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Last active March 10, 2016 22:24
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idea for controller api
var keyboard = require('controller-keyboard')
var gameState = {
input: {}
keyboard.subscribe(function (action, active) {
// active is the current inputs that are active
// this is triggered every time the state of a key has changed
// maybe we would do something like this to the game state:
gameState.input['keyboard'] = active
// except this part could be done with immutable, redux-like dispatches
// action looks like this:
type: 'on' || 'off',
value: 'value representing the input',
event: // original event, browser keyboard event, for instance
var vkey = require('vkey')
module.exports = function createKeyboardController (options) {
var listener = function () {}
var active = {}
document.addactionListener('keydown', function (e) {
var value = vkey[e.keyCode]
active[value] = true
var action = {
type: 'on',
value: value,
event: e
listener(action, active)
}, false)
document.addactionListener('keyup', function (e) {
var value = vkey[e.keyCode]
delete active[value]
var action = {
type: 'off',
value: value,
event: e
listener(action, active)
}, false)
return {
subscribe: function (cb) {
listener = cb
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@sethvincent cool! Could you add an example of what it might look like for a game to use this to do something like update player movement? Currently, we're doing something like this:

var loop = require('gameloop')()
var controller = require('controller')

loop.on('update', function () {
  player.position = move(player.position, controller.keys)

So there's a constantly running gameloop, and we're checking the keyboard state every tick, and moving accordingly.

If we started using a minidux style store to represent state, I guess I imagined something like this:

var controller = require('controller')
var minidux = require('minidux')

// create a state with player position
var state = {
  position: [0, 0]

// key on actions update player position
var reducer = function (state, action) {
  if (action.type == 'on') {
   return {position: move(state.position, action.keys)}

store = minidux.createStore(reducer, state)

// controller input events trigger dispatches to the store
controller.on('input', function (keys) {
  store.dispatch({type: 'on', value: keys})

But that's a little different that what your implementation above would support?

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I wonder if it would be easier to have action creators that do things like

move(state.position, action.keys)

And then dispatch the result. That way the reducer stays as simple as possible.

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