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# -----------
# User Instructions
# Implement a P controller by running 100 iterations
# of robot motion. The steering angle should be set
# by the parameter tau so that:
# steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE - tau_i * int_CTE
# where the integrated crosstrack error (int_CTE) is
# -----------
# User Instructions
# Implement a PD controller by running 100 iterations
# of robot motion. The steering angle should be set
# by the parameter tau so that:
# steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE
# where differential crosstrack error (diff_CTE)
# is given by CTE(t) - CTE(t-1)
# -----------
# User Instructions
# Implement a P controller by running 100 iterations
# of robot motion. The desired trajectory for the
# robot is the x-axis. The steering angle should be set
# by the parameter tau so that:
# steering = -tau * crosstrack_error
# -----------
# User Instructions
# Define a function smooth that takes a path as its input
# (with optional parameters for weight_data, weight_smooth,
# and tolerance) and returns a smooth path. The first and
# last points should remain unchanged.
# Smoothing should be implemented by iteratively updating
# --------------
# Write a function called stochastic_value that
# returns two grids. The first grid, value, should
# contain the computed value of each cell as shown
# in the video. The second grid, policy, should
# contain the optimum policy for each cell.
# ----------
# User Instructions:
# Implement the function optimum_policy2D below.
# You are given a car in grid with initial state
# init. Your task is to compute and return the car's
# optimal path to the position specified in goal;
# the costs for each motion are as defined in cost.
# ----------
# User Instructions:
# Write a function optimum_policy that returns
# a grid which shows the optimum policy for robot
# motion. This means there should be an optimum
# direction associated with each navigable cell from
# which the goal can be reached.
# populate the value of grid starting from the goal.
# ----------
# User Instructions:
# Create a function compute_value which returns
# a grid of values. The value of a cell is the minimum
# number of moves required to get from the cell to the goal.
# If a cell is a wall or it is impossible to reach the goal from a cell,
# -----------
# User Instructions:
# Modify the the search function so that it becomes
# an A* search algorithm as defined in the previous
# lectures.
# Your function should return the expanded grid
# which shows, for each element, the count when
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Last active December 6, 2017 03:34
print out maze path
# -----------
# User Instructions:
# Modify the the search function so that it returns
# a shortest path as follows:
# [['>', 'v', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
# [' ', '>', '>', '>', '>', 'v'],
# [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'v'],
# [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'v'],