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Created March 2, 2018 05:56
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  • Save sethrylan/2936baab5cd6039e3159a847ce6e58a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sethrylan/2936baab5cd6039e3159a847ce6e58a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"HealtheVet Desktop",
"Social Work",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"Survey Generator",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"National Laboratory Test",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Occurrence Screen",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"VistA Web",
"Generic Code Sheet",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Record Tracking",
"Real Time Location System",
"Network Health Exchange",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Nursing Service",
"VistA System Monitor",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Mental Health",
"VistALink Security",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Shift Handoff Tool",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Capacity Management - RUM",
"Interim Management Support",
"M XML Parser",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Incident Reporting",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"EEO Complaint Tracking",
"Voluntary Timekeeping",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Generator",
"Electronic Signature",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"National Online Information Sharing",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Womens Health",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"National VistA Support",
"Police and Security",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Enterprise Terminology Services",
"SAGG Project",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Utilization Management Rollup",
"Equipment Turn-In Request",
"Run Time Library"
"name": "Kernel",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Lab Service",
"Record Tracking",
"Health Level Seven",
"Interim Management Support",
"M XML Parser",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Problem List",
"Income Verification Match",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Fee Basis",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Social Work",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"Survey Generator",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Occurrence Screen",
"Generic Code Sheet",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Record Tracking",
"Network Health Exchange",
"Nursing Service",
"VistA System Monitor",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Capacity Management - RUM",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Incident Reporting",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"EEO Complaint Tracking",
"Voluntary Timekeeping",
"List Manager",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"National Online Information Sharing",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Womens Health",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"National VistA Support",
"Police and Security",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"SAGG Project",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Utilization Management Rollup",
"Equipment Turn-In Request",
"Run Time Library"
"name": "MailMan",
"depends": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"VA FileMan",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Care Management",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Shift Handoff Tool",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"List Manager",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Womens Health",
"DSS Extracts",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Order Entry Results Reporting",
"depends": [
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Care Management",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Event Capture",
"Lab Service",
"Controlled Substances",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Womens Health",
"VA FileMan",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"National Drug File",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Integrated Billing",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"CORBA Services",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"HealtheVet Desktop",
"Social Work",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"Survey Generator",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Occurrence Screen",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Record Tracking",
"Real Time Location System",
"Network Health Exchange",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Nursing Service",
"VistA System Monitor",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Shift Handoff Tool",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Event Driven Reporting",
"Capacity Management - RUM",
"Interim Management Support",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Incident Reporting",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"General Medical Record - Generator",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Womens Health",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"National VistA Support",
"Police and Security",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"SAGG Project",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Utilization Management Rollup",
"Run Time Library"
"name": "Registration",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Lab Service",
"Record Tracking",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Income Verification Match",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Mental Health",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Fee Basis",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Social Work",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Generic Code Sheet"
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Integrated Billing",
"Care Management",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Interim Management Support",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Womens Health",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"DSS Extracts",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Lab Service",
"depends": [
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Integrated Billing",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"M XML Parser",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Womens Health",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Social Work",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"DSS Extracts",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Network Health Exchange",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"HealtheVet Desktop",
"Social Work",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"Survey Generator",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Occurrence Screen",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"VistA Web",
"Generic Code Sheet",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Record Tracking",
"Real Time Location System",
"Network Health Exchange",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Nursing Service",
"VistA System Monitor",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Mental Health",
"VistALink Security",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Shift Handoff Tool",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Capacity Management - RUM",
"Interim Management Support",
"M XML Parser",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Incident Reporting",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"EEO Complaint Tracking",
"Voluntary Timekeeping",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Generator",
"Electronic Signature",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"National Online Information Sharing",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Womens Health",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"National VistA Support",
