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Created June 14, 2019 08:42
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const config = require('config');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
AWS.config.region = config.get('textract').region;
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.Credentials(config.get('s3'));
const awsTextract = new AWS.Textract();
* Generate CSV Data from Image using AWS Textract
* @params inputFile - Path of the input file
async function generateAwsTextract({ inputFile }) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let inputBuffer = fs.readFileSync(inputFile);
const params = {
Document: {
Bytes: Buffer.from(inputBuffer),
FeatureTypes: [
awsTextract.analyzeDocument(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) reject(err); // an error occurred
let blocks = data.Blocks;
let blocks_map = {};
let table_blocks = [];
let csv = '';
for(let block of blocks) {
blocks_map[block['Id']] = block;
if (block.BlockType == 'TABLE') {
if(table_blocks.length == 0) {
let parsedData = {};
return resolve(parsedData);
// return reject('Not Found');
} else {
table_blocks.forEach((table, index) => {
csv += generateAwsTextractTableCsv(table, blocks_map, index);
csv += '\n\n';
return promise;
function getAwsTextractText(result, blocks_map) {
let text = '';
if (result.Relationships) {
result.Relationships.forEach(relationship => {
if (relationship.Type === 'CHILD') {
relationship.Ids.forEach(child_id => {
let word = blocks_map[child_id];
if (word.BlockType === 'WORD') {
text += word.Text + ' ';
if (word.BlockType === 'SELECTION_ELEMENT' && word.SelectionStatus == 'SELECTED') {
text += 'X ';
return text;
function generateAwsTextractRowsColumnMap(table_result, blocks_map) {
let rows = {};
for (let relationship of table_result.Relationships) {
if (relationship && relationship.Type === 'CHILD') {
relationship.Ids.forEach(id => {
let cell = blocks_map[id];
if (cell.BlockType === 'CELL') {
let row_index = cell.RowIndex;
let col_index = cell.ColumnIndex;
if (typeof rows[row_index] == 'undefined') {
rows[row_index] = {};
rows[row_index][col_index] = getAwsTextractText(cell, blocks_map);
return rows;
function generateAwsTextractTableCsv(table_result, blocks_map, table_index) {
let rows = generateAwsTextractRowsColumnMap(table_result, blocks_map);
let table_id = 'Table_' + table_index;
let csv = `BOM Table: ${table_id+1}\n`;
for (let rowKey of Object.keys(rows)) {
for (let colKey of Object.keys(rows[rowKey])) {
csv += rows[rowKey][colKey] + ',';
csv += '\n';
csv += '\n\n\n';
return csv;
module.exports = {
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