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Last active September 21, 2023 17:21
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Perform a flux- (area-) conserving rebinning of a histogram given its edges and a set of new edges. (REBIN A HISTOGRAM IN PYTHON)
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing
Perform a flux- (i.e. area-) conserving rebinning of a histogram,
given its edges and a set of new edges.
The __name__ ... section has an example using a power law.
W Setterberg Jan 2023
Update Sep 2023: add exception handling for unequal bin shapes. Doh!
def flux_conserving_rebin(
old_edges: np.typing.ArrayLike,
old_values: np.typing.ArrayLike,
new_edges: np.typing.ArrayLike,
) -> np.ndarray:
Rebin a histogram by performing a flux-conserving rebinning.
The total area of the histogram is conserved.
Adjacent bins are proportionally interpolated for new edges that do not line up.
Don't make the new edges too finely spaced;
don't make a new bin fall inside of an old one completely.
old_edges = np.array(np.sort(old_edges))
new_edges = np.array(np.sort(new_edges))
nd = np.diff(new_edges)
od = np.diff(old_edges)
if (new_edges[0] < old_edges[0]) or (new_edges[-1] > old_edges[-1]):
raise ValueError('New edges cannot fall outside range of old edges.')
if np.all(nd == od):
return old_values
except ValueError:
orig_flux = od * old_values
ret = np.zeros(new_edges.size - 1)
for i in range(ret.size):
ret[i] = interpolate_new_bin(
return ret
def proportional_interp_single_bin(
left_edge: float,
right_edge: float,
interp: float
) -> tuple[float, float]:
say what portion of a histogram bin belongs on the left and right
of an edge to interpolate.
denom = right_edge - left_edge
right_portion = (right_edge - interp) / denom
left_portion = (interp - left_edge) / denom
return left_portion, right_portion
def bounding_interpolate_indices(
old_edges: np.ndarray,
left: float,
right: float
) -> tuple[int, int]:
find the indices of the old edges that bound the new left
and right edges.
indices = np.arange(old_edges.size)
new_left = indices[old_edges <= left][-1]
new_right = indices[old_edges >= right][0]
return (new_left, new_right)
def interpolate_new_bin(
original_area: np.array,
old_edges: np.array,
new_left: float,
new_right: float
) -> float:
interpolate the new bin value given old edges, new edges,
and the old flux (aka area).
oa = original_area
oe = old_edges
old_start_idx, old_end_idx = bounding_interpolate_indices(
oe, new_left, new_right
# portion of edge bins that get grouped with the new bin
_, left_partial_prop = proportional_interp_single_bin(
left_partial_area = left_partial_prop * oa[old_start_idx]
right_partial_prop, _ = proportional_interp_single_bin(
right_partial_area = right_partial_prop * oa[old_end_idx-1]
partial_slice = slice(old_start_idx + 1, old_end_idx - 1)
have_bad_slice = (partial_slice.start > partial_slice.stop)
if have_bad_slice:
raise ValueError('Your new bins are too fine. Use coarser bins.')
between_area = oa[partial_slice].sum()
delta = new_right - new_left
new_bin_value = (left_partial_area + between_area + right_partial_area) / delta
return new_bin_value
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def power_law(x, x0, idx):
return (x / x0) ** idx
def compute_binned_flux(edges, values):
return np.sum(values * np.diff(edges))
bin_edges = np.linspace(1, 100, num=1000)
new_edges = np.logspace(0, 2, num=40)
mids = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges)/2
x0 = 10
idx = -3
values = power_law(mids, x0, idx)
new_values = flux_conserving_rebin(
original_flux = compute_binned_flux(bin_edges, values)
new_flux = compute_binned_flux(new_edges, new_values)
print(f'original flux: {original_flux:.4f}')
print(f'rebinned flux: {new_flux:.4f}')
print(f'amount off: {np.abs(original_flux - new_flux):.2e}')
print(f'machine precision: {np.finfo(float).eps:.2e}')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6), layout='constrained')
ax.stairs(values, bin_edges, label='original')
ax.stairs(new_values, new_edges, label='rebinned')
ylabel='power law',
title='Rebin linear-spaced bins to log-spaced bins'
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