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Created December 2, 2012 20:05
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Save seyfro/4190766 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
adding javascript to footer
//info: remove filter from SEO Friendly Images for compatibility reasons
include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugin.php' );
if (is_plugin_active('seo-image/seo-friendly-images.php') ) {
if ( function_exists( 'seo_friendly_images_install' ) ) {
remove_filter('the_content', 'seo_friendly_images', 100);
global $wpdb;
$lmm_options = get_option( 'leafletmapsmarker_options' );
$uid = substr(md5(''.rand()), 0, 8);
'lat' => '', 'lon' => '',
'mlat' => '', 'mlon' => '',
'basemap' => $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_basemap'],
'mpopuptext' => '',
'micon' => '',
'zoom' => intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_zoom' ]),
'openpopup' => '',
'geojson' => '',
'geojsonurl' => '',
'layer' => '',
'marker' => '',
'markername' => '',
'panel' => '0',
'mapwidth' => intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_mapwidth' ]),
'mapwidthunit' => $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_mapwidthunit' ],
'mapheight' => intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_mapheight' ]),
'mapname' => 'lmm_map_'.$uid
), $atts));
$pname = 'pa'.$uid;
//info: prepare layers
if (!empty($layer)) {
$table_name_layers = $wpdb->prefix.'leafletmapsmarker_layers';
$row = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT id,name,basemap,mapwidth,mapheight,mapwidthunit,panel,layerzoom,layerviewlat,layerviewlon,controlbox,overlays_custom,overlays_custom2,overlays_custom3,overlays_custom4,wms,wms2,wms3,wms4,wms5,wms6,wms7,wms8,wms9,wms10,listmarkers,multi_layer_map,multi_layer_map_list FROM '.$table_name_layers.' WHERE id='.$layer, ARRAY_A);
$id = $row['id'];
$basemap = $row['basemap'];
$lat = $row['layerviewlat'];
$lon = $row['layerviewlon'];
$zoom = $row['layerzoom'];
$mapwidth = $row['mapwidth'];
$mapheight = $row['mapheight'];
$mapwidthunit = $row['mapwidthunit'];
$panel = $row['panel'];
$paneltext = ($row['name'] == NULL) ? '&nbsp;' : htmlspecialchars($row['name']);
$controlbox = $row['controlbox'];
$overlays_custom = $row['overlays_custom'];
$overlays_custom2 = $row['overlays_custom2'];
$overlays_custom3 = $row['overlays_custom3'];
$overlays_custom4 = $row['overlays_custom4'];
$wms = $row['wms'];
$wms2 = $row['wms2'];
$wms3 = $row['wms3'];
$wms4 = $row['wms4'];
$wms5 = $row['wms5'];
$wms6 = $row['wms6'];
$wms7 = $row['wms7'];
$wms8 = $row['wms8'];
$wms9 = $row['wms9'];
$wms10 = $row['wms10'];
$listmarkers = $row['listmarkers'];
$multi_layer_map = $row['multi_layer_map'];
$multi_layer_map_list = $row['multi_layer_map_list'];
$multi_layer_map_list_exploded = explode(",", $multi_layer_map_list);
//info: prepare markers
if (!empty($marker)) {
$table_name_markers = $wpdb->prefix.'leafletmapsmarker_markers';
$row = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT id,markername,basemap,layer,lat,lon,icon,popuptext,zoom,openpopup,mapwidth,mapwidthunit,mapheight,panel,controlbox,overlays_custom,overlays_custom2,overlays_custom3,overlays_custom4,wms,wms2,wms3,wms4,wms5,wms6,wms7,wms8,wms9,wms10,address FROM '.$table_name_markers.' WHERE id='.$marker, ARRAY_A);
if(!empty($row)) {
$id = $row['id'];
$markername = $row['markername'];
$basemap = $row['basemap'];
$lon = $row['lon'];
$lat = $row['lat'];
$coords = $lat.', '.$lon;
$icon = $row['icon'];
$popuptext = $row['popuptext'];
$zoom = $row['zoom'];
$openpopup = ($row['openpopup'] == 1) ? '.openPopup()' : '';
$mopenpopup = $openpopup;
$layer = $row['layer'];
$mlat = $lat;
$mlon = $lon;
$mpopuptext = $popuptext;
$micon = $icon;
$mapwidth = $row['mapwidth'];
$mapwidthunit = $row['mapwidthunit'];
$mapheight = $row['mapheight'];
$panel = $row['panel'];
$paneltext = ($row['markername'] == NULL) ? '&nbsp;' : htmlspecialchars($row['markername']);
$controlbox = $row['controlbox'];
$overlays_custom = $row['overlays_custom'];
$overlays_custom2 = $row['overlays_custom2'];
$overlays_custom3 = $row['overlays_custom3'];
$overlays_custom4 = $row['overlays_custom4'];
$wms = $row['wms'];
$wms2 = $row['wms2'];
$wms3 = $row['wms3'];
$wms4 = $row['wms4'];
$wms5 = $row['wms5'];
$wms6 = $row['wms6'];
$wms7 = $row['wms7'];
$wms8 = $row['wms8'];
$wms9 = $row['wms9'];
$wms10 = $row['wms10'];
$address = htmlspecialchars($row['address']);
//info: prepare markers only added by shortcode and not defined in backend
if (empty($layer) and empty($marker)) {
$lat = $mlat;
$lon = $mlon;
$controlbox = $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_controlbox' ];
$overlays_custom = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$overlays_custom2 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom2_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom2_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$overlays_custom3 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom3_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom3_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$overlays_custom4 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom4_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_overlays_custom4_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms2 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms2_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms2_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms3 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms3_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms3_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms4 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms4_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms4_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms5 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms5_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms5_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms6 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms6_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms6_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms7 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms7_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms7_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms8 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms8_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms8_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms9 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms9_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms9_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$wms10 = isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms10_active' ]) == TRUE && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_shortcode_wms10_active' ] == 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
$mopenpopup = '';
//info: show static image with link in feeds
if (is_feed()) {
if ($lat != NULL) { //info: marker exists?
