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Created April 17, 2020 09:54
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Clojure: Find out the namespaces that are not transitive dependencies of a namespace in your project
;; Meant to be run on a REPL, this small script will find all the namespaces that are not transitively required
;; by a parent ns. This may be useful if you need to extract a small application from a huge monolithic project.
;; This code has been adapted from and distributed under the same license.
;; Note that this only looks at the ns declarations, but has no way to detect dependencies that are dynamically built
;; (e.g. by requiring a symbol created from a string using a plain `require`).
(import [ PushbackReader])
(require '[ :as io])
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(require '[ :as ns-file])
(require '[ :as ns-track])
(require '[ :as ns-find])
(require '[ :as ns-dep]))
(defn transitive-deps-of [source-paths, ns-parents]
(let [source-files (apply set/union
(map #(ns-find/find-sources-in-dir %)
(file-seq source-paths)))
tracker (ns-file/add-files {} source-files)
dep-graph (tracker ::ns-track/deps)
ns-names (set (map (comp second ns-file/read-file-ns-decl)
part-of-project? (partial contains? ns-names)
part-of-parents? #(or (empty? ns-parents)
(contains? ns-parents %)
(boolean (seq (set/intersection ns-parents (ns-dep/transitive-dependents dep-graph %)))))
nodes (->> (ns-dep/nodes dep-graph)
(filter part-of-project?)
(filter part-of-parents?))]
(let [source-paths (io/file "/path/to/my/project/src/main/clojure/")]
(set (transitive-deps-of source-paths #{'my.parent.ns}))
(set (transitive-deps-of source-paths #{}))))
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