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Created January 4, 2017 03:30
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Reorganized all code to wait for VBlank, this is before simplifying with VCount
* Main written by Seth Tenembaum beginning Jan 2, 2017
* The purpose of this document is to come to a better understanding of the fundamentals of game developmeny by building a simple platformer from scratch at a low level (but not quite down to assembly at the moment).
* - fix issue when holding left and right (actually not possible on physical hardware...)
* - subpixel positioning and detach movement speed from frame rate
* - add a single platform
* - implement a global coordinate system, array of platform positions and sizes, and a camera
#include "gba.h" //memory addresses and type shortcuts
#include "screenmode.h" //video mode bits and SetMode macro
#include "keypad.h" //buttons and input register
#include "gfx.h" //RGB macro, sleep, random
s32 xpos = 10, // must be signed
ypos = 100,
xvel = 0,
yvel = 0,
xacc = 0,
yacc = 0;
const s32 GRAV = 1,
FLOOR = 30,
SPEED = 7,
JUMP = 10;
void gameLoop();
int main(void) {
SetMode(MODE_3 | BG2_ENABLE); //screenmode.h
// 240 px wide, 160 px tall
// draw floor
word i;
for (i = 0; i < 240; i++)
(VideoBuffer)[(160-FLOOR)*240+i] = RGB(0,10,31);
word state = 0; // 0 = waiting for VBlank, 1 = waiting for VDraw
while (1) {
if (REG_DISPSTAT & 0x01) { // VBlank
if (state == 0) {
state = 1;
} else { // VDraw
state = 0;
void gameLoop() {
// erase old sprite
drawRect(xpos-5, 160-(ypos+10), 10, 10, 0, 0, 0);
// get input
if (!(KEYS & (KEY_LEFT|KEY_RIGHT))) // decelerate if neither pressed
if (xvel > 0)
xacc = -1;
else if (xvel < 0)
xacc = 1;
xacc = 0;
if (KEYS & KEY_UP && ypos == FLOOR) // only jump if on floor
yvel = JUMP;
// simulate
yvel -= GRAV; // apply gravity
xvel += xacc; // apply acceleration
yvel += yacc;
if (xvel > SPEED) // enfore maximum velocities
xvel = SPEED;
if (xvel < -1*SPEED)
xvel = -1*SPEED;
// apply velocity
if (ypos > FLOOR)
xpos += 0.7*xvel; // air resistance
xpos += xvel;
ypos += yvel;
if (xpos > 240) // wrap x-coordinate
xpos -= 240;
if (xpos < 0)
xpos += 240;
if (ypos < FLOOR) { // pop out of floor
ypos = FLOOR;
yvel = 0;
// draw sprite
drawRect(xpos-5, 160-(ypos+10), 10, 10, 31, 31, 31);
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