if (empty($layer)) {
$lmm_out = '<p>' . $paneltext . '<br/><a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?marker=' . $id . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/map-rss-feed.png"/><br/>' . __('Show embedded map in full-screen mode','lmm') . '</a></p>';
if (empty($marker)) {
$lmm_out = '<p>' . $paneltext . '<br/><a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?layer=' . $id . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/map-rss-feed.png"/><br/>' . __('Show embedded map in full-screen mode','lmm') . '</a></p>';
//return $lmm_out;
} else {
//info: check if layer/marker ID exists
if ($lat == NULL) {
$error_layer_not_exists = sprintf( esc_attr__('Error: a layer with the ID %1$s does not exist!','lmm'), $layer);
$error_marker_not_exists = sprintf( esc_attr__('Error: a marker with the ID %1$s does not exist!','lmm'), $marker);
$lmm_out = '<div id="lmm_error" style="margin:10px 0;">'.PHP_EOL;
if (empty($layer)) {
$lmm_out .= $error_marker_not_exists . '<br/>';
if (empty($marker)) {
$lmm_out .= $error_layer_not_exists . '<br/>';
$lmm_out .= '<a href="" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Go to plugin website','lmm') . '"><img style="border:1px solid #ccc;" src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/map-deleted-image.png"></a></div>';
} else {
//info: starting output on frontend
$lmm_out = '';
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_'.$uid.'" style="width:' . $mapwidth.$mapwidthunit . ';">'.PHP_EOL;
//info: panel for layer/marker name and API URLs
if ($panel == 1) {
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_panel_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-panel" style="background: ' . ((!empty($marker)) ? addslashes($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_background_color' ]) : (!empty($layer)) ? addslashes($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_background_color' ]) : '') . ';">'.PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($marker))
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_panel_api_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-panel-api">';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_directions' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_directions' ] == 1 ) ) {
if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'googlemaps') {
if ((isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] == 1 )) { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-walk.png'; } else { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-car.png'; }
$avoidhighways = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_highways' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_highways' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=h' : '';
$avoidtolls = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_tolls' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_tolls' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=t' : '';
$publictransport = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_public_transport' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_public_transport' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=r' : '';
$walking = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=w' : '';
//info: Google language localization (directions)
if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'browser_setting') {
$google_language = '';
} else if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'wordpress_setting') {
if ( defined('WPLANG') ) { $google_language = '&hl=' . substr(WPLANG, 0, 2); } else { $google_language = '&hl=en'; }
} else {
$google_language = '&hl=' . $lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'];
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '&t=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_map_type' ] . '&layer=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_traffic' ] . '&doflg=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_distance_units' ] . $avoidhighways . $avoidtolls . $publictransport . $walking . $google_language . '&om=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_overview_map' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/' . $yours_transport_type_icon . '" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'yours') {
if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] == 'motorcar') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-car.png'; } else if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] == 'bicycle') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-bicycle.png'; } else if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] == 'foot') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-walk.png'; }
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $lat . '&tlon=' . $lon . '&v=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] . '&fast=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_route_type' ] . '&layer=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_layer' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/' . $yours_transport_type_icon . '" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'osrm') {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_osrm_language' ] . '&loc=' . $lat . ',' . $lon . '&df=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_osrm_units' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-car.png" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'ors') {
if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_route_preferences' ] == 'Pedestrian') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-walk.png'; } else if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_route_preferences' ] == 'Bicycle') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-bicycle.png'; } else { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-car.png'; }
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $lon . ',' . $lat . '&pref=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_route_preferences' ] . '&lang=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_language' ] . '&noMotorways=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_no_motorways' ] . '&noTollways=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_no_tollways' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/' . $yours_transport_type_icon . '" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_kml' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_kml' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-kml.php?marker=' . $id . '&name=' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_kml' ] . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as KML for Google Earth/Google Maps','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-kml.png" width="14" height="14" alt="KML-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_fullscreen' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_fullscreen' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?marker=' . $id . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Open standalone map in fullscreen mode','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-fullscreen.png" width="14" height="14" alt="Fullscreen-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_qr_code' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_qr_code' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_qrcode_size' ] . 'x' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_qrcode_size' ] . '&cht=qr&chl=' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?marker=' . $id . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Create QR code image for standalone map in fullscreen mode','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-qr-code.png" width="14" height="14" alt="QR-code-logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_geojson' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_geojson' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-geojson.php?marker=' . $id . '&callback=jsonp&full=yes" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as GeoJSON','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-json.png" width="14" height="14" alt="GeoJSON-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_georss' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_georss' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-georss.php?marker=' . $id . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as GeoRSS','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-georss.png" width="14" height="14" alt="GeoRSS-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_wikitude' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_wikitude' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-wikitude.php?marker=' . $id . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as ARML for Wikitude Augmented-Reality browser','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-wikitude.png" width="14" height="14" alt="Wikitude-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
