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Created June 6, 2017 16:18
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Fourier Series of Square Wave
% Fourier Series of Square Wave - illustrated and computed by TeX.
% Author : Seungwon Park (
% convert -delay 10 -loop 0 -density 400 -alpha remove square-wave.pdf square-wave.gif
\foreach \angle in {0,4,...,360}{
\draw[white] (-4,-1.6) rectangle (6.5,5); % frame
\node at (1.5,3.5) {\fbox{\parbox{6cm}{\centering
Fourier Series of Square Wave \\
~ \\
$ \displaystyle f(x) = \frac{4}{\pi} \sum_{2\centernot\mid n}^{\infty}
\frac{1}{n}\sin\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L}\right). $
\draw plot[smooth,samples=100,domain=\angle-360:\angle] (pi/180*\angle-pi/180*\x,{sin(\x)+1/3*sin(3*\x)+1/5*sin(5*\x)+1/7*sin(7*\x)});
\draw (-2,0) circle [radius=1];
\draw (-2,0) -- +(\angle:1);
\draw (-2,0) +(\angle:1) circle [radius=1/3];
\draw (-2,0) +($ (\angle:1) + (3*\angle:1/3) $) circle [radius=1/5];
\draw (-2,0) +($ (\angle:1) + (3*\angle:1/3) + (5*\angle:1/5) $) circle [radius=1/7];
\filldraw (-2,0)
+(\angle:1) circle (1pt) --
+($ (\angle:1) + (3*\angle:1/3) $) circle (1pt) --
+($ (\angle:1) + (3*\angle:1/3) + (5*\angle:1/5) $) circle (1pt) --
+($ (\angle:1) + (3*\angle:1/3) + (5*\angle:1/5) + (7*\angle:1/7) $) circle (1pt) -- (pi/180*\angle-pi/180*\angle,{sin(\angle)+1/3*sin(3*\angle)+1/5*sin(5*\angle)+1/7*sin(7*\angle)}) circle (1pt);
\node at (-2,-1.3) {\footnotesize $ (n=1,3,5,7) $};
\node at (2.8,-1.3) {\footnotesize by Seungwon Park, illustr. \& computed with \LaTeX.};
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Nice gif!

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