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Last active August 2, 2017 15:15
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B4 Portfolio Template

Area of Emphasis

What do you want to focus on this inning? What do you hope to accomplish by graduation? I want to focus on JS testing with selenium. I hope to get my personal project up and running fully styled.


Include your final outcome (pass/fail) and a reflection based on answering the following questions:

  • What was your biggest technical challenge? Getting every link to be able to be changed from read to unread, and vice versa.
  • What did you like the most about the challenge? It required me to google and search around for the answer instead of asking.
  • How did you solve that challenge? What was your approach? I looked through my view to find out why i couldn't call it.
  • What did you learn? It doesn't matter if you call $(' #element') if it's an ID it will always grab the first one. so I had to change #element to a class so it would add the javascript to each one instead of just the first.

Quantified Self

Include a reflection answering the following questions:

  • What was your biggest technical challenge? the joins table for diary/foods
  • How did you solve that challenge? What was your approach? Creating a joins table for the diary and foods
  • What did you like the most about the challenge? It was in javascript and even though it was something I'd done before I had to find a new way to do it since I was using a new language.
  • What are three technical concepts you learned during this project?
    • How to dynamically sort through data from api calls.
    • How to create a model using javascript and add custom methods that feels very ruby like.
    • How to manually seperate MVC style nodeJS
  • If you could change one thing about your technical approach, what would it be and why? Would start off with a better Schema. We started with users since we thought we were going to need it. After rereading the spec we had to reboot our database.
  • What was the experience like working with a pair while learning something new? It was great getting a second opinion on code that I was assuming did something, or syntax I thought would work as I was learning it.

Capstone Project

Include a reflection answering the following questions:

  • What was your biggest technical challenge? Getting the api call from imgur in the backend. It was unnavailable because of the "?" being replaced with "#".
  • What did you like the most about the challenge? It required me to find a different way to access params instead of the controller.
  • How did you solve that challenge? What was your approach? I had to find out where the params were available. I went through the auth step a couple times to see what I was getting and how to access it. Since it was only in the URL and I couldn't grab from backend I had to find the code to grab from the front end and pass it suing ajax request.
  • What did you learn? That some data is passed in a weird way and you'll have to find a better way to access it.


What's one piece of meaningful feedback you received during B4? What have you done or going to do regarding this feedback? Read the spec to the letter and ask questions if you have any. I started asking more before I delved to far into something that I wouldn't want to go back or waste too much time.

Gear Up

Write a reflection about the process of planning/revising a Gear Up session and facilitating the session. Did you enjoy the experience? What was challenging? What was most rewarding? I liked leading it and the topic we chose, I have more respect for the instructors that lead gear ups but it felt hard trying to do that on top of other projects/work that needed to be turned in.

Community Involvement

How else did you give back to the community this inning? Why do you think this is a required part of the Turing experience? I have been looking at the OBS and Gitlab opensource code on top of my self assigned Rubyzip gem opensource, as well as going to meetups and talking to new people. I think it is a required part of turing because it gets you to reach out and help and shows you can work with a code base you didn't create which will look good on a resume.

Going Forward

What three skills (professional and/or technical) are you going to take forward with you during your next job post-Turing?

  • / Pivotaltracker usage, on top of SQL designer
  • Cold Outreach. I still will want to meet with people and learn more about working as a dev
  • I want to get better at selenium testing and will want to take that to post-turing.
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