$lmm_out .= '</div><div id="lmm_panel_text_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-panel-text" style="padding-left:5px;' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_panel_paneltext_css' ]) . '">' . stripslashes($paneltext) . '</div>';
if (!empty($layer) && empty($marker)) //info: check if problems get reported - fix for marker name shown twice when layer+marker map on 1 page
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_panel_api_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-panel-api">';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_kml' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_kml' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-kml.php?layer=' . $id . '&name=' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_kml' ] . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as KML for Google Earth/Google Maps','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-kml.png" width="14" height="14" alt="KML-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_fullscreen' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_fullscreen' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?layer=' . $id . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Open standalone map in fullscreen mode','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-fullscreen.png" width="14" height="14" alt="Fullscreen-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_qr_code' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_qr_code' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_qrcode_size' ] . 'x' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_qrcode_size' ] . '&cht=qr&chl=' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?layer=' . $id . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Create QR code image for standalone map in fullscreen mode','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-qr-code.png" width="14" height="14" alt="QR-code-logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_geojson' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_geojson' ] == 1 ) && ($multi_layer_map == 0 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-geojson.php?layer=' . $id . '&callback=jsonp&full=yes" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as GeoJSON','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-json.png" width="14" height="14" alt="GeoJSON-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_georss' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_georss' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-georss.php?layer=' . $id . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as GeoRSS','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-georss.png" width="14" height="14" alt="GeoRSS-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_wikitude' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_wikitude' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-wikitude.php?layer=' . $id . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as ARML for Wikitude Augmented-Reality browser','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-wikitude.png" width="14" height="14" alt="Wikitude-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
$lmm_out .= '</div><div id="lmm_panel_text_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-panel-text" style="padding-left:5px;' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_panel_paneltext_css' ]) . '">' . stripslashes($paneltext) . '</div>'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '</div>'.PHP_EOL; //info: <!--end lmm-panel-->
$lmm_out .= '<div id="'.$mapname.'" data-marker="'.$marker.'" style="height:'.$mapheight.'px; overflow:hidden;padding:0;"></div>'. PHP_EOL;
//info: add geo microformats for layer maps
if (!empty($layer) && empty($marker))
$table_name_markers = $wpdb->prefix.'leafletmapsmarker_markers';
$table_name_layers = $wpdb->prefix.'leafletmapsmarker_layers';
$layer_mark_list_microformats = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT as lid, as lname, m.lon as mlon, as mlat, m.markername as markername, as markerid FROM '.$table_name_layers.' as l INNER JOIN '.$table_name_markers.' AS m ON WHERE'.$layer, ARRAY_A);
if (count($layer_mark_list_microformats) < 1) {
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_geo_tags_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-geo-tags geo">' . $paneltext . ': <span class="latitude">' . $lat . '</span>, <span class="longitude">' . $lon . '</span></div>'.PHP_EOL;
} else {
foreach ($layer_mark_list_microformats as $row){
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_geo_tags_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-geo-tags geo">' . htmlspecialchars($row['markername']) . ': <span class="latitude">' . $row['mlat'] . '</span>, <span class="longitude">' . $row['mlon'] . '</span></div>'.PHP_EOL;
//info: add geo microformats for marker maps
if (!empty($marker))
//info: add geo microformats
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_geo_tags_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-geo-tags geo">'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '<span class="paneltext">' . $paneltext . '</span>'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '<span class="latitude">' . $lat . '</span>, <span class="longitude">' . $lon . '</span>'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '<span class="popuptext">' . strip_tags($popuptext) .'</span>'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '</div>'.PHP_EOL;
//info: add geo microformats for marker maps added directly via shortcode
if (empty($layer) && empty($marker))
//info: add geo microformats
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm_geo_tags_'.$uid.'" class="lmm-geo-tags geo">'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '<span class="latitude">' . $mlat . '</span>, <span class="longitude">' . $mlon . '</span>'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '</div>'.PHP_EOL;
//info: display a list of markers under the map
if ( !empty($layer) && empty($marker) && ($listmarkers == 1) )
//info: sqls for singe and multi-layer-maps
if ($multi_layer_map == 0) {
$layer_marker_list = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT as lid, m.lon as mlon, as mlat, m.icon as micon, m.popuptext as mpopuptext,m.markername as markername, as markerid, m.createdon as mcreatedon, m.updatedon as mupdatedon, m.address as maddress FROM '.$table_name_layers.' as l INNER JOIN '.$table_name_markers.' AS m ON WHERE'.$id.' ORDER BY ' . $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_order_by' ] . ' ' . $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_sort_order' ] . ' LIMIT ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_limit' ]), ARRAY_A);
} else if ($multi_layer_map == 1) {
if ( (count($multi_layer_map_list_exploded) == 1) && ($multi_layer_map_list != 'all') ) {
$mlm_query = "(SELECT as lid, as lname,l.mapwidth as lmapwidth,l.mapheight as lmapheight,l.mapwidthunit as lmapwidthunit,l.layerzoom as llayerzoom,l.layerviewlat as llayerviewlat,l.layerviewlon as llayerviewlon, m.lon as mlon, as mlat, m.icon as micon, m.popuptext as mpopuptext,m.markername as markername, as markerid,m.mapwidth as mmapwidth,m.mapwidthunit as mmapwidthunit,m.mapheight as mmapheight,m.zoom as mzoom,m.openpopup as mopenpopup, m.basemap as mbasemap, m.controlbox as mcontrolbox, m.createdby as mcreatedby, m.createdon as mcreatedon, m.updatedby as mupdatedby, m.updatedon as mupdatedon, m.address as maddress FROM " . $table_name_layers . " as l INNER JOIN " . $table_name_markers . " AS m ON WHERE'" . $multi_layer_map_list . "' ORDER BY " . $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_order_by' ] . " " . $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_sort_order' ] . " LIMIT " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_limit' ]) . ")";
$layer_marker_list = $wpdb->get_results($mlm_query, ARRAY_A);
} //info: end (count($multi_layer_map_list_exploded) == 1) && ($multi_layer_map_list != 'all')
else if ( (count($multi_layer_map_list_exploded) > 1 ) && ($multi_layer_map_list != 'all') ) {
$first_mlm_id = $multi_layer_map_list_exploded[0];
$other_mlm_ids = array_slice($multi_layer_map_list_exploded,1);
$mlm_query = "(SELECT as lid, as lname,l.mapwidth as lmapwidth,l.mapheight as lmapheight,l.mapwidthunit as lmapwidthunit,l.layerzoom as llayerzoom,l.layerviewlat as llayerviewlat,l.layerviewlon as llayerviewlon, m.lon as mlon, as mlat, m.icon as micon, m.popuptext as mpopuptext,m.markername as markername, as markerid,m.mapwidth as mmapwidth,m.mapwidthunit as mmapwidthunit,m.mapheight as mmapheight,m.zoom as mzoom,m.openpopup as mopenpopup, m.basemap as mbasemap, m.controlbox as mcontrolbox, m.createdby as mcreatedby, m.createdon as mcreatedon, m.updatedby as mupdatedby, m.updatedon as mupdatedon, m.address as maddress FROM " . $table_name_layers . " as l INNER JOIN " . $table_name_markers . " AS m ON WHERE'" . $first_mlm_id . "')";
foreach ($other_mlm_ids as $row) {