"Police and Security",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Enterprise Terminology Services",
"SAGG Project",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Utilization Management Rollup",
"Equipment Turn-In Request",
"Run Time Library"
"name": "VA FileMan",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"List Manager",
"RPC Broker",
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Problem List",
"VA Point of Service",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Clinical Reminders",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Womens Health",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Enrollment Application System",
"National Drug File",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Mental Health",
"Fee Basis",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"HealtheVet Desktop",
"Social Work",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"Survey Generator",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"National Laboratory Test",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Occurrence Screen",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Generic Code Sheet",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Record Tracking",
"Real Time Location System",
"Network Health Exchange",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Nursing Service",
"VistA System Monitor",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Mental Health",
"VistALink Security",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Shift Handoff Tool",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Capacity Management - RUM",
"Interim Management Support",
"M XML Parser",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Incident Reporting",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"EEO Complaint Tracking",
"Voluntary Timekeeping",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Generator",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"National Online Information Sharing",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Womens Health",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"National VistA Support",
"Police and Security",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Enterprise Terminology Services",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Utilization Management Rollup",
"Equipment Turn-In Request",
"Run Time Library"
"name": "Uncategorized",
"depends": [
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Health Level Seven",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Income Verification Match",
"Integrated Billing",
"List Manager",
"RPC Broker",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"Social Work",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Occurrence Screen",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Record Tracking",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Nursing Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"VA Point of Service",
"Shift Handoff Tool",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Incident Reporting",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Womens Health",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Scheduling",
"depends": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"Record Tracking",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"Income Verification Match",
"M XML Parser",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Enrollment Application System",
"RPC Broker",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"VA FileMan",
"Integrated Billing",
"Mental Health",
"Problem List",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Social Work"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus Initiative Reports",
"depends": [
"Clinical Reminders",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors",
"VA FileMan",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"VistA System Monitor",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Problem List",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"National Online Information Sharing",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Utilization Management Rollup"
"name": "List Manager",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"Order Entry Results Reporting"
"dependents": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"VA FileMan",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Real Time Location System",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"VistALink Security",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"National VistA Support",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"name": "RPC Broker",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"M XML Parser",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"HealtheVet Desktop",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Functional Independence",
"My HealtheVet",
"Care Management",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"name": "Text Integration Utility",
"depends": [
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Lab Service",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"dependents": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Consult Request Tracking"
"name": "Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"depends": [
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Care Management",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Lab Service",
"Problem List",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Womens Health",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Integrated Billing",
"Mental Health",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"dependents": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"HealtheVet Desktop",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Survey Generator",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Real Time Location System",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Shift Handoff Tool",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Capacity Management - RUM",
"M XML Parser",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"EEO Complaint Tracking",
"Voluntary Timekeeping",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"National Online Information Sharing",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"National VistA Support",
"Police and Security",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"SAGG Project",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Run Time Library"
"name": "Toolkit",
"depends": [
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"M XML Parser",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Authorization Subscription",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Record Tracking",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Care Management",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"name": "Authorization Subscription",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"RPC Broker",
"VA FileMan",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Text Integration Utility"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Lab Service",
"Womens Health",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"name": "CPT HCPCS Codes",
"depends": [
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Health Summary",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Consult Request Tracking"
"name": "Medicine",
"depends": [
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Lab Service",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Controlled Substances",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"VA FileMan",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"VA FileMan",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Capacity Management Tools",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Health Level Seven",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Care Management",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Problem List",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"DSS Extracts",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Integrated Billing",
