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Created June 21, 2013 10:20
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-export([start/1, init/1, handle_info/3, handle_event/3, terminate/3]).
-export([welcome/2, wait_lang/2, wait_number/2, wait_hangup/2]).
-define(FS_NODE, 'freeswitch@localhost').
-define(WELCOME_SOUND, "tone_stream://%(100,1000,800);loops=1").
-define(INPUT_NUMBER_SOUND, "tone_stream://%(100,1000,800);loops=2").
-define(SELECT_LANG_SOUND, "tone_stream://%(100,1000,800);loops=3").
-define(LOG(Fmt, Args), io:format("~b " ++ Fmt ++ "\n", [?LINE | Args])).
-record(state, {
fsnode :: atom(), % freeswitch node name
uuid :: undefined | string(), % channel uuid
cid_number :: undefined | string(), % caller id
dest_number :: undefined | string() % called number
start(Ref) ->
{ok, NewPid} = gen_fsfsm:start(?MODULE, [], []),
{Ref, NewPid}.
init([]) ->
State = #state{fsnode = ?FS_NODE},
{ok, welcome, State}.
%% The state machine
welcome({call, _Name, UUID, Event}, State) ->
CidNumber = proplists:get_value(<<"Caller-Caller-ID-Number">>, Event),
DestNumber = proplists:get_value(<<"Caller-Caller-Destination-Number">>, Event),
?LOG("welcome ~p", [CidNumber]),
send_lock_msg(UUID, playback, ?WELCOME_SOUND),
send_msg(UUID, read, "1 1 " ?SELECT_LANG_SOUND " erl_lang 5000 #"),
{next_state, wait_lang,
State#state{uuid = UUID, cid_number = CidNumber, dest_number = DestNumber}}.
wait_lang({call_event, <<"CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE">>, UUID, Event}, State) ->
Application = proplists:get_value(<<"Application">>, Event),
?LOG("CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE: ~p", [Application]),
case Application of
<<"read">> ->
DTMF = proplists:get_value(<<"variable_erl_lang">>, Event),
LANG = case DTMF of
<<"1">> -> <<"cn">>;
<<"2">> -> <<"fr">>;
_ -> <<"en">>
?LOG("Selected lang: ~p", [LANG]),
send_msg(UUID, set, <<"sound_prefix=/usr/local/freeswitch/sounds/", LANG/binary>>),
send_msg(UUID, read, "1 4 " ?INPUT_NUMBER_SOUND " erl_dst_number 5000 #"),
{next_state, wait_number, State};
_ ->
{next_state, wait_lang, State}
wait_lang(_Any, State) -> {next_state, wait_lang, State}. % ignore any other messages
wait_number({call_event, <<"CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE">>, UUID, Event}, State) ->
case proplists:get_value(<<"Application">>, Event) of
<<"read">> ->
case proplists:get_value(<<"variable_erl_dst_number">>, Event) of
undefined ->
send_msg(UUID, read,
"1 4 " ?INPUT_NUMBER_SOUND " erl_dst_number 5000 #"),
{next_state, wait_number, State};
Dest ->
?LOG("INFO bridge to: ~p", [Dest]),
send_msg(UUID, bridge, "user/" ++ binary_to_list(Dest)),
{next_state, wait_hangup, State}
_ -> {next_state, wait_number, State}
wait_number(_Any, State) -> % ignore any other messages
{next_state, wait_number, State}.
wait_hangup({call_event, Name, _UUID, Event}, State) ->
?LOG("Event: ~p", [Name]),
{next_state, wait_hangup, State};
wait_hangup(_Any, State) -> % ignore any other messages
{next_state, wait_hangup, State}.
handle_info(call_hangup, StateName, State) ->
?LOG("Call hangup on ~p", [StateName]),
{stop, normal, State};
handle_info(_Info, StateName, State) ->
{next_state, StateName, State}.
handle_event({channel_hangup_event, UUID, Event}, StateName, State) ->
%% perhaps do bill here
HangupCause = proplists:get_value(<<"Channel-Hangup-Cause">>, Event),
?LOG("Hangup Cause: ~p", [HangupCause]),
{stop, normal, State}.
terminate(normal, _StateName, State) -> ok;
terminate(Reason, _StateName, State) ->
% do some clean up here
send_msg(State#state.uuid, hangup, ""),
%% private functions
send_msg(UUID, App, Args) ->
Headers = [{"call-command", "execute"},
{"execute-app-name", atom_to_list(App)}, {"execute-app-arg", Args}],
send_msg(UUID, Headers).
send_lock_msg(UUID, App, Args) ->
Headers = [{"call-command", "execute"}, {"event-lock", "true"},
{"execute-app-name", atom_to_list(App)}, {"execute-app-arg", Args}],
send_msg(UUID, Headers).
send_msg(UUID, Headers) -> {sendmsg, ?FS_NODE} ! {sendmsg, UUID, Headers}.
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