$mlm_query .= " UNION (SELECT as lid, as lname,l.mapwidth as lmapwidth,l.mapheight as lmapheight,l.mapwidthunit as lmapwidthunit,l.layerzoom as llayerzoom,l.layerviewlat as llayerviewlat,l.layerviewlon as llayerviewlon, m.lon as mlon, as mlat, m.icon as micon, m.popuptext as mpopuptext,m.markername as markername, as markerid,m.mapwidth as mmapwidth,m.mapwidthunit as mmapwidthunit,m.mapheight as mmapheight,m.zoom as mzoom,m.openpopup as mopenpopup, m.basemap as mbasemap, m.controlbox as mcontrolbox, m.createdby as mcreatedby, m.createdon as mcreatedon, m.updatedby as mupdatedby, m.updatedon as mupdatedon, m.address as maddress FROM " . $table_name_layers . " as l INNER JOIN " . $table_name_markers . " AS m ON WHERE'" . $row . "')";
$layer_marker_list = $wpdb->get_results($mlm_query, ARRAY_A);
} //info: end else if ( (count($multi_layer_map_list_exploded) > 1 ) && ($multi_layer_map_list != 'all'
else if ($multi_layer_map_list == 'all') {
$first_mlm_id = '0';
$mlm_all_layers = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM $table_name_layers" ), ARRAY_A );
$other_mlm_ids = array_slice($mlm_all_layers,1);
$mlm_query = "(SELECT as lid, as lname,l.mapwidth as lmapwidth,l.mapheight as lmapheight,l.mapwidthunit as lmapwidthunit,l.layerzoom as llayerzoom,l.layerviewlat as llayerviewlat,l.layerviewlon as llayerviewlon, m.lon as mlon, as mlat, m.icon as micon, m.popuptext as mpopuptext,m.markername as markername, as markerid,m.mapwidth as mmapwidth,m.mapwidthunit as mmapwidthunit,m.mapheight as mmapheight,m.zoom as mzoom,m.openpopup as mopenpopup, m.basemap as mbasemap, m.controlbox as mcontrolbox, m.createdby as mcreatedby, m.createdon as mcreatedon, m.updatedby as mupdatedby, m.updatedon as mupdatedon, m.address as maddress FROM " . $table_name_layers . " as l INNER JOIN " . $table_name_markers . " AS m ON WHERE'" . $first_mlm_id . "')";
foreach ($other_mlm_ids as $row) {
$mlm_query .= " UNION (SELECT as lid, as lname,l.mapwidth as lmapwidth,l.mapheight as lmapheight,l.mapwidthunit as lmapwidthunit,l.layerzoom as llayerzoom,l.layerviewlat as llayerviewlat,l.layerviewlon as llayerviewlon, m.lon as mlon, as mlat, m.icon as micon, m.popuptext as mpopuptext,m.markername as markername, as markerid,m.mapwidth as mmapwidth,m.mapwidthunit as mmapwidthunit,m.mapheight as mmapheight,m.zoom as mzoom,m.openpopup as mopenpopup, m.basemap as mbasemap, m.controlbox as mcontrolbox, m.createdby as mcreatedby, m.createdon as mcreatedon, m.updatedby as mupdatedby, m.updatedon as mupdatedon, m.address as maddress FROM " . $table_name_layers . " as l INNER JOIN " . $table_name_markers . " AS m ON WHERE'" . $row['id'] . "')";
$layer_marker_list = $wpdb->get_results($mlm_query, ARRAY_A);
} //info: end else if ($multi_layer_map_list == 'all')
} //info: end main - else if ($multi_layer_map == 1)
$lmm_out .= '<div id="lmm-listmarkers-'.$uid.'" class="lmm-listmarkers" style="width:' . $mapwidth.$mapwidthunit . ';">'.PHP_EOL;
$lmm_out .= '<table width="' . $mapwidth.$mapwidthunit . '">';
foreach ($layer_marker_list as $row){
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_icon' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_icon' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<tr><td style="width:35px;vertical-align:top;text-align:center;' . $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_extracss' ] . '">';
if ($row['micon'] != null) {
$lmm_out .= '<img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_ICONS_URL . '/'.$row['micon'].'" title="' . stripslashes($row['markername']) . '" />';
} else {
$lmm_out .= '<img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-dist/images/marker.png" title="' . stripslashes($row['markername']) . '" />';
} else {
$lmm_out .= '<tr><td style="' . $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_extracss' ] . '">';
$lmm_out .= '</td><td style="' . $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_extracss' ] . '"><div class="lmm-listmarkers-panel-icons">';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_directions' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_directions' ] == 1 ) ) {
if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'googlemaps') {
if ((isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] == 1 )) { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-walk.png'; } else { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-car.png'; }
$avoidhighways = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_highways' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_highways' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=h' : '';
$avoidtolls = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_tolls' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_tolls' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=t' : '';
$publictransport = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_public_transport' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_public_transport' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=r' : '';
$walking = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=w' : '';
//info: Google language localization (directions)
if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'browser_setting') {
$google_language = '';
} else if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'wordpress_setting') {
if ( defined('WPLANG') ) { $google_language = '&hl=' . substr(WPLANG, 0, 2); } else { $google_language = '&hl=en'; }
} else {
$google_language = '&hl=' . $lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'];
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $row['mlat'] . ',' . $row['mlon'] . '&t=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_map_type' ] . '&layer=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_traffic' ] . '&doflg=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_distance_units' ] . $avoidhighways . $avoidtolls . $publictransport . $walking . $google_language . '&om=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_overview_map' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/' . $yours_transport_type_icon . '" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'yours') {
if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] == 'motorcar') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-car.png'; } else if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] == 'bicycle') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-bicycle.png'; } else if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] == 'foot') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-walk.png'; }
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $row['mlat'] . '&tlon=' . $row['mlon'] . '&v=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] . '&fast=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_route_type' ] . '&layer=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_layer' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/' . $yours_transport_type_icon . '" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'osrm') {
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_osrm_language' ] . '&loc=' . $row['mlat'] . ',' . $row['mlon'] . '&df=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_osrm_units' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/' . $yours_transport_type_icon . '" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'ors') {
if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_route_preferences' ] == 'Pedestrian') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-walk.png'; } else if ($lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_route_preferences' ] == 'Bicycle') { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-bicycle.png'; } else { $yours_transport_type_icon = 'icon-car.png'; }
$lmm_out .= '<a href="' . $row['mlon'] . ',' . $row['mlat'] . '&pref=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_route_preferences' ] . '&lang=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_language' ] . '&noMotorways=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_no_motorways' ] . '&noTollways=' . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_no_tollways' ] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/' . $yours_transport_type_icon . '" width="14" height="14" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_fullscreen' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_fullscreen' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?marker=' . $row['markerid'] . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Open standalone map in fullscreen mode','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-fullscreen.png" width="14" height="14" alt="Fullscreen-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_kml' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_kml' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-kml.php?marker=' . $row['markerid'] . '&name=' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_kml' ] . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as KML for Google Earth/Google Maps','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-kml.png" width="14" height="14" alt="KML-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_qr_code' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_qr_code' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_qrcode_size' ] . 