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Created May 31, 2019 19:01
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Setting Sublime 3

Setting Sublime 3

just for personal :)

{ "keys": ["ctrl+["], "command": "fold" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+]"], "command": "unfold" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+1"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 1} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+2"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 2} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+3"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 3} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+4"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 4} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+5"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 5} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+6"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 6} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+7"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 7} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+8"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 8} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+9"], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 9} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+0"], "command": "unfold_all" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+d"], "command": "duplicate_line" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"], "command": "find_under_expand" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+i"], "command": "reindent", "args": {"single_line": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+p"], "command": "prompt_select_workspace" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+t"], "command": "open_terminal" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+t"], "command": "open_terminal_project_folder" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+u"], "command": "sftp_upload_file" }
// A list of URLs that each contain a JSON file with a list of repositories.
// The repositories from these channels are placed in order after the
// repositories from the "repositories" setting
"channels": [
// A list of URLs that contain a packages JSON file. These repositories
// are placed in order before repositories from the "channels"
// setting
"repositories": [],
// A list of packages to install pre-release versions for. Versions
// under 1.0.0 are not considered pre-release, only those using the SemVer
// -prerelease suffixes will be ignored if the package is not in this
// list.
"install_prereleases": [],
// If debugging information for HTTP/HTTPS connections should be printed
// to the Sublime Text console
"debug": false,
// This helps solve naming issues where a repository it not named the
// same as the package should be. This is primarily only useful for
// GitHub and BitBucket repositories. This mapping will override the
// mapping that is retrieved from the repository channels.
"package_name_map": {},
// If package install, upgrade and removal info should be submitted to
// the channel for aggregated statistics
"submit_usage": true,
// The URL to post install, upgrade and removal notices to
"submit_url": "",
// If packages should be automatically upgraded when ST starts
"auto_upgrade": true,
// If missing packages should be automatically installed when ST starts
"install_missing": true,
// If a package was installed by Package Control (has a
// package-metadata.json file) but is not in installed_packages, remove it
// based upon the assumption that it was removed on another machine and
// the Package Control.sublime-settings file was synced to this machine.
"remove_orphaned": true,
// The minimum frequency in hours in which to check for automatic upgrades,
// setting this to 0 will always check for automatic upgrades
"auto_upgrade_frequency": 1,
// Packages to not auto upgrade
"auto_upgrade_ignore": [],
// Timeout for downloading channels, repositories and packages. Doesn't
// have an effect on Windows due to a bug in WinINet.
"timeout": 30,
// The number of seconds to cache repository and package info for
"cache_length": 300,
// An HTTP proxy server to use for requests. Not normally used on Windows
// since the system proxy configuration is utilized via WinINet. However,
// if WinINet is not working properly, this will be used by the Urllib
// downloader, which acts as a fallback.
"http_proxy": "",
// An HTTPS proxy server to use for requests - this will inherit from
// http_proxy if it is set to "" or null and http_proxy has a value. You
// can set this to false to prevent inheriting from http_proxy. Not
// normally used on Windows since the system proxy configuration is
// utilized via WinINet. However, if WinINet is not working properly, this
// will be used by the Urllib downloader, which acts as a fallback.
"https_proxy": "",
// Username and password for both http_proxy and https_proxy. May be used
// with WinINet to set credentials for system-level proxy config.
"proxy_username": "",
"proxy_password": "",
// If HTTP responses should be cached to disk
"http_cache": true,
// Number of seconds to cache HTTP responses for, defaults to one week
"http_cache_length": 604800,
// User agent for HTTP requests. If "%s" is present, will be replaced
// with the current version.
"user_agent": "Package Control v%s",
// A list of package names to ignore when performing operations. This will
// only affect packages that appear to be a git or hg repository, but will
// be especially useful for package developers who manually deal with the
// repository and don't want Package Control touching it.
// It can help if trying to list packages to install hangs, possibly due
// to an interactive prompt.
// The setting can also be set to the boolean true to ignore all git and hg
// repositories, no matter what the name.
"ignore_vcs_packages": [],
// Custom path(s) to "git" binary for when it can't be automatically
// found on the system and a package includes a .git metadata directory.
// Supports more than one path to allow users to sync settings across
// operating systems.
"git_binary": [],
// This should NOT contain the name of the remote or branch - that will
// be automatically determined.
"git_update_command": ["pull", "--ff", "--commit"],
// Custom path(s) to "hg" binary for when it can't be automatically
// found on the system and a package includes a .hg metadata directory.
// Supports more than one path to allow users to sync settings across
// operating systems.
"hg_binary": [],
// For HG repositories, be sure to use "default" as the remote URL.
// This is the default behavior when cloning an HG repo.
"hg_update_command": ["pull", "--update"],
// Additional packages to ignore when listing unmanaged packages.
"unmanaged_packages_ignore": [],
// The downloader backends that should be used for HTTP(S) requests, split
// by operating system to allow for configuration to be shared.
// Valid options include: "urllib", "curl", "wget", (Windows-only) "wininet"
// This setting allows Windows users to bypass wininet and use urllib
// instead if they machine or network presents trouble to wininet. Some
// OS X and Linux users have also reported better luck with certain proxies
// using curl or wget instead of urllib.
// The "curl" and "wget" options require the command line "curl" or "wget"
// program installed and present in the PATH.
"downloader_precedence": {
"windows": ["wininet"],
"osx": ["urllib"],
"linux": ["urllib", "curl", "wget"]
// Directories to ignore when creating a package
"dirs_to_ignore": [
".hg", ".git", ".svn", "_darcs", "CVS"
// Files to ignore when creating a package
"files_to_ignore": [
"*.pyc", ".hgignore", ".gitignore", ".bzrignore",
"*.sublime-project", "*.sublime-workspace", "*.tmTheme.cache"
// Files to include, even if they match a pattern in files_to_ignore
"files_to_include": [],
// When a package is created, copy it to this folder - defaults to Desktop
"package_destination": "",
// A way to create different packaging profiles for different types of
// package releases, such as for different platforms or binary-only
// releases.
// The key of the object will be the profile name and a list of them will
// be presenting when running the "Create Package File" command. The
// profile "Default" will use the top-level version on the following
// settings:
// - "dirs_to_ignore"
// - "files_to_ignore"
// - "files_to_include"
// - "package_destination"
// If a profile does not include one of those three setting, it will fall
// back to the top-level settings.
"package_profiles": {
"Binaries Only": {
// Exclude all .py files, but consequently include all .pyc files
"files_to_ignore": [
"*.py", ".hgignore", ".gitignore", ".bzrignore",
"*.sublime-project", "*.sublime-workspace", "*.tmTheme.cache"
// Include so Sublime Text will load the package
"files_to_include": [
// Enable the ability to run the tests - this is only for development
"enable_tests": false
"default_line_ending": "unix",
"font_face": "Fira Code",
"font_size": 8,
"Angular CLI",
"Batch File",
"Blade Snippets",
"Git Formats",
"Language - English",
"Laravel 5 Snippets",
"Laravel Blade Highlighter",
"React IDE",
"React Templates",
"SCSS Compiler",
"UIkit autocomplete",
"index_workers": 4,
"margin": 2,
"tab_size": 2,
"word_wrap": true
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