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Last active March 4, 2022 02:55
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Some really useless script that generates IPv6 hops using netns for your traceroute pleasure.
import sys
import itertools
from netaddr import *
PREFIX = IPNetwork('fd00:0:3:1337::/64')
NAME = 'virtual0'
COUNT = 30
subnets = PREFIX.subnet(127)
subnet = next(subnets)
downstreams = [
for subnet in itertools.islice(PREFIX.subnet(127), COUNT)
print(f'if [[ "$1" == "setup" ]]; then')
print(f'set -ex')
# Configure a bridge that will connect to everyone
gw_host = subnet[UPSTREAM]
print(f'ip link add {NAME}b0 type bridge')
print(f'ip -6 addr add dev {NAME}b0 {gw_host}/{subnet.prefixlen}')
print(f'ip link set {NAME}b0 up')
for i in range(COUNT):
# Configure a veth pair for the bridge and the namespace
print(f'ip link add {NAME}ns{i}br0 type veth peer name {NAME}ns{i}e0')
print(f'brctl addif {NAME}b0 {NAME}ns{i}br0')
print(f'ip link set {NAME}ns{i}br0 up')
# Create a namespace and add one of the veth
print(f'ip netns add {NAME}ns{i}')
print(f'ip link set {NAME}ns{i}e0 netns {NAME}ns{i}')
print(f'ip netns exec {NAME}ns{i} ip link set lo up')
upstream_host = subnet[UPSTREAM]
upstream_address = subnet[DOWNSTREAM]
subnet = next(subnets)
downstream_address = subnet[UPSTREAM]
downstream_host = subnet[DOWNSTREAM]
# Add this namespace addresses
print(f'ip netns exec {NAME}ns{i} ip -6 addr add dev {NAME}ns{i}e0 {upstream_address}/{subnet.prefixlen}')
print(f'ip netns exec {NAME}ns{i} ip -6 addr add dev {NAME}ns{i}e0 {downstream_address}/{subnet.prefixlen}')
print(f'ip netns exec {NAME}ns{i} ip link set {NAME}ns{i}e0 up')
# Add upstream routes
print(f'ip netns exec {NAME}ns{i} ip -6 route add ::/0 via {upstream_host}')
# Add downstream routes
for j in range(i+1, COUNT):
downstream_net = downstreams[j]
print(f'ip netns exec {NAME}ns{i} ip -6 route add {downstream_net}/{subnet.prefixlen} via {downstream_host}')
# Enable forwarding
print(f'ip netns exec {NAME}ns{i} sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1')
# Configure master route
for i in range(1, COUNT):
downstream_net = downstreams[i]
print(f'ip -6 route add {downstream_net}/{subnet.prefixlen} via {downstreams[0]}')
print(f'elif [[ "$1" == "teardown" ]]; then')
print(f'set -x')
for i in range(COUNT-1, -1, -1):
print(f'ip netns delete {NAME}ns{i}')
print(f'ip link delete {NAME}ns{i}br0')
print(f'ip link delete {NAME}b0 type bridge')
print('echo "Usage: $0 {setup|teardown}"')
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