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Last active February 13, 2024 22:21
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GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is a tool for secure communication and data encryption. Managing GPG keys involves creating, importing, exporting, and revoking keys. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Install GPG:

If you haven't installed GPG on your system, you can do so by using a package manager. For example, on macOS, you can use Homebrew:

brew install gpg

On Debian/Ubuntu Linux:

sudo apt-get install gnupg

2. Generate a New GPG Key:

To create a new GPG key, open a terminal and run:

gpg --full-generate-key

Follow the prompts to set up your key. This involves choosing the key type, key size, key validity, and providing your name and email address.

3. List GPG Keys:

You can list your GPG keys using the following command:

gpg --list-keys

This will display a list of your GPG keys along with their details.

4. Export GPG Public Key:

To share your public key with others, you can export it:

To a file:

gpg --armor --export > public_key.asc

To the clipboard:

gpg --armor --export | pbcopy

This command exports the public key to a file named public_key.asc. Share this file with others who need to encrypt messages to you.

5. Export GPG Secret Key:

Exporting your secret key is important for backup purposes. Keep this file secure and do not share it.

gpg --armor --export-secret-keys > private_key.asc

6. Import GPG Key:

If someone shares their public key with you, you can import it:

gpg --import public_key.asc

Replace public_key.asc with the actual filename of the public key.

7. Encrypt and Decrypt Files:

To encrypt a file, use the -e option followed by the recipient's email:

gpg -e -r filename.txt

To decrypt a file, use:

gpg -d filename.txt.gpg

8. Revoke a GPG Key:

If your private key is compromised or lost, you should revoke it. Find the key ID using gpg --list-keys and then run:

gpg --edit-key key_id

Within the key edit menu, type revkey and follow the prompts to generate a revocation certificate. Share this certificate with others.

Remember to manage your GPG keys securely, especially the private key, as it is crucial for decrypting messages and files. Regularly back up your keys to avoid data loss.

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