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Last active October 12, 2019 10:56
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# (c) 2011-2013 Dennis Kaarsemaker <>
# see COPYING for license details
# Test edit!
import os
import platform
import random
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import warnings
import hpilo_fw
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
if PY3:
import io as StringIO
b = lambda x: bytes(x, 'ascii')
class Bogus(Exception): pass
socket.sslerror = Bogus
basestring = str
import cStringIO as StringIO
b = lambda x: x
import ssl
except ImportError:
# Fallback for older python versions
class ssl:
def wrap_socket(sock, *args, **kwargs):
return ssl(sock)
def __init__(self, sock):
self.sock = sock
self.sslsock = socket.ssl(sock)
def read(self, n=None):
if not n:
def write(self, data):
return self.sslsock.write(data)
def shutdown(self, what):
return self.sock.shutdown(what)
def close(self):
return self.sock.close()
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
import elementtree.ElementTree as etree
# Oh the joys of monkeypatching...
# We need a CDATA element in set_security_msg, but ElementTree doesn't support it
def CDATA(text=None):
element = etree.Element('![CDATA[')
element.text = text
return element
# Python 2.7 and 3
if hasattr(etree, '_serialize_xml'):
etree._original_serialize_xml = etree._serialize_xml
def _serialize_xml(write, elem, *args):
if elem.tag == '![CDATA[':
write("\n<%s%s]]>\n" % (elem.tag, elem.text))
return etree._original_serialize_xml(write, elem, *args)
etree._serialize_xml = etree._serialize['xml'] = _serialize_xml
# Python 2.5-2.6, and non-stdlib ElementTree
elif hasattr(etree.ElementTree, '_write'):
etree.ElementTree._orig_write = etree.ElementTree._write
def _write(self, file, node, encoding, namespaces):
if node.tag == '![CDATA[':
file.write("\n<![CDATA[%s]]>\n" % node.text.encode(encoding))
self._orig_write(file, node, encoding, namespaces)
etree.ElementTree._write = _write
raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to monkeypatch CDATA support. Please report a bug at")
# Which protocol to use
_untested = []
def untested(meth):
"""Decorator to mark a method as untested"""
meth.untested = True
if hasattr(meth, 'func_name'):
return meth
class IloError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, errorcode=None):
if issubclass(IloError, object):
super(IloError, self).__init__(message)
Exception.__init__(self, message)
self.errorcode = errorcode
class IloCommunicationError(IloError):
# When we stop supporting ilo 1, 'User login name was not found' and 0x000a can
# be removed. They should, as they cause IloLoginFailed in cases where login
# did not fail, but e.g. get_user('nonexistent') was called
class IloLoginFailed(IloError):
possible_messages = ['User login name was not found', 'Login failed', 'Login credentials rejected']
possible_codes = [0x005f, 0x000a]
class IloWarning(Warning):
class IloTestWarning(Warning):
class Ilo(object):
"""Represents an iLO/iLO2/iLO3/RILOE II management interface on a
specific host. A new connection using the specified login, password and
timeout will be made for each API call. The library will detect which
protocol to use, but you can override this by setting protocol to
ILO_RAW or ILO_HTTP. Use ILO_LOCAL to avoid using a network connection
and use hponcfg instead. Username and password are ignored for ILO_LOCAL
connections. Set delayed to True to make python-hpilo not send requests
immediately, but group them together. See :func:`call_delayed`"""
XML_HEADER = b('<?xml version="1.0"?>\r\n')
HTTP_HEADER = "POST /ribcl HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nConnection: Close%s\r\n\r\n"
HTTP_UPLOAD_HEADER = "POST /cgi-bin/uploadRibclFiles HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\nConnection: Close\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s\r\n\r\n"
hponcfg = "/sbin/hponcfg"
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
hponcfg = 'C:\Program Files\HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility\cpqlocfg.exe'
def __init__(self, hostname, login=None, password=None, timeout=60, port=443, protocol=None, delayed=False):
self.hostname = hostname
self.login = login or 'Administrator'
self.password = password or 'Password'
self.timeout = timeout
self.debug = 0
self.port = port
self.protocol = protocol
self.cookie = None
self.delayed = delayed
self._elements = None
self._processors = []
self.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1
self.save_response = None
self.read_response = None
def __str__(self):
return "iLO interface of %s" % self.hostname
def _debug(self, level, message):
if message.__class__.__name__ == 'bytes':
message = message.decode('latin-1')
if self.debug >= level:
sys.stderr.write(re.sub(r'PASSWORD=".*?"', 'PASSWORD="********"', message))
if message.startswith('\r'):
def _request(self, xml, progress=None):
"""Given an ElementTree.Element, serialize it and do the request.
Returns an ElementTree.Element containing the response"""
if not self.protocol and not self.read_response:
# Serialize the XML
if hasattr(etree, 'tostringlist'):
xml = b("\r\n").join(etree.tostringlist(xml)) + b('\r\n')
xml = etree.tostring(xml)
header, data = self._communicate(xml, self.protocol, progress=progress)
# This thing usually contains multiple XML messages
messages = []
while data:
pos = data.find('<?xml', 5)
if pos == -1:
message = self._parse_message(data)
data = None
message = self._parse_message(data[:pos])
data = data[pos:]
# _parse_message returns None if a message has no useful content
if message is not None:
if not messages:
return header, None
elif len(messages) == 1:
return header, messages[0]
return header, messages
def _detect_protocol(self):
# Use hponcfg when 'connecting' to localhost
if self.hostname == 'localhost':
self.protocol = ILO_LOCAL
# Do a bogus request, using the HTTP protocol. If there is no
# header (see special case in communicate(), we should be using the
# raw protocol
header, data = self._communicate(b('<RIBCL VERSION="2.0"></RIBCL>'), ILO_HTTP)
if header:
self.protocol = ILO_HTTP
self.protocol = ILO_RAW
def _upload_file(self, filename, progress):
firmware = open(filename, 'rb').read()
boundary = b('------hpiLO3t' + str(random.randint(100000,1000000)) + 'z')
while boundary in firmware:
boundary = b('------hpiLO3t' + str(random.randint(100000,1000000)) + 'z')
parts = [
b("--") + boundary + b("""\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="fileType"\r\n\r\n"""),
b("\r\n--") + boundary + b('''\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="fwimgfile"; filename="''') + b(filename) + b('''"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n'''),
b("\r\n--") + boundary + b("--\r\n"),
total_bytes = sum([len(x) for x in parts])
sock = self._get_socket()
self._debug(2, self.HTTP_UPLOAD_HEADER % (total_bytes, boundary.decode('ascii')))
sock.write(b(self.HTTP_UPLOAD_HEADER % (total_bytes, boundary.decode('ascii'))))
for part in parts:
if len(part) < 2048:
self._debug(2, part)
sent = 0
pkglen = 2048
fwlen = len(part)
while sent < fwlen:
written = sock.write(part[sent:sent+pkglen])
if written is None:
plen = len(part[sent:sent+pkglen])
raise IloCommunicationError("Unexpected EOF while sending %d bytes (%d of %d sent before)" % (plen, sent, fwlen))