"Lab Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"National Drug File",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Lab Service",
"Womens Health",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Utilization Management Rollup"
"name": "DRG Grouper",
"depends": [
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Integrated Billing",
"Network Health Exchange",
"Nursing Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Problem List",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Womens Health"
"name": "Health Summary",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Lab Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"Social Work",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Mental Health",
"Integrated Billing",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"VA FileMan",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Lab Service",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"name": "Imaging",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Lab Service",
"Problem List",
"Health Level Seven",
"M XML Parser",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Clinical Procedures",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Integrated Billing",
"Problem List",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"name": "Automated Information Collection System",
"depends": [
"Integrated Billing",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Accounts Receivable",
"VA FileMan",
"Mental Health",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Integrated Billing",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Enrollment Application System",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"name": "VDEF",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Nursing Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"name": "Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"depends": [
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"RPC Broker",
"Health Summary",
"VA FileMan",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"National Drug File",
"List Manager"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"VA Point of Service",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Income Verification Match",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Patient Representative",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"name": "Master Patient Index VistA",
"depends": [
"Web Services Client",
"M XML Parser",
"Health Level Seven",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Fee Basis",
"List Manager",
"RPC Broker",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"VA FileMan",
"CORBA Services"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Hospital Based Home Care",
"Problem List",
"Clinical Reminders",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Lab Service",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"Consult Request Tracking"
"name": "Lexicon Utility",
"depends": [
"Mental Health",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"DRG Grouper",
"Problem List",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Lab Service",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Automated Lab Instruments",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Lab Service",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Functional Independence",
"Care Management",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Mental Health",
"VA Point of Service",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"name": "Consult Request Tracking",
"depends": [
"Authorization Subscription",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Health Level Seven",
"DRG Grouper",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Clinical Procedures",
"VA FileMan",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Care Management",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Nursing Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "General Medical Record - Vitals",
"depends": [
"Clinical Reminders",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Nursing Service",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Clinical Procedures",
"RPC Broker",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Procedures",
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Visual Impairment Service Team",
"Integrated Billing",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"Fee Basis",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"name": "HINQ",
"depends": [
"Inpatient Medications",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Income Verification Match",
"List Manager",
"DRG Grouper",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"name": "Clinical Procedures",
"depends": [
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"dependents": [
"name": "Foundations",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"RPC Broker",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Lab Service",
"Patient Representative",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "M XML Parser",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"name": "VistALink Security",
"depends": [
"RPC Broker",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"VistALink Security",
"Health Data and Informatics"
"name": "VistALink",
"depends": [
"M XML Parser",
"RPC Broker",
"VistALink Security",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Integrated Billing",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "E Claims Management Engine",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"List Manager",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Integrated Billing",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Social Work",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Income Verification Match",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Lab Service",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"Utilization Management Rollup"
"name": "Integrated Billing",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Vendor - Document Storage Systems",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Income Verification Match",
"National Drug File",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Fee Basis",
"List Manager",
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"My HealtheVet",
"Integrated Billing",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"DSS Extracts",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Outpatient Pharmacy",
"depends": [
"E Claims Management Engine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Lab Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Controlled Substances",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Mental Health",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Fee Basis",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Integrated Billing",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"DSS Extracts",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "National Drug File",
"depends": [
"Inpatient Medications",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"List Manager",
"Controlled Substances",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"Integrated Billing",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Income Verification Match",
"Controlled Substances",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Pharmacy Data Management",
"depends": [
"E Claims Management Engine",
"Health Data and Informatics",
"Lab Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"M XML Parser",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Web Services Client",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Mental Health",
"Controlled Substances",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"dependents": [
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Controlled Substances",
"depends": [
"Nursing Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Drug Accountability",
"List Manager",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Inpatient Medications"
