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Created March 3, 2020 06:07
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RHS RKG3 script
a: reyhard
params [
// Exit on bad input
if (not( local _shooter)) exitWith {};
// Generate event ID
private _pfh = "RHS_pfh_rgno_" + str _grenade;
private _fuseTime = getArray (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> typeOf _grenade >> "rhs_fuseTime");
private _submunition_uxo = getText (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> typeOf _grenade >> "rhs_submunition_uxo");
// On each frame
[_pfh, "onEachFrame", {
params ["_timeToArm","_time","_time2","_grenade","_shooter","_velocity","_position","_submunition","_pfh"];
// Spawn on impact
if(!alive _grenade )exitWith
[_pfh, "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
private _vectorUp = _velocity vectorCrossProduct [-(_velocity select 1), _velocity select 0, 0];
// Create submunition
_grenade = _submunition createVehicle [0,0,0];
_grenade setPosASL _position;
_grenade setVectorDirAndUp [_velocity,_vectorUp];
_grenade setVelocity _velocity;
[_grenade,[vehicle _shooter,_shooter]] remoteExecCall ["setShotParents",2];
if(time >_time)then
// Simulate drag of parachute
private _velocityNormalized = vectorNormalized (velocity _grenade);
_grenade addForce [_velocityNormalized vectorMultiply -0.1,[0,0,0]];
_this set [1, time + 0.01];
// Slower refresh rate due to quirks right before impact
if(time > _time2 && {speed _grenade != 0})then
_this set [5, velocity _grenade];
_this set [6, getPosASL _grenade];
_this set [2, time + 0.1];
// Replace to armed model
// Fuse time is randomized in 1 to 1.8s range delay
if(time >= _timeToArm)then
private _submunition = getText (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> typeOf _grenade >> "rhs_submunition");
private _vectordir = vectorDir _grenade;
// Grenade is deleted in next frame - we need to quickly move old one to [0,0,0] coord to avoid colision with newly created grenade
_grenade setPosASL [0,0,0];
deleteVehicle _grenade;
_grenade = createVehicle [_submunition,ASLToAGL(_position),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];;
_grenade setPosASL _position;
_grenade addForce [_velocity vectorMultiply 0.75,[0,0,0]];
_grenade addTorque [0,0,0];
_grenade setVelocity _velocity;
private _vectorUp = _velocity vectorCrossProduct [-(_velocity select 1), _velocity select 0, 0];
_grenade setVectorDirAndUp [_vectordir,_vectorUp];
[_grenade,[vehicle _shooter,_shooter]] remoteExecCall ["setShotParents",2];
_this set [0,time+999];
_this set [3,_grenade];
_this set [7, getText (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> typeOf _grenade >> "rhs_submunition")];
}, [time+random(_fuseTime),0,0, _grenade,_shooter,velocity _grenade,getPosASL _grenade,_submunition_uxo, _pfh]] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
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