'x' . $lmm_options[ 'misc_qrcode_size' ] . '&cht=qr&chl=' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-fullscreen.php?layer=' . $row['markerid'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__('Create QR code image for standalone map in fullscreen mode','lmm') . '"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-qr-code.png" width="14" height="14" alt="QR-code-logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_geojson' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_geojson' ] == 1 ) && ($multi_layer_map == 0 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-geojson.php?layer=' . $row['markerid'] . '&callback=jsonp&full=yes" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as GeoJSON','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-json.png" width="14" height="14" alt="GeoJSON-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_georss' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_georss' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-georss.php?layer=' . $row['markerid'] . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as GeoRSS','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-georss.png" width="14" height="14" alt="GeoRSS-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_wikitude' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_api_wikitude' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-wikitude.php?layer=' . $row['markerid'] . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . esc_attr__('Export as ARML for Wikitude Augmented-Reality browser','lmm') . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-wikitude.png" width="14" height="14" alt="Wikitude-Logo" class="lmm-panel-api-images" /></a>';
$lmm_out .= '</div>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_markername' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_markername' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<strong>' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row['markername'])) . '</strong>';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_popuptext' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_popuptext' ] == 1 ) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<br/>' . stripslashes($row['mpopuptext']);
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_address' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_layer_listmarkers_show_address' ] == 1 ) ) {
if ( $row['mpopuptext'] == NULL ) {
$lmm_out .= stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row['maddress']));
} else if ( ($row['mpopuptext'] != NULL) && ($row['maddress'] != NULL) ) {
$lmm_out .= '<br/><div style="border-top:1px solid #f0f0e7;padding-top:5px;margin-top:5px;">' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row['maddress'])) . '</div>';
$lmm_out .= '</td></tr>';
} //info: end foreach
$lmm_out .= '</table></div>';
} //info: end display a list of markers under the map
$lmm_out .= '</div>'; //info: end leaflet_maps_marker_$uid
//info: assign $lmmjs_out-variable for adding to footer
$plugin_version = get_option('leafletmapsmarker_version');
global $lmmjs_out, $wp_scripts;
$lmmjs_out = '<script type="text/javascript">'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '/* <![CDATA[ */'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '/* Maps created with WordPress plugin - version '.$plugin_version.' */'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var layers = {};'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var markers = {};'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var lmm_map_'.$uid.' = {};'.PHP_EOL;
//info: define attribution links as variables to allow dynamic change through layer control box
$attrib_prefix = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"powered by \'Leaflet Maps Marker\'-Plugin for WordPress\"></a> (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"\'Leaflet Maps Marker\' uses the JavaScript library \'Leaflet\' for interactive maps by CloudMade\">Leaflet</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"\'Leaflet Maps Marker\' uses icons from the \'Maps Icons Collection\'\">Icons</a>)';
$attrib_osm_mapnik = __("Map",'lmm').': &copy; ' . date("Y") . ' <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CC-BY-SA</a>';
$attrib_mapquest_osm = __("Map",'lmm').': Tiles Courtesy of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MapQuest</a> <img src=\"' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/logo-mapquest.png\" style=\"display:inline;\" /> (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenStreetMap</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CC-BY-SA</a>)';
$attrib_mapquest_aerial = __("Map",'lmm').': <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MapQuest</a> <img src=\"' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/logo-mapquest.png\" style=\"display:inline;\" />, Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency';
$attrib_ogdwien_basemap = __("Map",'lmm').': ' . __("City of Vienna","lmm") . ' (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"\"></a>)';
$attrib_ogdwien_satellite = __("Map",'lmm').': ' . __("City of Vienna","lmm") . ' (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>)';
$attrib_cloudmade = __("Map",'lmm').': &copy; ' . date("Y") . ' <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"\">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery &copy; <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CloudMade</a>';
$attrib_custom_basemap = __("Map",'lmm').': ' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_attribution' ]);
$attrib_custom_basemap2 = __("Map",'lmm').': ' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_attribution' ]);
$attrib_custom_basemap3 = __("Map",'lmm').': ' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_attribution' ]);
$lmmjs_out .= '(function($) {'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= $mapname.' = new L.Map("'.$mapname.'", { dragging: ' . $lmm_options['misc_map_dragging'] . ', touchZoom: ' . $lmm_options['misc_map_touchzoom'] . ', scrollWheelZoom: ' . $lmm_options['misc_map_scrollwheelzoom'] . ', doubleClickZoom: ' . $lmm_options['misc_map_doubleclickzoom'] . ', boxzoom: ' . $lmm_options['map_interaction_options_boxzoom'] . ', trackResize: ' . $lmm_options['misc_map_trackresize'] . ', worldCopyJump: ' . $lmm_options['map_interaction_options_worldcopyjump'] . ', closePopupOnClick: ' . $lmm_options['misc_map_closepopuponclick'] . ', keyboard: ' . $lmm_options['map_keyboard_navigation_options_keyboard'] . ', keyboardPanOffset: ' . intval($lmm_options['map_keyboard_navigation_options_keyboardpanoffset']) . ', keyboardZoomOffset: ' . intval($lmm_options['map_keyboard_navigation_options_keyboardzoomoffset']) . ', inertia: ' . $lmm_options['map_panning_inertia_options_inertia'] . ', inertiaDeceleration: ' . intval($lmm_options['map_panning_inertia_options_inertiadeceleration']) . ', inertiaMaxSpeed: ' . intval($lmm_options['map_panning_inertia_options_inertiamaxspeed']) . ', zoomControl: ' . $lmm_options['misc_map_zoomcontrol'] . ', crs: ' . $lmm_options['misc_projections'] . ' });'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= $mapname.'.attributionControl.setPrefix("' . $attrib_prefix . '");'.PHP_EOL;
//info: define basemaps
$lmmjs_out .= 'var osm_mapnik = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {maxZoom: 18, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_osm_mapnik . '", detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var mapquest_osm = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {maxZoom: 18, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_mapquest_osm . '", subdomains: ["otile1","otile2","otile3","otile4"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var mapquest_aerial = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {maxZoom: 18, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_mapquest_aerial . '", subdomains: ["oatile1","oatile2","oatile3","oatile4"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var googleLayer_roadmap = new L.Google("ROADMAP", {detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var googleLayer_satellite = new L.Google("SATELLITE", {detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var googleLayer_hybrid = new L.Google("HYBRID", {detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var googleLayer_terrain = new L.Google("TERRAIN", {detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ( isset($lmm_options['bingmaps_api_key']) && ($lmm_options['bingmaps_api_key'] != NULL ) ) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var bingaerial = new L.BingLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'bingmaps_api_key' ] . '", {type: "Aerial", maxZoom: 21, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var bingaerialwithlabels = new L.BingLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'bingmaps_api_key' ] . '", {type: "AerialWithLabels", maxZoom: 21, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var bingroad = new L.BingLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'bingmaps_api_key' ] . '", {type: "Road", maxZoom: 21, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var ogdwien_basemap = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{y}/{x}.jpeg", {maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 11, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_ogdwien_basemap . '", subdomains: ["maps","maps1", "maps2", "maps3"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var ogdwien_satellite = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{y}/{x}.jpeg", {maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 11, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_ogdwien_satellite . '", subdomains: ["maps","maps1", "maps2", "maps3"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