"dependents": [
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "CMOP",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Integrated Billing",
"List Manager",
"Controlled Substances",
"National Drug File",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Barcode Medication Administration",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Nursing Service",
"List Manager",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"VA FileMan",
"National Drug File",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Controlled Substances",
"Inpatient Medications"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Integrated Billing",
"Care Management",
"Record Tracking",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Womens Health",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"depends": [
"Health Data and Informatics",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Integrated Billing",
"Record Tracking",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"M XML Parser",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Womens Health",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Fee Basis",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Occurrence Screen",
"Integrated Billing",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Interim Management Support",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Surgery",
"depends": [
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Event Capture",
"Communications Service Library",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"DRG Grouper",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Integrated Billing",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Patient Assessment Documentation",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"DSS Extracts",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Mental Health",
"depends": [
"Clinical Reminders",
"Nursing Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Lab Service",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"DSS Extracts",
"Text Integration Utility"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"National Health Information Network",
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Lexicon Utility",
"My HealtheVet",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"name": "Problem List",
"depends": [
"Clinical Reminders",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"List Manager",
"DRG Grouper",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Order Entry Results Reporting"
"name": "Care Management",
"depends": [
"HealtheVet Desktop",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Lab Service",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"VA FileMan",
"Text Integration Utility"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Emergency Department Integration Software",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Care Management",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Lab Service",
"M XML Parser",
"Nursing Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Problem List",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Enterprise Health Management Platform",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Virtual Patient Record",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service"
"name": "Womens Health",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"VistA Integration Adapter",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Controlled Substances",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Lab Service",
"Drug Accountability",
"DSS Extracts",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Inpatient Medications",
"depends": [
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Controlled Substances",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"RPC Broker",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Mental Health",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"DSS Extracts",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Integrated Billing",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Fee Basis",
"name": "Income Verification Match",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Fee Basis",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Integrated Billing",
"List Manager",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Integrated Billing",
"VA Point of Service",
"Interim Management Support",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"name": "Accounts Receivable",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"List Manager",
"E Claims Management Engine",
"Enrollment Application System",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Integrated Billing",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"National Drug File",
"Generic Code Sheet",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Health Summary",
"Text Integration Utility",
"name": "Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"M XML Parser",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"VA FileMan",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Web Services Client",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Income Verification Match",
"RPC Broker",
"CORBA Services",
"Fee Basis",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"dependents": [],
"name": "National Health Information Network",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Lab Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"dependents": [
"Care Management"
"name": "HealtheVet Desktop",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"Text Integration Utility"
"dependents": [
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Dental",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Social Work",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Patient Data Exchange",
"Integrated Billing",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"VA Point of Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Income Verification Match",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Patient Representative",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"name": "Enrollment Application System",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Income Verification Match",
"Fee Basis",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Integrated Billing",
"List Manager",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Health Summary",
"Lab Service",
"name": "Social Work",
"depends": [
"Enrollment Application System",
"Integrated Billing",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"Income Verification Match",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Fee Basis"
"name": "Beneficiary Travel",
"depends": [
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Integrated Billing",
"List Manager",
"RPC Broker",
"Communications Service Library",
"Lab Service",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"name": "Record Tracking",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Incomplete Records Tracking",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Functional Independence",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Real Time Location System",
"Interim Management Support",
"Integrated Patient Fund",
"Controlled Substances",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Fee Basis",
"DSS Extracts",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Equipment Turn-In Request"
"name": "IFCAP",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Fee Basis",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Drug Accountability",
"Generic Code Sheet",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Text Integration Utility"
"name": "Incomplete Records Tracking",
"depends": [
"Beneficiary Travel",
"List Manager",
"Record Tracking",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "VistA Integration Adapter",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Lab Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"Automated Information Collection System",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Problem List",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Bed Management Solutions"
