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Last active January 4, 2016 23:17
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A kea installer for Mac OSX.
#This is a shell script created by hiccup01 to install kea on Mac OSX.
VERSION="0.0.1" #Installer version
BVERSION="0.2.2" #Browser version
echo "Thanks for installing kea"
echo "You are running Mac OSX kea installer version $VERSION for kea version $BVERSION."
echo "This installer was created by hiccup01 ("
sleep 1
echo "At some points you may be prompted to enter your password. Type it and press \"enter\". (It will not display your password on screen)"
sleep 3
echo "Attempting to install brew package mananger, if brew is already installed this will have no effect"
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
echo "Installing kea dependencies"
brew install webkitgtk unp gnu-tar gzip wget
echo "Creating directory."
mkdir "kea"
cd kea
echo "Downloading kea."
echo "Unziping."
unp kea-$BVERSION.tar.gz
cd kea-$BVERSION
echo "Configuring."
echo "making and installing"
make && sudo make install
echo "kea is installed. Run \"kea\" to run it."
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