//info: create Cloudmade TileURLs
$cloudmade_double_resolution = ($lmm_options[ 'cloudmade_double_resolution' ] == 'enabled') ? "@2x" : "";
$cloudmade2_double_resolution = ($lmm_options[ 'cloudmade2_double_resolution' ] == 'enabled') ? "@2x" : "";
$cloudmade3_double_resolution = ($lmm_options[ 'cloudmade3_double_resolution' ] == 'enabled') ? "@2x" : "";
$cloudmade_tileurl = "http://{s}" . $lmm_options[ 'cloudmade_api_key' ] . "/" . $lmm_options[ 'cloudmade_styleid' ] . $cloudmade_double_resolution . "/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
$cloudmade2_tileurl = "http://{s}" . $lmm_options[ 'cloudmade2_api_key' ] . "/" . $lmm_options[ 'cloudmade2_styleid' ] . $cloudmade2_double_resolution . "/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
$cloudmade3_tileurl = "http://{s}" . $lmm_options[ 'cloudmade3_api_key' ] . "/" . $lmm_options[ 'cloudmade3_styleid' ] . $cloudmade3_double_resolution . "/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
$lmmjs_out .= 'var cloudmade = new L.TileLayer("' . $cloudmade_tileurl . '", {maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_cloudmade . '", subdomains: ["a","b","c"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var cloudmade2 = new L.TileLayer("' . $cloudmade2_tileurl . '", {maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_cloudmade . '", subdomains: ["a","b","c"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var cloudmade3 = new L.TileLayer("' . $cloudmade3_tileurl . '", {maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 1, errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_cloudmade . '", subdomains: ["a","b","c"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
//info: MapBox basemaps
$lmmjs_out .= 'var mapbox = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}' . $lmm_options[ 'mapbox_user' ] . '.' . $lmm_options[ 'mapbox_map' ] . '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'mapbox_minzoom' ]) . ', maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'mapbox_maxzoom' ]) . ', errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'mapbox_attribution' ]) . '", subdomains: ["a","b","c","d"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var mapbox2 = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}' . $lmm_options[ 'mapbox2_user' ] . '.' . $lmm_options[ 'mapbox2_map' ] . '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'mapbox2_minzoom' ]) . ', maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'mapbox2_maxzoom' ]) . ', errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'mapbox2_attribution' ]) . '", subdomains: ["a","b","c","d"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var mapbox3 = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}' . $lmm_options[ 'mapbox3_user' ] . '.' . $lmm_options[ 'mapbox3_map' ] . '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'mapbox3_minzoom' ]) . ', maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'mapbox3_maxzoom' ]) . ', errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'mapbox3_attribution' ]) . '", subdomains: ["a","b","c","d"], detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
//info: check if subdomains are set for custom basemaps
$custom_basemap_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$custom_basemap2_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$custom_basemap3_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
//info: define custom basemaps
$lmmjs_out .= 'var custom_basemap = new L.TileLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_tileurl' ] . '", {maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_maxzoom' ]) . ', minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_minzoom' ]) . ', tms: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_tms' ] . ', errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_custom_basemap . '"' . $custom_basemap_subdomains . ', continuousWorld: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_continuousworld_enabled' ] . ', noWrap: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_nowrap_enabled' ] . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var custom_basemap2 = new L.TileLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_tileurl' ] . '", {maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_maxzoom' ]) . ', minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_minzoom' ]) . ', tms: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_tms' ] . ', errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_custom_basemap2 . '"' . $custom_basemap2_subdomains . ', continuousWorld: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_continuousworld_enabled' ] . ', noWrap: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_nowrap_enabled' ] . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var custom_basemap3 = new L.TileLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_tileurl' ] . '", {maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_maxzoom' ]) . ', minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_minzoom' ]) . ', tms: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_tms' ] . ', errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . $attrib_custom_basemap3 . '"' . $custom_basemap3_subdomains . ', continuousWorld: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_continuousworld_enabled' ] . ', noWrap: ' . $lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_nowrap_enabled' ] . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
//info: check if subdomains are set for custom overlays
$overlays_custom_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$overlays_custom2_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$overlays_custom3_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$overlays_custom4_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
//info: define overlays
$lmmjs_out .= 'var overlays_custom = new L.TileLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_tileurl' ] . '", {errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_attribution' ]) . '", opacity: ' . floatval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_opacity' ]) . ', maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_maxzoom' ]) . ', minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_minzoom' ]) . $overlays_custom_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var overlays_custom2 = new L.TileLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_tileurl' ] . '", {errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_attribution' ]) . '", opacity: ' . floatval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_opacity' ]) . ', maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_maxzoom' ]) . ', minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_minzoom' ]) . $overlays_custom2_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var overlays_custom3 = new L.TileLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_tileurl' ] . '", {errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_attribution' ]) . '", opacity: ' . floatval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_opacity' ]) . ', maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_maxzoom' ]) . ', minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_minzoom' ]) . $overlays_custom3_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'var overlays_custom4 = new L.TileLayer("' . $lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_tileurl' ] . '", {errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", attribution: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_attribution' ]) . '", opacity: ' . floatval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_opacity' ]) . ', maxZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_maxzoom' ]) . ', minZoom: ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_minzoom' ]) . $overlays_custom_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
//info: check if subdomains are set for wms layers
$wms_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms2_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms3_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms4_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms5_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms6_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms7_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms8_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms9_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
