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Created December 26, 2021 13:23
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❯ brew list
==> Formulae
aom glib libnghttp2 mas ruby
asciinema gmp libogg maven ruby-build
asdf gnu-sed libpng minikube rustup-init
autoconf gnutls libpthread-stubs mpdecimal s-lang
autoenv go librdkafka mpfr sbt
automake gobject-introspection librsvg msgpack sdl2
avro-c gradle libsamplerate ncurses six
bat graphite2 libserdes neovim snappy
bdw-gc groovy libsndfile nettle speex
broot guile libsodium newt sphinx-doc
brotli harfbuzz libsoxr nghttp2 sqlite
byobu helm libssh2 node srt
c-ares httpie libtasn1 oniguruma tcl-tk
ca-certificates icu4c libtermkey opencore-amr telnet
cairo imagemagick@6 libtiff openexr tesseract
ccat imath libtool openjdk the_silver_searcher
clojure isl libunistring openjdk@11 theora
coreutils jansson libuv openjpeg tig
cscope jbig2dec libvidstab openssl@1.1 tmux
dav1d jemalloc libvmaf opus tmuxinator
emacs jenv libvorbis p11-kit tomcat@8
exa jpeg libvpx pango tree
fasd jpeg-xl libvterm parquet-tools tree-sitter
fd jq libx11 pcre unbound
ffmpeg k9s libxau pcre2 unibilium
flac kafkacat libxcb peco unixodbc
fontconfig kcat libxdmcp pixman up
freetype kotlin libxext pkg-config utf8proc
frei0r kube-prompt libxrender popt watch
fribidi kubernetes-cli libyaml procs webp
fzf lame little-cms2 pyenv wget
gaze lazygit lua python@2 x264
gcc leptonica luajit python@3.10 x265
gdbm libass luajit-openresty python@3.8 xorgproto
gdk-pixbuf libbluray luv python@3.9 xvid
gettext libcroco lz4 rav1e xz
gh libev lzlib rbenv yajl
ghostscript libevent lzo readline zeromq
giflib libffi m-cli ripgrep zimg
git libidn m4 rlwrap zlib
git-delta libidn2 mackup rtmpdump zstd
git-lfs libmpc macvim rubberband
==> Casks
adoptopenjdk8 font-hack-nerd-font java11 mattermost oni
dozer iglance java8 minikube stats
emacs java kap ngrok
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