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Created July 27, 2015 22:28
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# apt-get install libxml-simple-perl
use List::Permutor;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
require ESL;
my $test;
my $con = new ESL::ESLconnection("localhost", "8021", "ClueCon");
my $e;
my $permutor = List::Permutor->new( 'OPUS@1c', 'OPUS@2c', 'PCMU');
while ( my @codec = $permutor->next() ) {
print "@codec\n";
# Hangup All Channels
$e = $con->api("fsctl", "hupall");
print $e->getBody();
# Get Local IPv4
$e = $con->api("global_getvar", "local_ip_v4");
my $ipv4 = $e->getBody();
# Originate 4 channels.
$e = $con->api("originate", "{sip_h_X-Party-B-Codec=$codec[0],sip_h_X-Party-A-Codec=$codec[1],absolute_codec_string=$codec[1]}sofia/external/sip:bridge\@$ipv4:5090 partya XML public");
print $e->getBody();
# Originate 2 channels
$e = $con->api("originate", "{sip_h_X-Eavesdrop-Codec=$codec[2]}sofia/external/sip:eavesdrop\@$ipv4:5090 eavesdroper XML public");
print $e->getBody();
# Give everything time to come up.
# Get channel list.
$e = $con->api("show", "channels as xml");
# Draw UUID to role Map.
if ($e) {
my $ref = XMLin($e->getBody(), KeepRoot => 1, Keyattr => [ 'row_id' ]);
foreach my $key (keys %{$ref->{result}->{row}}) {
$e = $con->api("uuid_getvar", "$ref->{result}->{row}->{$key}->{uuid} test_role");
# build map of test roles to uuid
if ($e) {
my $role = $e->getBody();
$test->{$role} = $ref->{result}->{row}->{$key}->{uuid};
# Dump Map.
print Dumper $test;
#Schedule API for tonestream in 3 seconds.
$con->api("sched_api", "+3 test1 uuid_broadcast $test->{partya} tone_stream://d=300;w=100;12345");
# Subscribe to DTMF Events.
$con->events("plain", "DTMF");
my $loops = 0;
my $digits = undef;
my $edigits = undef;
print "Collecting DTMF\n";
while($con->connected()) {
my $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100);
my $hash = {};
if ($e) {
my $h = $e->firstHeader();
while ($h) {
$hash->{"$h"} = $e->getHeader($h);
$h = $e->nextHeader();
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partyb}) {
$digits = $digits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{eavesdrop_source}) {
$edigits = $edigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($loops > 100) {
if($digits && $digits eq '12345') {
print "partya -> partyb PASSED[$digits]\n";
} else {
print "partya -> partyb FAILED[$digits]\n";
if($edigits && $edigits eq '12345') {
print "partya -> eavesdrop_source PASSED[$edigits]\n";
} else {
print "partya -> eavesdrop_source FAILED[$edigits]\n";
$con->api("sched_api", "+3 test1 uuid_broadcast $test->{partyb} tone_stream://d=300;w=100;12345");
$loops = 0;
$digits = undef;
$edigits = undef;
print "Collecting DTMF\n";
while($con->connected()) {
my $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100);
my $hash = {};
if ($e) {
my $h = $e->firstHeader();
while ($h) {
$hash->{"$h"} = $e->getHeader($h);
$h = $e->nextHeader();
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partya}) {
$digits = $digits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{eavesdrop_source}) {
$edigits = $edigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($loops > 100) {
if($digits && $digits eq '12345') {
print "partyb -> partya PASSED[$digits]\n";
} else {
print "partyb -> partya FAILED[$digits]\n";
if($edigits && $edigits eq '12345') {
print "partyb -> eavesdrop_source PASSED[$edigits]\n";
} else {
print "partyb -> eavesdrop_source FAILED[$edigits]\n";
print "eavesdrop_source send dtmf 1\n";
$con->api("uuid_send_dtmf", "$test->{eavesdrop_source} 1");
$con->api("sched_api", "+3 test1 uuid_broadcast $test->{eavesdrop_source} tone_stream://d=300;w=100;12345");
$loops = 0;
my $adigits = undef;
my $bdigits = undef;
$edigits = undef;
print "Collecting DTMF\n";
while($con->connected()) {
my $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100);
my $hash = {};
if ($e) {
my $h = $e->firstHeader();
while ($h) {
$hash->{"$h"} = $e->getHeader($h);
$h = $e->nextHeader();
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partya}) {
$adigits = $adigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partyb}) {
$bdigits = $bdigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($loops > 100) {
if($adigits && $adigits eq '12345') {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya PASSED[$adigits]\n";
} else {
if($adigits) {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya FAILED[$adigits]\n";
} else {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya PASSED[NODTMF]\n";
if($bdigits && $bdigits eq '12345') {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb PASSED[$bdigits]\n";
} else {
if($bdigits) {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb FAILED[$bdigits]\n";
} else {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb PASSED[NODTMF]\n";
print "eavesdrop_source send dtmf 2\n";
$con->api("uuid_send_dtmf", "$test->{eavesdrop_source} 2");
$con->api("sched_api", "+3 test1 uuid_broadcast $test->{eavesdrop_source} tone_stream://d=300;w=100;12345");
$loops = 0;
$adigits = undef;
$bdigits = undef;
$edigits = undef;
print "Collecting DTMF\n";
while($con->connected()) {
my $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100);
my $hash = {};
if ($e) {
my $h = $e->firstHeader();
while ($h) {
$hash->{"$h"} = $e->getHeader($h);
$h = $e->nextHeader();
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partya}) {
$adigits = $adigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partyb}) {
$bdigits = $bdigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($loops > 100) {
if($adigits && $adigits eq '12345') {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya PASSED[$adigits]\n";
} else {