sent += written
if callable(progress):
progress("\r\033[KSent %d/%d bytes (%d%%)" % (sent, fwlen, 100.0*sent/fwlen))
self._debug(2, "\r\033[KSent %d/%d bytes (%d%%)" % (sent, fwlen, 100.0*sent/fwlen))
if callable(progress):
self._debug(2, "")
data = ''
while True:
d =
data += d.decode('latin-1')
if not d:
except socket.sslerror: # Connection closed
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if not data:
raise IloCommunicationError("Communication with %s:%d failed: %s" % (self.hostname, self.port, str(e)))
self._debug(1, "Received %d bytes" % len(data))
self._debug(2, data)
self.cookie ='Set-Cookie: *(.*)', data).groups(1)
self._debug(2, "Cookie: %s" % self.cookie)
def _get_socket(self):
"""Set up a subprocess or an https connection and do an HTTP/raw socket request"""
if self.read_response:
class FakeSocket(object):
def __init__(self, file):
self.trash = StringIO.StringIO()
self.output = open(file) =
self.write = self.trash.write
self.close = self.output.close
shutdown = lambda *args: None
return FakeSocket(self.read_response)
if self.protocol == ILO_LOCAL:
self._debug(1, "Launching hponcfg")
sp = subprocess.Popen([self.hponcfg, '--input', '--xmlverbose'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None)
except OSError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
raise IloCommunicationError("Cannot run %s: %s" % (self.hponcfg, str(e)))
sp.write = sp.stdin.write =
return sp
self._debug(1, "Connecting to %s port %d" % (self.hostname, self.port))
err = None
for res in socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, self.port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
sock = None
sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
self._debug(2, "Connecting to %s port %d" % sa[:2])
except socket.timeout:
if sock is not None:
err = IloCommunicationError("Timeout connecting to %s port %d" % (self.hostname, self.port))
except socket.error:
if sock is not None:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
err = IloCommunicationError("Error connecting to %s port %d: %s" % (self.hostname, self.port, str(e)))
if err is not None:
raise err
if not sock:
raise IloCommunicationError("Unable to resolve %s" % self.hostname)
return ssl.wrap_socket(sock, ssl_version=self.ssl_version)
except socket.sslerror:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
# Some ancient iLO's don't support TLSv1, retry with SSLv3
if 'wrong version number' in (e.message or str(e)) and self.sslversion == ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1:
self.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
return self._get_socket()
raise IloCommunicationError("Cannot establish ssl session with %s:%d: %s" % (self.hostname, self.port, e.message or str(e)))
def _communicate(self, xml, protocol, progress=None):
sock = self._get_socket()
msglen = msglen_ = len(self.XML_HEADER + xml)
if protocol == ILO_HTTP:
extra_header = ''
if self.cookie:
extra_header = "\r\nCookie: %s" % self.cookie
http_header = self.HTTP_HEADER % (msglen, extra_header)
msglen += len(http_header)
self._debug(1, "Sending XML request, %d bytes" % msglen)
if protocol == ILO_HTTP:
self._debug(2, http_header)
self._debug(2, self.XML_HEADER + xml)
# XML header and data need to arrive in 2 distinct packets
if self.protocol != ILO_LOCAL:
if b('$EMBED') in xml:
pre, name, post = re.compile(b(r'(.*)\$EMBED:(.*)\$(.*)'), re.DOTALL).match(xml).groups()
sent = 0
fwlen = os.path.getsize(name)
fw = open(name, 'rb').read()
pkglen = 2048
while sent < fwlen:
written = sock.write(fw[sent:sent+pkglen])
sent += written
if callable(progress):
progress("\r\033[KSent %d/%d bytes (%d%%)" % (sent, fwlen, 100.0*sent/fwlen))
self._debug(2, "\r\033[KSent %d/%d bytes (%d%%)" % (sent, fwlen, 100.0*sent/fwlen))
if callable(progress):
self._debug(2, "")
# And grab the data
if self.protocol == ILO_LOCAL:
# hponcfg doesn't return data until stdin is closed
data = ''
while True:
d ='latin-1')
data += d
if not d:
if callable(progress) and d.strip().endswith('</RIBCL>'):
d = d[d.find('<?xml'):]
while '<?xml' in d:
end = d.find('<?xml', 5)
if end == -1:
progress(self._parse_message(d, include_inform=True))
progress(self._parse_message(d[:end], include_inform=True))
d = d[end:]
except socket.sslerror: # Connection closed
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if not data:
raise IloCommunicationError("Communication with %s:%d failed: %s" % (self.hostname, self.port, str(e)))
self._debug(1, "Received %d bytes" % len(data))
if self.protocol == ILO_LOCAL:
elif sock.shutdown:
if self.save_response:
fd = open(self.save_response, 'a')
# Stript out garbage from hponcfg
if self.protocol == ILO_LOCAL:
data = data[data.find('<'):data.rfind('>')+1]
# Do we have HTTP?
header_ = ''
if protocol == ILO_HTTP and data.startswith('HTTP/1.1 200'):
header, data = data.split('\r\n\r\n', 1)
header_ = header
header = [x.split(':', 1) for x in header.split('\r\n')[1:]]
header = dict([(x[0].lower(), x[1].strip()) for x in header])
if header['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked':
_data, data = data, ''
while _data:
clen, _data = _data.split('\r\n', 1)
clen = int(clen, 16)
if clen == 0:
data += _data[:clen]
_data = _data[clen+2:]
elif data.startswith('HTTP/1.1 404'):
# We must be using iLO2 or older, they don't do HTTP for XML requests
# This case is only triggered by the protocol detection
header = None
elif not data.startswith('<?xml'):
raise IloError("Remote returned bogus data, maybe it's not an iLO")
header = None
self._debug(2, "%s\r\n\r\n%s" % (header_, data))
return header, data
def _root_element(self, element, **attrs):
"""Create a basic XML structure for a message. Return root and innermost element"""
if not self.delayed or not self._elements:
root = etree.Element('RIBCL', VERSION="2.0")
login = etree.SubElement(root, 'LOGIN', USER_LOGIN=self.login, PASSWORD=self.password)
if self.delayed:
if self._elements:
root, login = self._elements
self._elements = (root, login)
element = etree.SubElement(login, element, **attrs)
return root, element
def _parse_message(self, data, include_inform=False):
"""Parse iLO responses into Element instances and remove useless messages"""
# Bug in some ilo versions causes malformed XML
if '<RIBCL VERSION="2.22"/>' in data:
data = data.replace('<RIBCL VERSION="2.22"/>', '<RIBCL VERSION="2.22">')
if'''=+ *[^"'\n=]''', data):
data = re.sub(r'''= *([^"'\n]+?) *\n''', r'="\1"', data)
data = data.strip()
if not data:
return None
message = etree.fromstring(data)
if message.tag == 'RIBCL':
for child in message:
if child.tag == 'INFORM':
if include_inform:
# Filter useless message:
if 'should be updated' in child.text:
return None
return child.text
# RESPONE with status 0 also adds no value
elif child.tag == 'RESPONSE' and int(child.get('STATUS'), 16) == 0:
if child.get('MESSAGE') != 'No error':
warnings.warn(child.get('MESSAGE'), IloWarning)
# These are interesting, something went wrong
elif child.tag == 'RESPONSE':
if 'syntax error' in child.get('MESSAGE') and not self.protocol:
# This is triggered when doing protocol detection, ignore
status = int(child.get('STATUS'), 16)
message = child.get('MESSAGE')
if 'syntax error' in message:
message += '. You may have tried to use a feature this iLO version or firmware version does not support.'
