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Created February 26, 2016 17:34
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Wrapper to consume data from Localytics REST API
# The API enforces the following rate limits per API key on usage:
# Allows one simultaneous request
# 60 requests/minute
# 150 requests/hour
# 1000 requests/day
# The API will return a 429 response code when a rate limit is exceeded.
# You should reduce your rate of requests and retry throttled requests after the
# specified time.
# The Localytics API, and the backend services which power it, are organized around
# metrics, dimensions, and conditions.
# In a nutshell, rows are selected according to conditions,
# then grouped by dimensions, and finally tallied by metric.
import os
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
class Localytics(object):
def __init__(self, root_url=QUERY_ROOT_URL, key=LOCALYTICS_API_KEY, secret=LOCALYTICS_API_SECRET):
self._root_url = root_url
self._key = key
self._secret = secret
self._metrics = None
self._dimensions = None
self._conditions = None
self._app_id = None
def choose_app(self, app_id):
self._app_id = app_id
return self
def metrics_from(self, metrics):
:param metrics: could be single string or string array
:return: itself
self._metrics = metrics
return self
def conditions(self, conditions, as_dict=True):
:param conditions: clausules to query result
:param as_dict: conditions comes as dict type.
:return: itself
self._conditions = json.dumps(conditions) if as_dict else conditions
return self
def grouped_by(self, dimensions):
:param dimensions: attribute to group results
:return: itself
self._dimensions = dimensions
return self
def fetch_json(self):
Make requests using HTTP GET
:return: value to result key as json type.
query = self._build_query()
result = requests.get(self._root_url,
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self._key, self._secret),
self._metrics = None
self._dimensions = None
self._conditions = None
if result.status_code == 200:
return json.loads(result.content)["results"]
return None
def _build_query(self):
return {
"app_id":self._app_id if self._app_id else LOCALYTICS_DEFAULT_APP_ID,
if __name__ == '__main__':
localytics = Localytics()
result = (localytics
.conditions({"event_name":["IN", "Search"],
"day":["between","2016-02-22", "2016-02-25"]}
print result
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