$wms10_subdomains = ((isset($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_subdomains_enabled' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_subdomains_enabled' ] == 'yes' )) ? ", subdomains: [" . htmlspecialchars_decode($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_subdomains_names' ], ENT_QUOTES) . "]" : "";
//info: define wms legends
$wms_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms2_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms3_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms4_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms5_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms6_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms7_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms8_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms9_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
$wms10_attribution = addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_attribution' ]) . ( ($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_legend_enabled' ] == 'yes' ) ? " (<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_legend' ] . " target='_blank'>" . __('Legend','lmm') . "</a>)" : '') .'';
//info: define wms layers
if ($wms == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms_version' ]) . '"' . $wms_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms2 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms2 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms2", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms2_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms2_version' ]) . '"' . $wms2_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms3 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms3 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms3", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms3_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms3_version' ]) . '"' . $wms3_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms4 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms4 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms4", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms4_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms4_version' ]) . '"' . $wms4_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms5 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms5 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms5", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms5_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms5_version' ]) . '"' . $wms5_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms6 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms6 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms6", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms6_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms6_version' ]) . '"' . $wms6_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms7 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms7 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms7", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms7_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms7_version' ]) . '"' . $wms7_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms8 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms8 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms8", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms8_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms8_version' ]) . '"' . $wms8_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms9 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms9 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms9", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms9_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms9_version' ]) . '"' . $wms9_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($wms10 == 1) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var wms10 = new L.TileLayer.WMS("' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_baseurl' ] . '", {wmsid: "wms10", layers: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_layers' ]) . '", styles: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_styles' ]) . '", format: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_format' ]) . '", attribution: "' . $wms10_attribution . '", transparent: "' . $lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_transparent' ] . '", errorTileUrl: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/error-tile-image.png", version: "' . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'wms_wms10_version' ]) . '"' . $wms10_subdomains . ', detectRetina: ' . $lmm_options['map_retina_detection'] . '});'.PHP_EOL;
//info: controlbox - basemaps
$lmmjs_out .= 'var layersControl = new L.Control.Layers('.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '{';
$basemaps_available = '';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_osm_mapnik' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_osm_mapnik' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_osm_mapnik' ]) . "': osm_mapnik,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapquest_osm' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapquest_osm' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_mapquest_osm' ]) . "': mapquest_osm,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapquest_aerial' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapquest_aerial' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_mapquest_aerial' ]) . "': mapquest_aerial,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_roadmap' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_roadmap' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_googleLayer_roadmap' ]) . "': googleLayer_roadmap,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_satellite' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_satellite' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_googleLayer_satellite' ]) . "': googleLayer_satellite,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_hybrid' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_hybrid' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_googleLayer_hybrid' ]) . "': googleLayer_hybrid,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_terrain' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_googleLayer_terrain' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_googleLayer_terrain' ]) . "': googleLayer_terrain,";
if ( isset($lmm_options['bingmaps_api_key']) && ($lmm_options['bingmaps_api_key'] != NULL ) ) {
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_bingaerial' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_bingaerial' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_bingaerial' ]) . "': bingaerial,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_bingaerialwithlabels' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_bingaerialwithlabels' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_bingaerialwithlabels' ]) . "': bingaerialwithlabels,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_bingroad' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_bingroad' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_bingroad' ]) . "': bingroad,";
if (((isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_ogdwien_basemap' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_ogdwien_basemap' ] == 1 )) && ((($lat <= '48.326583') && ($lat >= '48.114308')) && (($lon <= '16.55056') && ($lon >= '16.187325')) ))
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_ogdwien_basemap' ]) . "': ogdwien_basemap,";
if (((isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_ogdwien_satellite' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_ogdwien_satellite' ] == 1 )) && ((($lat <= '48.326583') && ($lat >= '48.114308')) && (($lon <= '16.55056') && ($lon >= '16.187325')) ))
$basemaps_available .= "'" . addslashes($lmm_options[ 'default_basemap_name_ogdwien_satellite' ]) . "': ogdwien_satellite,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_cloudmade' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_cloudmade' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'cloudmade_name' ])."': cloudmade,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_cloudmade2' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_cloudmade2' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'cloudmade2_name' ])."': cloudmade2,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_cloudmade3' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_cloudmade3' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'cloudmade3_name' ])."': cloudmade3,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapbox' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapbox' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'mapbox_name' ])."': mapbox,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapbox2' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapbox2' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'mapbox2_name' ])."': mapbox2,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapbox3' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_mapbox3' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'mapbox3_name' ])."': mapbox3,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_custom_basemap' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_custom_basemap' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap_name' ])."': custom_basemap,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_custom_basemap2' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_custom_basemap2' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap2_name' ])."': custom_basemap2,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_custom_basemap3' ]) == TRUE ) && ($lmm_options[ 'controlbox_custom_basemap3' ] == 1 ) )