"dependents": [
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Occurrence Screen",
"Incident Reporting",
"EEO Complaint Tracking",
"Patient Representative"
"name": "Quality Assurance Integration",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [],
"name": "Sea Island Systems Registration"
"dependents": [
"Nursing Service"
"name": "Survey Generator",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [],
"name": "Medication Order Check Healthcare Application"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Wireless Medication Administration"
"dependents": [
"Integrated Billing",
"Health Summary",
"name": "Oncology",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"M XML Parser",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"DRG Grouper",
"Lab Service",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Beneficiary Travel",
"name": "Communications Service Library"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [],
"name": "Pharmacy Product System - National"
"dependents": [],
"name": "MCCR National Database - Field"
"dependents": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Clinical Case Registries",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Income Verification Match",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"name": "Fee Basis",
"depends": [
"Integrated Billing",
"VA Certified Components - DSSI",
"Health Level Seven",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"DRG Grouper",
"Income Verification Match",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Beneficiary Travel",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Generic Code Sheet"
"dependents": [
"Interim Management Support",
"Equipment Turn-In Request"
"name": "Engineering",
"depends": [
"Generic Code Sheet",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Controlled Substances",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Drug Accountability",
"depends": [
"Inpatient Medications",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"List Manager",
"Controlled Substances",
"National Drug File",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Accounts Receivable",
"Fee Basis"
"name": "Generic Code Sheet",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Integrated Billing",
"Nursing Service",
"Interim Management Support"
"name": "PAID",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Interim Management Support",
"Nursing Service",
"Integrated Billing",
"List Manager",
"VA FileMan",
"Quality Assurance Integration"
"dependents": [
"Functional Independence",
"Integrated Billing",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Remote Order Entry System",
"DSS Extracts",
"Consult Request Tracking"
"name": "Prosthetics",
"depends": [
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Integrated Billing",
"Health Level Seven",
"Vendor - Document Storage Systems",
"DRG Grouper",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan",
"Police and Security",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"dependents": [],
"name": "Health Data Repository"
"dependents": [
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Controlled Substances",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"depends": [
"Inpatient Medications",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Controlled Substances",
"Drug Accountability",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "MASH Utilities"
"dependents": [],
"name": "National Laboratory Test",
"depends": [
"dependents": [
"Occurrence Screen"
"name": "Clinical Monitoring System",
"depends": [
"Mental Health",
"Lab Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan",
"Quality Assurance Integration"
"dependents": [
"Interim Management Support"
"name": "Occurrence Screen",
"depends": [
"Clinical Monitoring System",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Mental Health",
"Controlled Substances",
"General Medical Record - Generator",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"DSS Extracts",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"name": "Nursing Service",
"depends": [
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"Survey Generator",
"General Medical Record - Generator",
"Health Summary",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Nursing Service",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Text Integration Utility",
"General Medical Record - Generator",
"General Medical Record - Vitals"
"name": "General Medical Record - IO",
"depends": [
"Nursing Service",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"My HealtheVet",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Event Capture",
"depends": [
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"DSS Extracts",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"DRG Grouper",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Quasar",
"depends": [
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Problem List",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Authorization Subscription",
"DRG Grouper",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Event Capture",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "VistA Web",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Visual Impairment Service Team",
"depends": [
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Virtual Patient Record"
"name": "Functional Independence",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Text Integration Utility",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"National Drug File",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Lab Service",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Health Data and Informatics",
"depends": [
"M XML Parser",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Integrated Billing",
"Health Summary"
"name": "Patient Data Exchange",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Integrated Billing",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Controlled Substances",
"Health Summary",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"National Drug File",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Joint Legacy Viewer"
"dependents": [
"Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Income Verification Match"
"name": "Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Vendor - Audiofax Inc",
"depends": [
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Pharmacy Prescription Practice",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Incident Reporting",
"EEO Complaint Tracking",
"Patient Representative",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Interim Management Support",
"depends": [
"Occurrence Screen",
"Accounts Receivable",
"Lab Service",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "My HealtheVet",
"depends": [
"Text Integration Utility",
"Health Level Seven",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Event Capture",
"Problem List",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Integrated Billing",
"name": "Vendor - Document Storage Systems"
"dependents": [
"Event Capture",
"Mental Health",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Lab Service",
"name": "DSS Extracts",
"depends": [
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Event Capture",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Emergency Department Integration Software",
"Interim Management Support",
"Nursing Service",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"National Drug File",
"Inpatient Medications",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"VA FileMan",
"Mental Health",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"dependents": [],
"name": "Real Time Location System",
"depends": [
"RPC Broker",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"name": "Remote Order Entry System",
"depends": [
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"name": "Integrated Patient Fund",
"depends": [
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Lab Service"
"name": "Network Health Exchange",
