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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Save sethlopezme/c74b1e5aeb139c4b78cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updated breakpoint mixin to account for multiple types of media queries in one.
@mixin bp($queries, $type: only screen) {
$query-count: length($queries);
$media-statement: "#{$type} and";
@for $i from 1 through $query-count {
$query: nth($queries, $i);
$value: '';
$key: '';
@if length($query) == 1 or nth($query, 2) == up {
$key: min-width;
$value: if(map-has-key($bp, nth($query, 1)), px-em(map-get($bp, nth($query, 1))), px-em(nth($query, 1)));
} @else {
@if nth($query, 2) == down {
$key: max-width;
$value: if(map-has-key($bp, nth($query, 1)), px-em(map-get($bp, nth($query, 1)) - 1), px-em(nth($query, 1) - 1));
} @else {
$key: nth($query, 1);
$value: nth($query, 2);
$media-statement: if($i == 1, "#{$media-statement} (#{$key}: #{$value})", "#{$media-statement}, (#{$key}: #{$value})");
@media #{$media-statement} {
@function px-em($px, $px-context: 16) {
// Make sure it's a number
@if(round($px)) {
@return #{$px / $px-context}em;
$bp: (
S: 320
M: 768,
L: 960
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