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Created December 17, 2012 14:14
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  • Save seventhsense/4318577 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seventhsense/4318577 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TANK_IMAGE = 'images/chara3.png'
BULLET_IMAGE = 'images/icon0.png'
MAP_TILES = 'images/map0.gif'
CRASH_IMAGE = 'images/effect0.png'
SHOT_SE = 'sounds/shot5.wav'
BOMB_SE = 'sounds/bomb2.wav'
game = null
stage = null
player = null
enemyCount = null
backgroundMap = null
scoreLabel = null
window.onload = ->
game = new Game(320, 320)
game.preload ASSETS
game.keybind 32, 'a'
game.onload = ->
scene = game.rootScene
pysicsworld = new PhysicsWorld(0, 0)
stage = new Group
map = new SetMap
scoreLabel = new ScoreLabel(10, 10)
scoreLabel.score = 0
player = new Player
player.x = 300
player.y = 300
stage.addChild player
enemyCount = 10
for i in [1..enemyCount]
enemy = new Enemy
stage.addChild enemy
box = new PhyBoxSprite 32,32, enchant.box2d.DYNAMIC_SPRITE, 1, 1, 1, true
scene.addChild stage
scene.addChild scoreLabel
scene.addChild box
console.log box
game.fps = 24
game.rootScene.onenterframe = ->
Player = Class.create PhyBoxSprite,
initialize: -> this, 32, 32, enchant.box2d.DYNAMIC_SPRITE, 0.1,1,1, true
this.image = game.assets[TANK_IMAGE]
this.frame = 18
this.accel = 0
this.vx = 0
this.vy = 0
this.bulletCount = 0
onenterframe: ->
input = game.input
if input.right
this.angle += 6
if input.left
this.angle -= 6
if input.up
this.accel = 1.3
if input.down
this.accel = -1.3
if input.a
if this.bulletCount == 0
new Bullet(this.centerX, this.centerY, this.rotation)
this.bulletCount = 1
if game.frame % game.fps == 0
this.bulletCount = 0
tankMove: ->
rotate = this.rotation - 90
ax = Math.cos(rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.accel
ay = Math.sin(rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.accel
this.vx += ax
this.vy += ay
if backgroundMap.hitTest(this.centerX + this.vx, this.centerY + this.vy)
this.vx = this.vy = 0
if backgroundMap.hitTest(this.centerX, this.centerY)
game.end(scoreLabel.score, "点でした")
this.x += this.vx
this.y += this.vy
stage.x = 160 - this.x
stage.y = 160 - this.y
this.accel *= 0.95
this.vx *= 0.8
this.vy *= 0.8
this.angularVelocity *= 0.8
Enemy = Class.create PhyBoxSprite,
initialize: -> this, 32, 32, enchant.box2d.DYNAMIC_SPRITE, 0.1,1,1,true
this.image = game.assets[TANK_IMAGE]
this.frame = 21
this.accel = 0
this.vx = 0
this.vy = 0
this.angle = 180
this.x = Math.random() * 300 + 50
this.y = Math.random() * 100 + 50
this.bulletCount = 0
onenterframe: ->
this.accel = 0.6
if Math.abs(this.x - player.x) < 100 and Math.abs(this.y - player.y) < 100
console.log 'Search'
if backgroundMap.hitTest(this.centerX + this.vx * 20, this.centerY + this.vy * 20)
this.angle += 20
if game.frame % game.fps == 0 and Math.random() * 100 < 30
new EnemyBullet(this.centerX, this.centerY, this.rotation)
tankMove: ->
rotate = this.rotation - 90
ax = Math.cos(rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.accel
ay = Math.sin(rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.accel
this.vx += ax
this.vy += ay
if backgroundMap.hitTest(this.centerX + this.vx, this.centerY + this.vy)
this.vx = this.vy = 0
if backgroundMap.hitTest(this.centerX, this.centerY)
new Crash(this.x, this.y)
stage.removeChild this
enemyCount -= 1
if enemyCount == 0
game.end(scoreLabel.score, scoreLabel.score + "点でした")
console.log 'destroy enemy'
this.x += this.vx
this.y += this.vy
this.vx *= 0.8
this.vy *= 0.8
this.angularVelocity *= 0.8
Bullet = Class.create PhyBoxSprite,
initialize: (x, y, rotation)-> this, 16, 16, enchant.box2d.KINEMATIC_SPRITE, 100000,1,100, true
this.image = game.assets[BULLET_IMAGE]
this.frame = 48
this.rotate = rotation - 90
ax = Math.cos(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * 16
ay = Math.sin(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * 16
this.centerX = x + ax
this.centerY = y + ay
this.angle = rotation
this.i = 20 (sprite) ->
if sprite.frame == 21
new Crash(sprite.x, sprite.y)
console.log sprite
stage.removeChild sprite
scoreLabel.score += 100
console.log 'destroy enemy'
enemyCount -= 1
if enemyCount == 0
game.end(scoreLabel.score, scoreLabel.score + "点でした")
console.log 'clear'
stage.addChild this
onenterframe: ->
ax = Math.cos(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.i
ay = Math.sin(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.i
this.x += ax
this.y += ay
this.i -= 1 unless this.i == 0
if this.i == 0
this.parentNode.removeChild this
EnemyBullet = Class.create PhyBoxSprite,
initialize: (x, y, rotation)-> this, 16, 16, enchant.box2d.KINEMATIC_SPRITE, 1000000,1,1, true
this.image = game.assets[BULLET_IMAGE]
this.frame = 56
this.rotate = rotation - 90
ax = Math.cos(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * 16
ay = Math.sin(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * 16
this.centerX = x + ax
this.centerY = y + ay
this.angle = rotation
this.i = 20 (sprite) ->
if sprite.frame == 18
new Crash(sprite.x, sprite.y)
stage.removeChild sprite
console.log 'destroy player'
game.end "負けました"
stage.addChild this
onenterframe: ->
ax = Math.cos(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.i
ay = Math.sin(this.rotate * 3.14159 / 180) * this.i
this.x += ax
this.y += ay
this.i -= 1 unless this.i == 0
if this.i == 0
this.parentNode.removeChild this
Crash = Class.create Sprite,
initialize: (x, y)-> this, 16, 16
this.image = game.assets[CRASH_IMAGE]
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.scale 4
stage.addChild this
onenterframe: ->
this.frame += 1
if this.frame > 6
stage.removeChild this
SetMap = Class.create
initialize: ->
backgroundMap = new Map(16, 16)
backgroundMap.image = game.assets['images/map0.gif']
backgroundMap.collisionData = [
stage.addChild backgroundMap
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