if($adigits) {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya FAILED[$adigits]\n";
} else {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya PASSED[NODTMF]\n";
if($bdigits && $bdigits eq '12345') {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb PASSED[$bdigits]\n";
} else {
if($bdigits) {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb FAILED[$bdigits]\n";
} else {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb PASSED[NODTMF]\n";
print "eavesdrop_source send dtmf 3\n";
$con->api("uuid_send_dtmf", "$test->{eavesdrop_source} 3");
$con->api("sched_api", "+3 test1 uuid_broadcast $test->{eavesdrop_source} tone_stream://d=300;w=100;12345");
$loops = 0;
$adigits = undef;
$bdigits = undef;
$edigits = undef;
print "Collecting DTMF\n";
while($con->connected()) {
my $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100);
my $hash = {};
if ($e) {
my $h = $e->firstHeader();
while ($h) {
$hash->{"$h"} = $e->getHeader($h);
$h = $e->nextHeader();
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partya}) {
$adigits = $adigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partyb}) {
$bdigits = $bdigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($loops > 100) {
if($adigits && $adigits eq '12345') {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya PASSED[$adigits]\n";
} else {
if($adigits) {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya FAILED[$adigits]\n";
} else {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partya PASSED[NODTMF]\n";
if($bdigits && $bdigits eq '12345') {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb PASSED[$bdigits]\n";
} else {
if($bdigits) {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb FAILED[$bdigits]\n";
} else {
print "eavesdrop_source -> partyb PASSED[NODTMF]\n";
$con->api("sched_api", "+3 test1 uuid_broadcast $test->{partya} tone_stream://d=300;w=100;12345");
$loops = 0;
$digits = undef;
$edigits = undef;
print "Collecting DTMF\n";
while($con->connected()) {
my $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100);
my $hash = {};
if ($e) {
my $h = $e->firstHeader();
while ($h) {
$hash->{"$h"} = $e->getHeader($h);
$h = $e->nextHeader();
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partyb}) {
$digits = $digits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{eavesdrop_source}) {
$edigits = $edigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($loops > 100) {
if($digits && $digits eq '12345') {
print "partya -> partyb PASSED[$digits]\n";
} else {
print "partya -> partyb FAILED[$digits]\n";
if($edigits && $edigits eq '12345') {
print "partya -> eavesdrop_source PASSED[$edigits]\n";
} else {
print "partya -> eavesdrop_source FAILED[$edigits]\n";
$con->api("sched_api", "+3 test1 uuid_broadcast $test->{partyb} tone_stream://d=300;w=100;12345");
$loops = 0;
$digits = undef;
$edigits = undef;
print "Collecting DTMF\n";
while($con->connected()) {
my $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100);
my $hash = {};
if ($e) {
my $h = $e->firstHeader();
while ($h) {
$hash->{"$h"} = $e->getHeader($h);
$h = $e->nextHeader();
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{partya}) {
$digits = $digits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($hash->{'Channel-Call-UUID'} eq $test->{eavesdrop_source}) {
$edigits = $edigits . "$hash->{'DTMF-Digit'}";
if ($loops > 100) {
if($digits && $digits eq '12345') {
print "partyb -> partya PASSED[$digits]\n";
} else {
print "partyb -> partya FAILED[$digits]\n";
if($edigits && $edigits eq '12345') {
print "partyb -> eavesdrop_source PASSED[$edigits]\n";
} else {
print "partyb -> eavesdrop_source FAILED[$edigits]\n";
print "Ending Test.\n";
$e = $con->api("fsctl", "hupall");
<!-- Eavesdrop Test Rig -->
<!-- Target Bridge To Spy On -->
<extension name="party-a-to-party-b-bridge">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^bridge$">
<action application="set" data="test_role=bridge_partya"/>
<action application="set" data="eavesdrop_group=bridge"/>
<action application="set" data="absolute_codec_string=${sip_h_X-Party-A-Codec}"/>
<action application="bridge" data="{test_role=bridge_partyb,eavesdrop_group=bridge,absolute_codec_string=${sip_h_X-Party-B-Codec}}sofia/external/sip:partyb@${local_ip_v4}:5090"/>
<!-- Eavesdrop Target App -->
<extension name="eavesdrop-target">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^eavesdrop$">
<action application="set" data="test_role=eavesdrop_target"/>
<action application="set" data="eavesdrop_require_group=bridge"/>
<action application="set" data="absolute_codec_string=${sip_h_X-Eavesdrop-Codec}"/>
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="eavesdrop" data="all"/>
<!-- Target Party B -->
<extension name="party-b-answer">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^partyb$">
<action application="set" data="test_role=partyb"/>
<action application="set" data="absolute_codec_string=${sip_h_X-Party-B-Codec}"/>
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="spandsp_start_dtmf"/>
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://-1"/>
<!-- Source Party A -->
<extension name="party-a-playback">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^partya$">
<action application="set" data="test_role=partya"/>
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="spandsp_start_dtmf"/>
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://-1"/>
<!-- Eavesdrop Party -->
<extension name="eavesdroper">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^eavesdroper$">
<action application="set" data="test_role=eavesdrop_source"/>
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="spandsp_start_dtmf"/>
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://-1"/>
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