if status in IloLoginFailed.possible_codes or \
message in IloLoginFailed.possible_messages:
raise IloLoginFailed(message, status)
raise IloError(message, status)
# And this type of message is the actual payload.
return message
return None
# This shouldn't be reached as all messages are RIBCL messages. But who knows!
return message
def _element_children_to_dict(self, element):
"""Returns a dict with tag names of all child elements as keys and the
VALUE attributes as values"""
retval = {}
keys = [elt.tag.lower() for elt in element]
if len(keys) != 1 and len(set(keys)) == 1:
# Can't return a dict
retval = []
for elt in element:
# There are some special tags
fname = '_parse_%s_%s' % (element.tag.lower(), elt.tag.lower())
if hasattr(self, fname):
retval.update(getattr(self, fname)(elt))
key, val, unit = elt.tag.lower(), elt.get('VALUE', elt.get('value', None)), elt.get('UNIT', None)
if val is None:
# HP is not best friends with consistency. Sometimes there are
# attributes, sometimes child tags and sometimes text nodes. Oh
# well, deal with it :)
if elt.attrib and list(elt):
val = self._element_to_dict(elt)
elif list(elt):
val = self._element_to_list(elt)
elif elt.text:
val = elt.text.strip()
elif elt.attrib:
val = self._element_to_dict(elt)
val = self._coerce(val)
if unit:
val = (val, unit)
if isinstance(retval, list):
elif key in retval:
if isinstance(retval[key], dict):
elif not isinstance(retval[key], list):
retval[key] = [retval[key], val]
retval[key] = val
return retval
def _element_to_dict(self, element):
"""Returns a dict with tag attributes as items"""
retval = {}
for key, val in element.attrib.items():
retval[key.lower()] = self._coerce(val)
if list(element):
fields = []
for child in element.getchildren():
if child.tag == 'FIELD':
if fields:
names = [x['name'] for x in fields]
if len(names) == len(set(names)):
# Field names are unique, treat them like attributes
for field in fields:
retval[field['name']] = field['value']
# Field names are not unique, such as the name "MAC"
retval['fields'] = fields
return retval
def _element_to_list(self, element):
tagnames = [x.tag for x in element]
if len(set(tagnames)) == 1:
return [self._element_children_to_dict(x) for x in element]
return [(child.tag.lower(), self._element_to_dict(child)) for child in element]
def _coerce(self, val):
"""Do some data type coercion: unquote, turn integers into integers and
Y/N into booleans"""
if isinstance(val, basestring):
if val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'):
val = val[1:-1]
if val.isdigit():
val = int(val)
val = {'Y': True, 'N': False}.get(val, val)
return val
def _raw(self, *tags):
if self.delayed:
raise IloError("Cannot use raw tags in delayed mode")
root, inner = self._root_element(tags[0][0], **(tags[0][1]))
for t in tags[1:]:
inner = etree.SubElement(inner, t[0], **t[1])
header, message = self._request(root)
fd = StringIO.StringIO()
ret = fd.getvalue()
return ret
def _info_tag(self, infotype, tagname, returntags=None, attrib={}, process=lambda x: x):
root, inner = self._root_element(infotype, MODE='read')
etree.SubElement(inner, tagname, **attrib)
if self.delayed:
self._processors.append([self._process_info_tag, returntags or [tagname], process])
header, message = self._request(root)
if isinstance(message, list):
for msg in message:
return self._process_info_tag(message, returntags or [tagname], process)
def _process_info_tag(self, message, returntags, process):
if isinstance(returntags, basestring):
returntags = [returntags]
for tag in returntags:
if message.find(tag) is None:
message = message.find(tag)
if list(message):
return process(self._element_children_to_dict(message))
return process(self._element_to_dict(message))
raise IloError("Expected tag '%s' not found" % "' or '".join(returntags))
def _control_tag(self, controltype, tagname, returntag=None, attrib={}, elements=[], text=None):
root, inner = self._root_element(controltype, MODE='write')
inner = etree.SubElement(inner, tagname, **attrib)
if text:
inner.text = text
for element in elements:
if self.delayed:
self._processors.append([self._process_control_tag, returntag or tagname])
header, message = self._request(root)
return self._process_control_tag(message, returntag or tagname)
def _process_control_tag(self, message, returntag):
if message is None:
return None
message = message.find(returntag)
if message.text.strip():
return message.text.strip()
if not message.attrib and not list(message):
return None
raise IloError("You've reached unknown territories, please report a bug")
if list(message):
return self._element_children_to_dict(message)
return self._element_to_dict(message)
def call_delayed(self):
"""In delayed mode, calling a method on an iLO object will not cause an
immediate callout to the iLO. Instead, the method and parameters are
stored for future calls of this method. This method makes one
connection to the iLO and sends all commands as one XML document.
This speeds up applications that make many calls to the iLO by
removing seconds of overhead per call.
The return value of call_delayed is a list of return values for
individual methods that don't return None. This means that there may
be fewer items returned than methods called as only `get_*` methods
return data
Delayed calls only work on iLO 2 or newer"""
if not self._elements:
raise ValueError("No commands scheduled")
root, inner = self._elements
header, message = self._request(root)
ret = []
if message:
if not isinstance(message, list):
message = [message]
for message, processor in zip(message, self._processors):
ret.append(processor.pop(0)(message, *processor))
self._processors = []
self._elements = None
return ret
def activate_license(self, key):
"""Activate an iLO advanced license"""
license = etree.Element('ACTIVATE', KEY=key)
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'LICENSE', elements=[license])
def add_user(self, user_login, user_name, password, admin_priv=False,
remote_cons_priv=True, reset_server_priv=False,
virtual_media_priv=False, config_ilo_priv=True):
"""Add a new user to the iLO interface with the specified name,
password and permissions. Permission attributes should be boolean
attrs = locals()
elements = []
for attribute in [x for x in attrs.keys() if x.endswith('_priv')]:
val = ['No', 'Yes'][bool(attrs[attribute])]
elements.append(etree.Element(attribute.upper(), VALUE=val))
return self._control_tag('USER_INFO', 'ADD_USER', elements=elements,
attrib={'USER_LOGIN': user_login, 'USER_NAME': user_name, 'PASSWORD': password})
def ahs_clear_data(self):
"""Clears Active Health System information log"""
return self._raw(('RIB_INFO', {'MODE': 'WRITE'}), ('AHS_CLEAR_DATA', {}))
def cert_fqdn(self, use_fqdn):
"""Configure whether to use the fqdn or the short hostname for certificate requests"""
use_fqdn = str({True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(use_fqdn, use_fqdn))
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'CERT_FQDN', attrib={'VALUE': use_fqdn})
def certificate_signing_request(self, country=None, state=None, locality=None, organization=None,
organizational_unit=None, common_name=None):
"""Get a certificate signing request from the iLO"""
vars = locals()
del vars['self']
vars = dict([('CSR_' + x.upper(), vars[x]) for x in vars if vars[x]])
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_REQUEST')
def clear_ilo_event_log(self):
"""Clears the iLO event log"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'CLEAR_EVENTLOG')
def clear_server_event_log(self):
"""Clears the server event log"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'CLEAR_IML')
def clear_server_power_on_time(self):
"""Clears the server power on time"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'CLEAR_SERVER_POWER_ON_TIME')
def computer_lock_config(self, computer_lock=None, computer_lock_key=None):
"""Configure the computer lock settings"""
if computer_lock_key:
computer_lock = "custom"
if not computer_lock:
raise ValueError("A value must be specified for computer_lock")
elements = [etree.Element('COMPUTER_LOCK', VALUE=computer_lock)]
if computer_lock_key:
elements.append(etree.Element('COMPUTER_LOCK_KEY', VALUE=computer_lock_key))
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'COMPUTER_LOCK_CONFIG', elements=elements)
def delete_user(self, user_login):
"""Delete the specified user from the ilo"""
return self._control_tag('USER_INFO', 'DELETE_USER', attrib={'USER_LOGIN': user_login})
def disable_ers(self):
"""Disable Insight Remote Support functionality and unregister the server"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'DISABLE_ERS')
def eject_virtual_floppy(self):
"""Eject the virtual floppy"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'EJECT_VIRTUAL_FLOPPY')
def eject_virtual_media(self, device="cdrom"):
"""Eject the virtual media attached to the specified device"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'EJECT_VIRTUAL_MEDIA',
attrib={"DEVICE": device.upper()})
def ers_ahs_submit(self, message_id, bb_days):
"""Submity AHS dat to the insight remote support server"""
elements = [
etree.Element('MESSAGE_ID', attrib={'VALUE': str(message_id)}),
etree.Element('BB_DAYS', attrib={'VALUE': str(bb_days)}),
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'TRIGGER_BB_DATA', elements=elements)
def fips_enable(self):
"""Enable FIPS standard to enforce AES/3DES encryption, can only be
reset with a call to factory_defaults. Resets Administrator password
and license key"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'FIPS_ENABLE')
def factory_defaults(self):
"""Reset the iLO to factory default settings"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'FACTORY_DEFAULTS')
def get_ahs_status(self):
"""Get active health system logging status"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_AHS_STATUS')
def get_all_users(self):
"""Get a list of all loginnames"""
def process(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = data.values()
return [x for x in data if x]
return self._info_tag('USER_INFO', 'GET_ALL_USERS', process=process)
def get_all_user_info(self):
"""Get basic and authorization info of all users"""
def process(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = data.values()
return dict([(x['user_login'], x) for x in data])
return self._info_tag('USER_INFO', 'GET_ALL_USER_INFO', process=process)
def get_asset_tag(self):
"""Gets the server asset tag"""
