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Forked from herrcore/
Created March 7, 2019 08:02
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IDA Plugin for quickly copying disassembly as encoded hex bytes
## Quick IDA Hex Bytes Copy
## All credit for logic and code chunks:
## @tmr232
## I simply removed dependencies and made it standalone.
## To install:
## Copy script into plugins directory, i.e: C:\Program Files(x86)\IDA 6.8\plugins
## To run:
## Highlight disassembly instructions and right click and select "Hex Copy" or press PLUGIN_HOTKEY
## The hex encoded bytes will be added to your clipboard
__VERSION__ = '0.1'
__AUTHOR__ = '@herrcore'
PLUGIN_NAME = "Hex Copy"
PLUGIN_HOTKEY = 'Ctrl+Alt+c'
import idaapi
import idc
if idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 690:
from PyQt5.Qt import QApplication
from PySide.QtGui import QApplication
class HexCopy():
def __copy_to_clip(cls, data):
def __get_selection(cls):
Copied from Sark
start = idc.SelStart()
end = idc.SelEnd()
if idaapi.BADADDR in (start, end):
ea =
start = idaapi.get_item_head(ea)
end = idaapi.get_item_end(ea)
return start, end
def copy_selection(cls):
start, end = cls.__get_selection()
data = idc.GetManyBytes(start, end-start)
print "Bytes copied!"
except Exception as e:
idaapi.msg(PLUGIN_NAME + " ERROR: " + str(e))
class HexCopyHandler(idaapi.action_handler_t):
def activate(self, ctx):
def update(self, ctx):
return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_ALWAYS
class HexCopyHooks(idaapi.UI_Hooks):
def finish_populating_tform_popup(self, form, popup):
tft = idaapi.get_tform_type(form)
if tft == idaapi.BWN_DISASM:
# Note the 'None' as action name (1st parameter).
# That's because the action will be deleted immediately
# after the context menu is hidden anyway, so there's
# really no need giving it a valid ID.
desc = idaapi.action_desc_t(None, 'Copy Hex', HexCopyHandler())
idaapi.attach_dynamic_action_to_popup(form, popup, desc, None)
class QuickHexCopy(idaapi.plugin_t):
flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_UNL
comment = "Copy Hex Bytes"
help = "Highlight Assembly and right-click 'Copy Hex'"
wanted_name = PLUGIN_NAME
wanted_hotkey = PLUGIN_HOTKEY
def init(self):
idaapi.msg("Initializing: %s\n" % PLUGIN_NAME)
global hooks
hooks = HexCopyHooks()
re = hooks.hook()
return idaapi.PLUGIN_OK
def run(self, arg):
def term(self):
return QuickHexCopy()
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