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Created February 23, 2016 17:43
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MMC - Geofence integration
// Ensure app Background Modes are enabled for Location updates and Background fetch in the Info.plist:
// Then ensure at least the Key for NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription is present:
// Empty string will show default iOS permission description, custom string will be displayed if entered.
// Whenever you are ready to start geofence monitoring call:
[[SMLocationManager sharedInstance] startGeofenceService];
// To refresh the regions being monitored call:
[[SMLocationManager sharedInstance] refreshGeofenceService];
// Once started, this delegate callback will inform you of the regions monitored:
- (void)sessionM:(SessionM*) didStartMonitoringRegions:(NSArray*)regions {
for (CLCircularRegion *region in regions) {
// Feel free to add these regions to any MKMap to visualize the regions being monitored.
// Whenever you want to stop geofence monitoring call:
[[SMLocationManager sharedInstance] stopGeofenceService];
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