# The absence of an asset tag is communicated in a warning and there
# will be *NO* returntag, hence the AttributeError.
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_ASSET_TAG')
except AttributeError:
return {'asset_tag': None}
def get_cert_subject_info(self):
"""Get ssl certificate subject information"""
def get_dir_config(self):
"""Get directory authentication configuration"""
return self._info_tag('DIR_INFO', 'GET_DIR_CONFIG')
def get_embedded_health(self):
"""Get server health information"""
def process(data):
for category in data:
if category == 'health_at_a_glance':
health = {}
for key, val in data[category]:
if key not in health:
health[key] = val
data[category] = health
elif isinstance(data[category], list):
for tag in ('label', 'location'):
if tag in data[category][0]:
data[category] = dict([(x[tag], x) for x in data[category]])
elif data[category] == '':
data[category] = None
return data
# Ok, special XML structures. Yay.
def _parse_get_embedded_health_data_drives(self, element):
ret = []
for bp in element:
if bp.tag != 'BACKPLANE':
raise IloError("Unexpected data returned: %s" % bp.tag)
backplane = obj = {'drive_bays': {}}
for elt in bp:
if elt.tag == 'DRIVE_BAY':
obj = {}
backplane['drive_bays'][int(elt.get('VALUE'))] = obj
obj[elt.tag.lower()] = elt.get('VALUE')
return {'drives_backplanes': ret}
def _parse_get_embedded_health_data_memory(self, element):
ret = {}
for elt in element:
fname = '_parse_%s_%s' % (element.tag.lower(), elt.tag.lower())
if hasattr(self, fname):
ret.update(getattr(self, fname)(elt))
ret[elt.tag.lower()] = self._element_children_to_dict(elt)
return {element.tag.lower(): ret}
_parse_memory_memory_details_summary = _parse_get_embedded_health_data_memory
def _parse_memory_memory_details(self, element):
ret = {}
for elt in element:
if elt.tag not in ret:
ret[elt.tag] = {}
data = self._element_children_to_dict(elt)
ret[elt.tag]["socket %d" % data["socket"]] = data
return {element.tag.lower(): ret}
def _parse_get_embedded_health_data_nic_information(self, element):
ret = {}
for elt in element:
data = self._element_children_to_dict(elt)
ret[data['network_port']] = data
return {element.tag.lower(): ret}
def _parse_get_embedded_health_data_firmware_information(self, element):
ret = {}
for elt in element:
data = self._element_children_to_dict(elt)
ret[data['firmware_name']] = data['firmware_version']
return {element.tag.lower(): ret}
def _parse_get_embedded_health_data_storage(self, element):
ret = []
for ctrl in element:
data = {}
for elt in ctrl:
tag = elt.tag.lower()
if tag in ('drive_enclosure', 'logical_drive'):
tag += 's'
if tag not in data:
data[tag] = []
if tag == 'drive_enclosures':
data[tag] = elt.get('VALUE')
return {element.tag.lower(): ret}
def _parse_logical_drive(self, element):
data = {}
for elt in element:
tag = elt.tag.lower()
if tag == 'physical_drive':
tag += 's'
if tag not in data:
data[tag] = []
data[tag] = elt.get('VALUE')
return data
def get_ers_settings(self):
"""Get the ERS Insight Remote Support settings"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_ERS_SETTINGS')
def get_fips_status(self):
"""Is the FIPS-mandated AES/3DESencryption enforcement in place"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_FIPS_STATUS')
def get_fw_version(self):
"""Get the iLO firmware version"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_FW_VERSION')
def get_global_settings(self):
"""Get global iLO settings"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS')
def get_host_data(self, decoded_only=True):
"""Get SMBIOS records that describe the host. By default only the ones
where human readable information is available are returned. To get
all records pass :attr:`decoded_only=False` """
def process(data):
if decoded_only:
data = [x for x in data if len(x) > 2]
return data
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_HOST_DATA', process=process)
def get_host_power_saver_status(self):
"""Get the configuration of the ProLiant power regulator"""
def get_host_power_status(self):
"""Whether the server is powered on or not"""
process=lambda data: data['host_power'])
def get_host_pwr_micro_ver(self):
"""Get the version of the power micro firmware"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_HOST_PWR_MICRO_VER',
process=lambda data: data['pwr_micro']['version'])
def get_ilo_event_log(self):
"""Get the full iLO event log"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_EVENT_LOG', 'EVENT_LOG')
def get_language(self):
"""Get the default language set"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_LANGUAGE')
def get_all_languages(self):
"""Get the list of installed languages - broken because iLO returns invalid XML"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_ALL_LANGUAGES')
def get_all_licenses(self):
"""Get a list of all license types and licenses"""
def process(data):
if not isinstance(data, list):
data = data.values()
return [dict([(x[0], x[1]['value']) for x in row]) for row in data]
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_ALL_LICENSES', process=process)
def get_network_settings(self):
"""Get the iLO network settings"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_NETWORK_SETTINGS')
def get_oa_info(self):
"""Get information about the OA of the enclosing chassis"""
return self._info_tag('BLADESYSTEM_INFO', 'GET_OA_INFO')
def get_one_time_boot(self):
"""Get the one time boot state of the host"""
# Inconsistency between iLO 2 and 3, let's fix that
def process(data):
if 'device' in data['boot_type']:
data['boot_type'] = data['boot_type']['device']
return data['boot_type'].lower()
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_ONE_TIME_BOOT', ('ONE_TIME_BOOT', 'GET_ONE_TIME_BOOT'), process=process)
def get_persistent_boot(self):
"""Get the boot order of the host"""
def process(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = data.items()
data.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
return [x[0].lower() for x in data]
return [x.lower() for x in data]
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_PERSISTENT_BOOT', ('PERSISTENT_BOOT', 'GET_PERSISTENT_BOOT'), process=process)
def get_pers_mouse_keyboard_enabled(self):
"""Returns whether persistent mouse and keyboard are enabled"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_PERS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD_ENABLED', process=lambda data: data['persmouse_enabled'])
def get_power_cap(self):
"""Get the power cap setting"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_POWER_CAP', process=lambda data: data['power_cap'])
def get_power_readings(self):
"""Get current, min, max and average power readings"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_POWER_READINGS')
def get_pwreg(self):
"""Get the power and power alert threshold settings"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_PWREG')
def get_rack_settings(self):
"""Get the rack settings for an iLO"""
return self._info_tag('RACK_INFO', 'GET_RACK_SETTINGS')
def get_security_msg(self):
"""Retrieve the security message that is displayed on the login screen"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_SECURITY_MSG')
def get_server_auto_pwr(self):
"""Get the automatic power on delay setting"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_SERVER_AUTO_PWR', process=lambda data: data['server_auto_pwr'])
def get_server_event_log(self):
