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Last active December 17, 2015 19:59
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I've fallen head-over-heels for Clojure. x.x Working through _Clojure Programming_, though, I've run into a problem I just can't seem to figure out; it behaves as if it's working, except it doesn't actually draw the maze. Forgive my spacious manner of writing Lisps. It just makes it easier to visualize everything for me.
(defn wilson-maze
"Returns a random maze carved out of walls; walls is a set of
two-item sets, #{a b}, where a and b are locations. The returned
maze is a set of the remaining walls."
(let [paths (reduce
(fn [index [a b]] (merge-with into index {a [b] b [a]}))
{} (map seq walls))
start-loc (rand-nth (keys paths))]
(loop [walls walls
unvisited (disj (set (keys paths)) start-loc)]
(if-let [loc (when-let [s (seq unvisited)] (rand-nth s))]
(let [walk (iterate (comp rand-nth paths) loc)
steps (zipmap (take-while unvisited walk) (next walk))]
(recur (reduce disj walls (map set steps))
(reduce disj unvisited (keys steps))))
(defn maze-grid [w h]
(set (concat
(for [i (range (dec w)) j (range h)] #{[i j] [(inc i) j]})
(for [i (range w) j (range (dec h))] #{[i j] [i (inc j)]}))))
(defn swing-draw [w h maze]
(doto (javax.swing.JFrame. "Maze")
(doto (proxy [javax.swing.JPanel] []
(paintComponent [^java.awt.Graphics g]
(let [g (doto ^java.awt.Graphics2D (.create g)
(.scale 10 10)
(.translate 1.5 1.5)
(.setStroke (java.awt.BasicStroke. 0.4)))]
(.drawRect g -1 -1 w h)
(doseq [[[xa ya] [xb yb]] (map sort maze)]
(let [[xc yc] (if (= xa xb)
[(dec xa) ya]
[xa (dec ya)])]
(.drawLine g xa ya xc yc))))))
(.setPreferredSize (java.awt.Dimension. (* 10 (inc w)) (* 10 (inc h))))))
(.setVisible true)))
(swing-draw 40 40 (wilson-maze (maze-grid 40 40)))
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sevvie commented May 28, 2013

FIXED. I was a complete idiot and didn't let (wilson-maze) return anything to be (map sort)'ed.

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