 >= 0 and x2 < len(grid) and y2 >= 0 and y2 < len(grid[0]) and grid[x2][y2] == 0:
v2 = value[x2][y2] + cost
# found better approach
if v2 < value[x][y]:
change = True
value[x][y] = v2
policy[x][y] = delta_name[a]
return policy
for row in optimum_policy(grid,goal,cost):
print row
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