"""Get the IML log of the server"""
def process(data):
if isinstance(data, dict) and 'description' in data:
return []
return data
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_EVENT_LOG', 'EVENT_LOG', process=process)
def get_server_name(self):
"""Get the name of the server this iLO is managing"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_SERVER_NAME', 'SERVER_NAME', process=lambda name: name['value'])
def get_server_power_on_time(self):
"""How many minutes ago has the server been powered on"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_SERVER_POWER_ON_TIME', 'SERVER_POWER_ON_MINUTES', process=lambda data: int(data['value']))
def get_snmp_im_settings(self):
"""Where does the iLO send SNMP traps to and which traps does it send"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_SNMP_IM_SETTINGS')
def get_spatial(self):
"""Get location information"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_SPATIAL', 'SPATIAL')
def get_sso_settings(self):
"""Get the HP SIM Single Sign-On settings"""
return self._info_tag('SSO_INFO', 'GET_SSO_SETTINGS')
def get_twofactor_settings(self):
"""Get two-factor authentication settings"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_TWOFACTOR_SETTINGS')
def get_uid_status(self):
"""Get the status of the UID light"""
return self._info_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'GET_UID_STATUS', process=lambda data: data['uid'])
def get_user(self, user_login):
"""Get user info about a specific user"""
return self._info_tag('USER_INFO', 'GET_USER', attrib={'USER_LOGIN': user_login})
def get_vm_status(self, device="CDROM"):
"""Get the status of virtual media devices. Valid devices are FLOPPY and CDROM"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_VM_STATUS', attrib={'DEVICE': device})
def hotkey_config(self, ctrl_t=None, ctrl_u=None, ctrl_v=None, ctrl_w=None,
ctrl_x=None, ctrl_y=None):
"""Change a set of shortcuts"""
vars = locals()
del vars['self']
elements = [etree.Element(x.upper(), VALUE=vars[x]) for x in vars if vars[x] is not None]
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'HOTKEY_CONFIG', elements=elements)
def import_certificate(self, certificate):
"""Import a signed SSL certificate"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'IMPORT_CERTIFICATE', text=certificate)
# Broken in iLO3 < 1.55 for Administrator
def import_ssh_key(self, user_login, ssh_key):
"""Imports an SSH key for the specified user. The value of ssh_key
should be the content of an file"""
# Basic sanity checking
if ' ' not in ssh_key:
raise ValueError("Invalid SSH key")
algo, key = ssh_key.split(' ',2)[:2]
if algo != 'ssh-dss':
raise ValueError("Invalid SSH key, only DSA keys are supported")
except Exception:
raise ValueError("Invalid SSH key")
key = "-----BEGIN SSH KEY-----\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n-----END SSH KEY-----\r\n" % (algo, key, user_login)
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'IMPORT_SSH_KEY', text=key)
# Not sure how this would work, and I have no relevant hardware
#def insert_virtual_floppy(self, device, image_location):
# """Insert a virtual floppy"""
# return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'INSERT_VIRTUAL_FLOPPY', attrib={'IMAGE_LOCATION': image_location})
def delete_ssh_key(self, user_login):
"""Delete a users SSH key"""
return self._control_tag('USER_INFO', 'MOD_USER', attrib={'USER_LOGIN': user_login}, elements=[etree.Element('DEL_USERS_SSH_KEY')])
def insert_virtual_media(self, device, image_url):
"""Insert a virtual floppy or CDROM. Note that you will also need to
use :func:`set_vm_status` to connect the media"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'INSERT_VIRTUAL_MEDIA', attrib={'DEVICE': device.upper(), 'IMAGE_URL': image_url})
def mod_global_settings(self, session_timeout=None, f8_prompt_enabled=None,
f8_login_required=None, lock_configuration=None, ilo_funct_enabled=None,
serial_cli_status=None, serial_cli_speed=None,
http_port=None, https_port=None, ssh_port=None, ssh_status=None,
vmedia_disable=None, virtual_media_port=None, remote_console_port=None,
snmp_access_enabled=None, snmp_port=None, snmp_trap_port=None,
remote_syslog_enable=None, remote_syslog_server_address=None, remote_syslog_port=None,
alertmail_enable=None, alertmail_email_address=None,
alertmail_sender_domain=None, alertmail_smtp_server=None,
min_password=None, enfoce_aes=None, authentication_failure_logging=None,
rbsu_post_ip=None, remote_console_encryption=None, remote_keyboard_model=None,
terminal_services_port=None, high_performance_mouse=None,
shared_console_enable=None, shared_console_port=None,
remote_console_acquire=None, brownout_recovery=None,
ipmi_dcmi_over_lan_enabled=None, vsp_log_enable=None, vsp_software_flow_control=None):
"""Modify iLO global settings, only values that are specified will be changed."""
vars = dict(locals())
del vars['self']
elements = [etree.Element(x.upper(), VALUE=str({True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(vars[x], vars[x])))
for x in vars if vars[x] is not None]
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'MOD_GLOBAL_SETTINGS', elements=elements)
def mod_network_settings(self, enable_nic=None, reg_ddns_server=None,
ping_gateway=None, dhcp_domain_name=None, speed_autoselect=None,
nic_speed=None, full_duplex=None, dhcp_enable=None,
ip_address=None, subnet_mask=None, gateway_ip_address=None,
dns_name=None, domain_name=None, dhcp_gateway=None,
dhcp_dns_server=None, dhcp_wins_server=None, dhcp_static_route=None,
reg_wins_server=None, prim_dns_server=None, sec_dns_server=None,
ter_dns_server=None, prim_wins_server=None, sec_wins_server=None,
static_route_1=None, static_route_2=None, static_route_3=None,
dhcp_sntp_settings=None, sntp_server1=None, sntp_server2=None,
timezone=None, enclosure_ip_enable=None, web_agent_ip_address=None,
shared_network_port=None, vlan_enabled=None, vlan_id=None,
shared_network_port_vlan=None, shared_network_port_vlan_id=None, ipv6_address=None,
ipv6_static_route_1=None, ipv6_static_route2=None, ipv6_static_route_3=None,
ipv6_prim_dns_server=None, ipv6_sec_dns_server=None, ipv6_ter_dns_server=None,
ipv6_default_gateway=None, ipv6_preferred_protocol=None, ipv6_addr_autocfg=None,
ipv6_reg_ddns_server=None, dhcpv6_dns_server=None, dhcpv6_rapid_commit=None,
dhcpv6_stateful_enable=None, dhcpv6_stateless_enable=None, dhcpv6_sntp_settings=None):
"""Configure the network settings for the iLO card"""
vars = dict(locals())
del vars['self']
# For the ipv4 route elements, use "dest gateway" or (dest, gateway) or {'dest': XXX, 'gateway': XXX}
# ipv6 routes are ipv6_dest, prefixlen, ipv6_gateway
# IPv6 addresses may specify prefixlength as /64 (default 64)
elements = [etree.Element(x.upper(), VALUE=str({True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(vars[x], vars[x])))
for x in vars if vars[x] is not None]
for element in elements:
if element.tag == 'IPV6_ADDRESS':
addr = element.attrib['VALUE']
if '/' in addr:
addr, plen = addr.rsplit('/', 1)
element.attrib.update({'VALUE': addr, 'PREFIXLEN': plen})
if 'PREFIXLEN' not in element.attrib:
element.attrib['PREFIXLEN'] = '64'
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'MOD_NETWORK_SETTINGS', elements=elements)
def mod_dir_config(self, dir_authentication_enabled=None,
"""Modify iLO directory configuration, only values that are specified
will be changed."""