"depends": [
"Health Summary",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"name": "Virtual Patient Record",
"depends": [
"Functional Independence",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Care Management",
"Integrated Billing",
"Lab Service",
"Barcode Medication Administration",
"Problem List",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Womens Health",
"Clinical Procedures",
"VA FileMan",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Nursing Service",
"Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"Health Summary",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "Dietetics",
"depends": [
"Problem List",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"VA FileMan",
"Lab Service",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility"
"dependents": [
"Nursing Service"
"name": "General Medical Record - Generator",
"depends": [
"Nursing Service",
"General Medical Record - IO",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Health Summary",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Lab Service",
"DSS Extracts"
"name": "VBECS",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"M XML Parser",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Lab Service",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "VistA System Monitor",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Health Summary",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"National VistA Support"
"name": "NDBI"
"dependents": [
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Inpatient Medications",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Pharmacy Benefits Management",
"depends": [
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"National Drug File",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Controlled Substances",
"Drug Accountability",
"VA FileMan",
"Auto Replenishment Ward Stock",
"List Manager",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [
"Health Summary"
"name": "Spinal Cord Dysfunction",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Event Capture",
"Lab Service",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"Health Summary",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Enrollment Application System",
"VA FileMan",
"Fee Basis",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Pharmacy Enterprise Customization System"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Asists",
"depends": [
"RPC Broker",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [],
"name": " Patient-Centered Management Module"
"dependents": [],
"name": "DSS vxVistA Enhancement"
"dependents": [
"name": "Police and Security",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Clinical Information Resource Network"
"name": "Run Time Library",
"depends": [
"Clinical Information Resource Network",
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Run Time Library"
"name": "Clinical Information Resource Network",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"List Manager",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"RPC Broker",
"Lab Service",
"Pharmacy Data Management",
"Run Time Library",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"name": "Web Services Client",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"List Manager",
"dependents": [
"Automated Medical Information Exchange",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA"
"name": "CORBA Services"
"dependents": [
"name": "Hospital Based Home Care",
"depends": [
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"DRG Grouper",
"Lexicon Utility",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Occupational Health Record-Keeping System"
"dependents": [
"Order Entry Results Reporting"
"name": "Clinical Case Registries",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"CPT HCPCS Codes",
"Clinical Procedures",
"Lab Service",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"M XML Parser",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"DRG Grouper",
"National Drug File",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"RPC Broker",
"Lexicon Utility",
"Automated Lab Instruments",
"VA FileMan",
"Fee Basis",
"Problem List",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Patient Assessment Documentation",
"depends": [
"Mental Health",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Authorization Subscription",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Lab Service",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Text Integration Utility",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "National Utilization Management Integration"
"dependents": [],
"name": "VA Point of Service",
"depends": [
"Radiology Nuclear Medicine",
"Integrated Billing",
"Problem List",
"Clinical Reminders",
"Health Level Seven",
"Outpatient Pharmacy",
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"National Drug File",
"Text Integration Utility",
"PCE Patient Care Encounter",
"Enrollment Application System",
"Adverse Reaction Tracking",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"Accounts Receivable",
"VA FileMan",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"General Medical Record - Vitals",
"Pharmacy Data Management"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Shift Handoff Tool",
"depends": [
"Order Entry Results Reporting",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Event Driven Reporting",
"depends": [
"dependents": [
"Capacity Management - RUM"
"name": "Capacity Management Tools",
"depends": [
"Health Level Seven",
"List Manager",
"SAGG Project",
"VA FileMan",
"Capacity Management - RUM"
"dependents": [
"Capacity Management Tools"
"name": "Capacity Management - RUM",
"depends": [
"Capacity Management Tools",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": " Veterans Authorization and Preferences"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Voluntary Service System"
"dependents": [],
"name": "FileMan Delphi Components"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Incident Reporting",
"depends": [
"Interim Management Support",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [
"Capacity Management Tools"
"name": "SAGG Project",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
"dependents": [
"National Online Information Sharing"
"name": "Patch Module"
"dependents": [],
"name": "EEO Complaint Tracking",
"depends": [
"Interim Management Support",
"Quality Assurance Integration",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Library",
"depends": [
"Beneficiary Travel",
"List Manager",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Voluntary Timekeeping",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Electronic Signature",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "National Online Information Sharing",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"VA FileMan",
"Patch Module",
"dependents": [
"Fee Basis"
"name": "VA Certified Components - DSSI"
"dependents": [],
"name": "VPE Shell"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Patient Representative",
"depends": [
"Enrollment Application System",
"Interim Management Support",
"M XML Parser",
"Master Patient Index VistA",
"VA FileMan",
"Quality Assurance Integration"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Integrated Home Telehealth"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Mobile Scheduling Applications Suite",
"depends": [
"List Manager",
"Consult Request Tracking",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "CPRS Plugins"
"dependents": [],
"name": "National VistA Support",
"depends": [
"RPC Broker",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Release Of Information - DSSI"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Enterprise Terminology Services",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Utilization Management Rollup",
"depends": [
"Integrated Billing",
"List Manager",
"DRG Grouper",
"VA FileMan"
"dependents": [],
"name": "Equipment Turn-In Request",
"depends": [
"VA FileMan",
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