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Last active March 14, 2021 04:52
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Geodesic flow on the general linear group
# Using Manifolds.jl, follow-up to
using LinearAlgebra
using Manifolds
using Test
# parallel transport of a point (p,X) ∈ T GL(n) along the
# geodesic curve γ on GL(n) with the left-GL(n)-invariant metric
# from section A.2 of
function geodesic_flow!(M::GeneralLinear, q, Y, p, X, t::Real = 1)
tX = (Y .= t .* X)
r = group_exp!(M, q, tX)
if Manifolds.isnormal(X; atol=sqrt(eps(real(eltype(X)))))
return compose!(M, q, p, r), copyto!(Y, X)
K = (tX .-= tX')
u = exp(K) # u ∈ SU(n,𝔽)
compose!(M, q, r', u)
compose!(M, q, p, q)
mul!(Y, u', X * u)
return q, Y
function geodesic_flow(M::GeneralLinear, p, X, t::Real = 1)
q = allocate_result(M, exp, p, X, t)
Y = allocate_result(M, log, X, p, t)
return geodesic_flow!(M, q, Y, p, X, t)
using NLsolve
# Test for GL(3)
M = GeneralLinear(3)
p = exp(randn(3, 3))
X = randn(3, 3)
q, Y = geodesic_flow(M, p, X)
@test q ≈ exp(M, p, X)
@test Y ≈ vector_transport_direction(M, p, X, X, SchildsLadderTransport())
# Test for GL(3, ℂ)
M = GeneralLinear(3, ℂ)
p = exp(randn(ComplexF64, 3, 3))
X = randn(ComplexF64, 3, 3)
q, Y = geodesic_flow(M, p, X)
@test q ≈ exp(M, p, X)
@test Y ≈ vector_transport_direction(M, p, X, X, SchildsLadderTransport())
# Test that it works for SL(3) as a subgroup of GL(3)
M = GeneralLinear(3)
p = project(SpecialLinear(3), randn(3, 3))
X = project(SpecialLinear(3), p, randn(3, 3))
q, Y = geodesic_flow(M, p, X)
@test q ≈ exp(M, p, X)
@test det(q) ≈ 1
@test Y ≈ vector_transport_direction(M, p, X, X, SchildsLadderTransport())
@test tr(Y) ≈ 0 atol=sqrt(eps())
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