vars = dict(locals())
del vars['self']
# create special case for element with text inside
if dir_kerberos_keytab:
keytab_el = etree.Element('DIR_KERBEROS_KEYTAB')
keytab_el.text = dir_kerberos_keytab
del vars['dir_kerberos_keytab']
elements = [etree.Element(x.upper(), VALUE=str({True: 'Yes', \
False: 'No'}.get(vars[x], vars[x])))
for x in vars if vars[x] is not None]
if dir_kerberos_keytab:
return self._control_tag('DIR_INFO','MOD_DIR_CONFIG',elements=elements)
def mod_snmp_im_settings(self, snmp_access=None, web_agent_ip_address=None,
snmp_address_1=None, snmp_address_1_rocommunity=None, snmp_address_1_trapcommunity=None,
snmp_address_2=None, snmp_address_2_rocommunity=None, snmp_address_2_trapcommunity=None,
snmp_address_3=None, snmp_address_3_rocommunity=None, snmp_address_3_trapcommunity=None,
snmp_port=None, snmp_trap_port=None, snmp_v3_engine_id=None, snmp_passthrough_status=None,
trap_source_identifier=None, os_traps=None, rib_traps=None, cold_start_trap_broadcast=None,
snmp_v1_traps=None, cim_security_mask=None, snmp_sys_location=None, snmp_sys_contact=None,
agentless_management_enable=None, snmp_system_role=None, snmp_system_role_detail=None):
# FIXME SNMP User profiles
"""Configure the SNMP and Insight Manager integration settings"""
vars = dict(locals())
del vars['self']
elements = [etree.Element(x.upper(), VALUE=str({True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(vars[x], vars[x])))
for x in vars if vars[x] is not None]
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'MOD_SNMP_IM_SETTINGS', elements=elements)
def mod_sso_settings(self, trust_mode=None, user_remote_cons_priv=None,
user_reset_server_priv=None, user_virtual_media_priv=None,
user_config_ilo_priv=None, user_admin_priv=None,
operator_login_priv=None, operator_remote_cons_priv=None,
operator_reset_server_priv=None, operator_virtual_media_priv=None,
operator_config_ilo_priv=None, operator_admin_priv=None,
administrator_login_priv=None, administrator_remote_cons_priv=None,
administrator_reset_server_priv=None, administrator_virtual_media_priv=None,
administrator_config_ilo_priv=None, administrator_admin_priv=None):
vars = dict(locals())
del vars['self']
del vars['trust_mode']
elements = []
if trust_mode is not None:
elements.append(etree.Element('TRUST_MODE', attrib={'VALUE': trust_mode}))
vars = [(x.upper().split('_', 1), {True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(vars[x], vars[x])) for x in vars if vars[x]]
elements += [etree.Element(x[0][0] + '_ROLE', attrib={x[0][1]: x[1]}) for x in vars]
return self._control_tag('SSO_INFO', 'MOD_SSO_SETTINGS', elements=elements)
def mod_user(self, user_login, user_name=None, password=None,
admin_priv=None, remote_cons_priv=None, reset_server_priv=None,
virtual_media_priv=None, config_ilo_priv=None):
"""Set attributes for a user, only specified arguments will be changed.
All arguments except user_name and password should be boolean"""
attrs = locals()
elements = []
for attribute in ('user_name', 'password'):
if attrs[attribute] is not None:
elements.append(etree.Element(attribute.upper(), VALUE=attrs[attribute]))
for attribute in [x for x in attrs.keys() if x.endswith('_priv')]:
if attrs[attribute] is not None:
val = ['No', 'Yes'][bool(attrs[attribute])]
elements.append(etree.Element(attribute.upper(), VALUE=val))
return self._control_tag('USER_INFO', 'MOD_USER', attrib={'USER_LOGIN': user_login}, elements=elements)
def press_pwr_btn(self):
"""Press the power button"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'PRESS_PWR_BTN')
def profile_apply_get_results(self):
"""Retrieve the results of the last profile_apply"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'PROFILE_APPLY_GET_RESULTS')
def profile_list(self):
"""List all profile descriptors"""
def process(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
return data.values()
return data
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'PROFILE_LIST', 'PROFILE_DESC_LIST', process=process)
def hold_pwr_btn(self):
"""Press and hold the power button"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'HOLD_PWR_BTN')
def cold_boot_server(self):
"""Force a cold boot of the server"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'COLD_BOOT_SERVER')
def warm_boot_server(self):
"""Force a warm boot of the server"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'WARM_BOOT_SERVER')
def reset_rib(self):
"""Reset the iLO/RILOE board"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'RESET_RIB')
def reset_server(self):
"""Power cycle the server"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'RESET_SERVER')
def set_ahs_status(self, status):
"""Enable or disable AHS logging"""
status = {True: 'enable', False: 'disable'}[status]
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'SET_AHS_STATUS', attrib={'VALUE': status})
def set_asset_tag(self, asset_tag):
"""Set the server asset tag"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_ASSET_TAG', attrib={'VALUE': asset_tag})
def set_ers_irs_connect(self, ers_destination_url, ers_destination_port):
"""Connect to an Insight Remote Support server"""
elements = [
etree.Element('ERS_DESTINATION_URL', attrib={'VALUE': ers_destination_url}),
etree.Element('ERS_DESTINATION_PORT', attrib={'VALUE': str(ers_destination_port)}),
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'SET_ERS_IRS_CONNECT', elements=elements)
def set_language(self, lang_id):
"""Set the default language. Only EN, JA and ZH are supported"""
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'SET_LANGUAGE', attrib={'LANG_ID': lang_id})
def set_host_power(self, host_power=True):
"""Turn host power on or off"""
power = ['No', 'Yes'][bool(host_power)]
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_HOST_POWER', attrib={'HOST_POWER': power})
def set_host_power_saver(self, host_power_saver):
"""Set the configuration of the ProLiant power regulator"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_HOST_POWER_SAVER', attrib={'HOST_POWER_SAVER': str(host_power_saver)})
def set_one_time_boot(self, device):
"""Set one time boot device, device should be one of normal, floppy,
cdrom, hdd, usb, rbsu or network. Ilo 4 also supports EMB-MENU
(Displays the default boot menu), EMB-ACU (Boots into ACU),
EMB-HPSUM-AUTO (Boots HPSUM in automatic update mode), EMB-DIAGS
(Launches Insight Diagnostics for Linux in interactive mode) and
RBSU (Boots into the system RBSU)"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_ONE_TIME_BOOT', attrib={'VALUE': device.upper()})
def set_persistent_boot(self, devices):
"""Set persistent boot order, devices should be comma-separated"""
elements = [etree.Element('DEVICE', VALUE=x.upper()) for x in devices.split(',')]
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_PERSISTENT_BOOT', elements=elements)
def set_pers_mouse_keyboard_enabled(self, enabled):
"""Enable/disable persistent mouse and keyboard"""
enabled = {True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(enabled,enabled)
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_PERS_MOUSE_KEYBOARD_ENABLED', attrib={'VALUE': enabled})
def set_pwreg(self, type, threshold=None, duration=None):
"""Set the power alert threshold"""
elements = [etree.Element('PWRALERT', TYPE=type)]
if type.lower() != "disabled":
elements.append(etree.Element('PWRALERT_SETTINGS', THRESHOLD=str(threshold), DURATION=str(duration)))
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_PWREG', elements=elements)
def set_power_cap(self, power_cap):
"""Set the power cap feature to a specific value"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SET_POWER_CAP', attrib={'POWER_CAP': str(power_cap)})
def set_security_msg(self, security_msg, security_msg_text=''):
"""Enables/disables the security message on the iLO login screen and sets its value"""
enabled = str({True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(security_msg, security_msg))
text = etree.Element('SECURITY_MSG_TEXT')
elements = (etree.Element('SECURITY_MSG', VALUE=enabled), text)
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'SET_SECURITY_MSG', elements=elements)
def set_server_auto_pwr(self, setting):
"""Set the automatic power on delay setting. Valid settings are False,
True (for minumum delay), 15, 30, 45 60 (for that amount of delay or
random (for a random delay of up to 60 seconds.)"""
setting = str({True: 'Yes', False: 'No'}.get(setting, setting))
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SERVER_AUTO_PWR', attrib={'VALUE': setting})
def set_server_name(self, name):
"""Set the name of the server"""
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'SERVER_NAME', attrib={"VALUE": name})
def set_vf_status(self, boot_option="boot_once", write_protect=True):
"""Set the parameters of the RILOE virtual floppy specified virtual
media. Valid boot options are boot_once, boot_always, no_boot, connect
and disconnect."""
write_protect = ['NO', 'YES'][bool(write_protect)]
elements = [
etree.Element('VF_BOOT_OPTION', value=boot_option.upper()),
etree.Element('VF_WRITE_PROTECT', value=write_protect),
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'SET_VF_STATUS', elements=elements)
def set_vm_status(self, device="cdrom", boot_option="boot_once", write_protect=True):
"""Set the parameters of the specified virtual media. Valid boot
options are boot_once, boot_always, no_boot, connect and disconnect.
Valid devices are floppy and cdrom"""
write_protect = ['NO', 'YES'][bool(write_protect)]
elements = [
etree.Element('VM_BOOT_OPTION', value=boot_option.upper()),
etree.Element('VM_WRITE_PROTECT', value=write_protect),
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'SET_VM_STATUS', attrib={'DEVICE': device.upper()},
def trigger_l2_collection(self, message_id):
"""Initiate an L2 data collection submission to the Insight Remote Support server."""
element = etree.Element('MESSAGE_ID', attrib={'value': str(message_id)})
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'TRIGGER_L2_COLLECTION', elements=[element])
def trigger_test_event(self, message_id):
"""Trigger a test service event submission to the Insight Remote Support server."""
element = etree.Element('MESSAGE_ID', attrib={'value': str(message_id)})
return self._control_tag('RIB_INFO', 'TRIGGER_TEST_EVENT', elements=[element])
def uid_control(self, uid="No"):
"""Turn the UID light on ("Yes") or off ("No")"""
if uid.lower() not in ('yes', 'no'):
raise ValueError("uid should be Yes or No")
return self._control_tag('SERVER_INFO', 'UID_CONTROL', attrib={"UID": uid.title()})
def update_rib_firmware(self, filename, progress=None):
"""Upload new RIB firmware, use "latest" as filename to automatically
download and use the latest firmware. As this function may take a
while, you can get progress notifications by passing a callable in
the progress parameter. This callable will be called with progress
messages. These messages either start with a carriage return ('\\\\r')
and an optional ANSI 'clear line' sequence ('\\\\033[K'), or without
one. When printing to a terminal, append a newline only to the
second type of string. When using the data outside a terminal
environment, make sure you strip off the carriage return and ansi
if self.delayed:
raise IloError("Cannot run firmware update in delayed mode")
if not self.protocol:
if filename == 'latest':
config = hpilo_fw.config()
current = self.get_fw_version()
ilo = current['management_processor'].lower()
if ilo not in config:
raise IloError("Cannot update %s to the latest version automatically" % ilo)
if current['firmware_version'] >= config[ilo]['version']:
return "Already up-to-date"
filename = config[ilo]['file']
if progress:
def progress_(data):
if data is None:
elif isinstance(data, basestring):
if '%' in data:
data = '\r\033[K' + data
raise RuntimeError("Unknown progress message")
progress_ = None
fwlen = os.path.getsize(filename)
root, inner = self._root_element('RIB_INFO', MODE='write')
etree.SubElement(inner, 'TPM_ENABLED', VALUE='Yes')
inner = etree.SubElement(inner, 'UPDATE_RIB_FIRMWARE', IMAGE_LOCATION=filename, IMAGE_LENGTH=str(fwlen))
if self.protocol == ILO_LOCAL:
return self._request(root, progress_)[1]
elif self.protocol == ILO_RAW:
inner.tail = '$EMBED:%s$' % filename
return self._request(root, progress_)[1]
self._upload_file(filename, progress_)
return self._request(root, progress_)[1]
# - All the profile functions page 111-116
# - sso_server / delete_server
# - mod_twofactor_settings / import_2factor_cert
#### All functions below require hardware I don't have access to
def get_all_cables_status(self):
"""FIXME: I have no relevant hardware. Please report sample output"""
return self._raw(('SERVER_INFO', {'MODE': 'READ'}), ('GET_ALL_CABLES_STATUS', {}))
def get_diagport(self):
"""FIXME: I have no relevant hardware. Please report sample output"""
return self._raw(('RACK_INFO', {'MODE': 'READ'}), ('GET_DIAGPORT_SETTINGS', {}))
def get_enclosure_ip_settings(self):
"""FIXME: I have no relevant hardware. Please report sample output"""
return self._raw(('RACK_INFO', {'MODE': 'READ'}), ('GET_ENCLOSURE_IP_SETTINGS', {}))
def get_host_power_reg_info(self):
"""FIXME: I have no relevant hardware. Please report sample output"""
return self._raw(('SERVER_INFO', {'MODE': 'READ'}), ('GET_HOST_POWER_REG_INFO', {}))
def get_topology(self):
"""FIXME: I have no relevant hardware. Please report sample output"""
return self._raw(('SERVER_INFO', {'MODE': 'READ'}), ('GET_TOPOLOGY', {}))
def get_vpb_capable_status(self):
"""FIXME: I have no relevant hardware. Please report sample output"""
return self._raw(('SERVER_INFO', {'MODE': 'READ'}), ('GET_VPB_CAPABLE_STATUS', {}))
def get_vf_status(self):
"""FIXME: I have no relevant hardware. Please report sample output"""
return self._info_tag('RIB_INFO', 'GET_VF_STATUS')
# Testsuite, safe to run on all iLO versions. Reports of failures of the
# testsuite are very much appreciated. The testsuite by default makes no
# changes to the iLO configuration.
# You can use _test_writes instead of _test to also test methods that make
# changes to the iLO configuration. All changes should be undone, but no
# guarantees are made.
# The writing tests also clear the iLO and server event log, which cannot be
# undone. The iLO will also be reset at least once. A firware upgrade will not
# be attempted by the test.
# To run these tests: use hpilo_cli hostname_here _test To run only a subset of
# the test: hpilo_cli hostname_here testname_here [another testname ...]
def _test(self, opts, tests):
import unittest
import time
this_ilo = self
sys.stdout.write("Identifying iLO version... ")
res = self.get_fw_version()
print("Running tests. This will take a few minutes")
class IloTest(unittest.TestCase):
ilo = this_ilo
do_write_tests = opts.do_write_tests
ilo_version = int(res['management_processor'][3:] or 1)
def test_non_ilo(self):
if self.ilo.protocol == ILO_LOCAL:
def get_socket(*args):
class FakeSocket(object):
def __init__(self): = b('Bogus data')
def write(self, data):
def read(self):
d = = b('')
return d
def shutdown(self, what):
def close(self):
return FakeSocket()
real_get_socket, self.ilo._get_socket = self.ilo._get_socket, get_socket
self.assertRaises(IloError, self.ilo.get_fw_version)
self.ilo._get_socket = real_get_socket
def test_connect_error(self):
port, self.ilo.port = self.ilo.port, 1
hponcfg, self.ilo.hponcfg = self.ilo.hponcfg, '/sbin/does/not/exist'
self.assertRaises(IloCommunicationError, self.ilo.get_fw_version)
self.ilo.port = port
self.ilo.hponcfg = hponcfg
def test_wrong_method(self):
if self.ilo_version < 4:
method = self.ilo.get_ahs_status
method = self.ilo.get_cert_subject_info
self.assertRaises(IloError, method)
def test_users(self):
users = self.ilo.get_all_users()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(users, list))
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.login in users)
users = self.ilo.get_all_user_info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(users, dict))
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.login in users)
res = self.ilo.get_user(self.ilo.login)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue(res['user_login'] == self.ilo.login)
self.assertTrue('admin_priv' in res)
if not self.do_write_tests:
if 'dennis' in users:
warnings.warn('User dennis exists, not testing user manipulation', IloTestWarning)
self.ilo.add_user('dennis', 'Dennis Kaarsemaker', 'Password123')
users = self.ilo.get_all_users()
self.assertTrue('dennis' in users)
key = 'ssh-dss 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 Ilo test key'
#self.ilo.import_ssh_key('dennis', key)
if self.ilo_version == 2:
self.ilo.mod_user('dennis', user_name='Dennis Kaarsemaker Test')
res = self.ilo.get_user('dennis')
self.assertTrue(res['user_name'] == 'Dennis Kaarsemaker Test')
users = self.ilo.get_all_users()
self.assertTrue('dennis' not in users)
# Clean up after ourselves
users = self.ilo.get_all_users()
if 'dennis' in users:
def test_get_embedded_health(self):
if self.ilo_version < 2:
res = self.ilo.get_embedded_health()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('temperature' in res)
self.assertTrue('fans' in res)
self.assertTrue('fans' in res['health_at_a_glance'])
if self.ilo_version >= 3:
self.assertTrue('drives' in res)
if self.ilo_version >= 4:
self.assertTrue('storage' in res)
self.assertTrue('nic_information' in res)
self.assertTrue('memory' in res)
self.assertTrue('firmware_information' in res)
def test_get_cert_subject_info(self):
if self.ilo_version != 2:
res = self.ilo.get_cert_subject_info()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('csr_subject_country' in res)
def test_get_host_data(self):
res = self.ilo.get_host_data()
res2 = self.ilo.get_host_data(decoded_only=False)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res2, list))
self.assertTrue(len(res2) > len(res))
self.assertTrue(self.issubset(res, res2))
self.assertTrue('b64_data' in res[0])
def test_boot(self):
if self.ilo_version < 2:
values = self.ilo.get_persistent_boot()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(values, list))
self.assertTrue('hdd' in values)
boot_type = self.ilo.get_one_time_boot()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(boot_type, basestring))
self.assertTrue(boot_type in values + ['normal'])
if self.do_write_tests:
if boot_type in values:
res = self.ilo.get_one_time_boot()
self.assertTrue(res == values[0])
def test_uid(self):
status = self.ilo.get_uid_status()
self.assertTrue(status in ('ON', 'OFF'))
if not self.do_write_tests:
if status == 'OFF':
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.get_uid_status() == 'ON')
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.get_uid_status() == 'OFF')
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.get_uid_status() == 'OFF')
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.get_uid_status() == 'ON')
def test_get_dir_config(self):
if self.ilo_version < 2:
res = self.ilo.get_dir_config()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('dir_user_context_1' in res)
def test_delayed(self):
if self.ilo_version < 2:
uid = {'ON': 'Yes', 'OFF': 'No'}[self.ilo.get_uid_status()]
self.ilo.delayed = True
self.ilo.get_all_users() # Getter
self.ilo.uid_control(uid=uid) # Control tag
self.ilo.certificate_signing_request() # Control tag that returns something
self.ilo.get_all_user_info() # Getter
res = self.ilo.call_delayed()
self.ilo.delayed = False
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list))
self.assertTrue(len(res) == 3)
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.login in res[0])
self.assertTrue('-----' in res[1])
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.login in res[2])
# And are we now in non-delayed mode and usable?
res = self.ilo.get_all_users()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list))
self.assertTrue(self.ilo.login in res)
# get_server_auto_pwr
def test_power(self):
res = self.ilo.get_host_power_status()
self.assertTrue(res in ('ON', 'OFF'))
if self.ilo_version < 2:
res = self.ilo.get_host_power_saver_status()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('host_power_saver' in res)
res = self.ilo.get_server_power_on_time()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, int))
res = self.ilo.get_power_cap()
self.assertTrue(res in ('ON', 'OFF'))
res = self.ilo.get_power_readings()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('average_power_reading' in res)
res = self.ilo.get_pwreg()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
res = self.ilo.get_server_auto_pwr()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, basestring))
if not self.do_write_tests:
res = self.ilo.get_server_power_on_time()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, int))
self.assertTrue(res < 2)
def test_get_sso_settings(self):
if self.ilo_version < 2:
res = self.ilo.get_sso_settings()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('administrator_role' in res)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res['administrator_role'], dict))
self.assertTrue(res['administrator_role']['reset_server_priv'] == True)
def test_global_settings(self):
res = self.ilo.get_global_settings()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue(res['https_port'] == self.ilo.port)
if self.do_write_tests:
min_password = res['min_password']
res = self.ilo.get_global_settings()
self.assertTrue(res['min_password'] == 8)
def test_ilo_event_log(self):
res = self.ilo.get_ilo_event_log()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res[0], dict))
if not self.do_write_tests:
res = self.ilo.get_ilo_event_log()
self.assertTrue(len(res) == 3)
self.assertTrue(res[0]['description'].startswith('Event log cleared'))
self.assertTrue(res[2]['description'].startswith('XML logout'))
def test_languages(self):
if self.ilo_version < 3:
res = self.ilo.get_all_languages()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
res = self.ilo.get_language()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('lang_id' in res)
if self.do_write_tests:
def test_get_host_pwr_micro_ver(self):
if self.ilo_version < 2:
res = self.ilo.get_host_pwr_micro_ver()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, str))
self.assertTrue(res != "")
def test_get_oa_info(self):
if self.ilo_version < 2:
res = self.ilo.get_oa_info()
except IloError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
self.assertTrue('not a rack server' in str(e).lower())
self.assertTrue('rack' in res)
def test_get_vm_status(self):
res = self.ilo.get_vm_status()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('device' in res)
def test_network_settings(self):
res = self.ilo.get_network_settings()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('sec_wins_server' in res)
if self.do_write_tests and not res['dhcp_wins_server']:
old_wins_server = res['sec_wins_server']
# This resets the iLO board, wait for it to come back
res = self.ilo.get_network_settings()
self.assertTrue(res['sec_wins_server'] == '')
# This resets the iLO board, wait for it to come back
def test_get_server_event_log(self):
res = self.ilo.get_server_event_log()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list))
if res:
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res[0], dict))
self.assertTrue('class' in res[0])
def test_snmp(self):
res = self.ilo.get_snmp_im_settings()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('snmp_address_3' in res)
if self.do_write_tests:
old = res['snmp_address_3']
res = self.ilo.get_snmp_im_settings()
self.assertTrue(res['snmp_address_3'] == '')
def test_get_twofactor_settings(self):
if self.ilo_version != 2:
res = self.ilo.get_twofactor_settings()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict))
self.assertTrue('auth_twofactor_enable' in res)
def issubset(self, a, b):
for elt in a:
if elt not in b:
return False
return True
# Limit tests if requested
# FIXME: there has to be a better way than this
if tests:
for attr in list(IloTest.__dict__.keys()):
if attr.startswith('test_') and attr not in tests and attr[5:] not in tests:
delattr(IloTest, attr)
self.IloTest = IloTest
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
unittest.main(self, argv=[sys.argv[0], 'IloTest'], testRunner=runner)
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Need help on HP servers Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Self Test Error and how to write the codes for it in python to automate this .

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