$basemaps_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'custom_basemap3_name' ])."': custom_basemap3,";
//info: needed for IE7 compatibility
$lmmjs_out .= substr($basemaps_available, 0, -1);
$lmmjs_out .= '},'.PHP_EOL;
//info: controlbox - add available overlays
$lmmjs_out .= '{';
$overlays_custom_available = '';
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom' ] ) == TRUE ) || ($overlays_custom == 1) )
$overlays_custom_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom_name' ])."': overlays_custom,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2' ] ) == TRUE ) || ($overlays_custom2 == 1) )
$overlays_custom_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom2_name' ])."': overlays_custom2,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3' ] ) == TRUE ) || ($overlays_custom3 == 1) )
$overlays_custom_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom3_name' ])."': overlays_custom3,";
if ( (isset($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4' ] ) == TRUE ) || ($overlays_custom4 == 1) )
$overlays_custom_available .= "'".addslashes($lmm_options[ 'overlays_custom4_name' ])."': overlays_custom4,";
//info: needed for IE7 compatibility
$lmmjs_out .= substr($overlays_custom_available, 0, -1);
$lmmjs_out .= '},'.PHP_EOL;
//info: controlbox - hidden / collapsed / expanded status
if ( (isset($controlbox) == TRUE ) && ( $controlbox == 0 ) )
$lmmjs_out .= '{ } );'.PHP_EOL;
if ( (isset($controlbox) == TRUE ) && ( $controlbox == 1 ) )
$lmmjs_out .= '{ collapsed: true } );'.PHP_EOL;
if ( (isset($controlbox) == TRUE ) && ( $controlbox == 2 ) )
$lmmjs_out .= '{ collapsed: false } );'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= $mapname.'.setView(new L.LatLng('.$lat.', '.$lon.'), '.$zoom.');'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= $mapname.'.addLayer(' . $basemap . ')';
//info: controlbox - check active overlays on marker/layer level
if ( (isset($overlays_custom) == TRUE) && ($overlays_custom == 1) )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(overlays_custom)";
if ( (isset($overlays_custom2) == TRUE) && ($overlays_custom2 == 1) )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(overlays_custom2)";
if ( (isset($overlays_custom3) == TRUE) && ($overlays_custom3 == 1) )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(overlays_custom3)";
if ( (isset($overlays_custom4) == TRUE) && ($overlays_custom4 == 1) )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(overlays_custom4)";
//info: controlbox - add active overlays on marker level
if ( $wms == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms)";
if ( $wms2 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms2)";
if ( $wms3 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms3)";
if ( $wms4 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms4)";
if ( $wms5 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms5)";
if ( $wms6 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms6)";
if ( $wms7 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms7)";
if ( $wms8 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms8)";
if ( $wms9 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms9)";
if ( $wms10 == 1 )
$lmmjs_out .= ".addLayer(wms10)";
$lmmjs_out .= ( (isset($controlbox) == TRUE) && ($controlbox != 0) ) ? ".addControl(layersControl);" : ";".PHP_EOL;
//info: add scale control
if ( $lmm_options['map_scale_control'] == 'enabled' ) {
$lmmjs_out .= "L.control.scale({position:'" . $lmm_options['map_scale_control_position'] . "', maxWidth: " . intval($lmm_options['map_scale_control_maxwidth']) . ", metric: " . $lmm_options['map_scale_control_metric'] . ", imperial: " . $lmm_options['map_scale_control_imperial'] . ", updateWhenIdle: " . $lmm_options['map_scale_control_updatewhenidle'] . "}).addTo(" . $mapname . ");".PHP_EOL;
if (!(empty($mlat) or empty($mlon)) ) {
if ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_title' ] == 'show') { $defaults_marker_icon_title = "title: '" . htmlspecialchars($markername) . "', "; } else { $defaults_marker_icon_title = ""; };
$lmmjs_out .= 'var marker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng('.$mlat.', '.$mlon.'),{ ' . $defaults_marker_icon_title . ' opacity: ' . floatval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_opacity' ]) . '});'.PHP_EOL;
if ($micon == NULL) {
$lmmjs_out .= "marker.options.icon = new L.Icon({iconUrl: '" . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . "leaflet-dist/images/marker.png',iconSize: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconsize_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconsize_y' ]) . "],iconAnchor: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconanchor_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconanchor_y' ]) . "],popupAnchor: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_popupanchor_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_popupanchor_y' ]) . "],shadowUrl: '" . htmlspecialchars($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadow_url' ]) . "',shadowSize: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowsize_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowsize_y' ]) . "],shadowAnchor: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowanchor_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowanchor_y' ]) . "],className: 'lmm_marker_icon_default'});".PHP_EOL;
} else {
$lmmjs_out .= "marker.options.icon = new L.Icon({iconUrl: '" . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_ICONS_URL . "/" . $icon . "',iconSize: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconsize_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconsize_y' ]) . "],iconAnchor: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconanchor_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconanchor_y' ]) . "],popupAnchor: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_popupanchor_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_popupanchor_y' ]) . "],shadowUrl: '" . htmlspecialchars($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadow_url' ]) . "',shadowSize: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowsize_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowsize_y' ]) . "],shadowAnchor: [" . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowanchor_x' ]) . ", " . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowanchor_y' ]) . "],className: 'lmm_marker_icon_" . substr($icon, 0, -4) . "'});".PHP_EOL;
if ( (empty($mpopuptext)) && ($lmm_options['directions_popuptext_panel'] == 'no') ) $lmmjs_out .= 'marker.options.clickable = false;'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= $mapname.'.addLayer(marker);'.PHP_EOL;
if ($lmm_options['directions_popuptext_panel'] == 'yes') {
$mpopuptext_css = ($mpopuptext != NULL) ? "border-top:1px solid #f0f0e7;padding-top:5px;margin-top:5px;" : "";
$mpopuptext = $mpopuptext . '<div style=\'' . $mpopuptext_css . '\'>' . $address . ' (';
if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'googlemaps') {
$avoidhighways = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_highways' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_highways' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=h' : '';
$avoidtolls = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_tolls' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_tolls' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=t' : '';
$publictransport = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_public_transport' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_public_transport' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=r' : '';
$walking = (isset($lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] ) == TRUE ) && ( $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_route_type_walking' ] == 1 ) ? '&dirflg=w' : '';
//info: Google language localization (directions)
if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'browser_setting') {
$google_language = '';
} else if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'wordpress_setting') {
if ( defined('WPLANG') ) { $google_language = '&hl=' . substr(WPLANG, 0, 2); } else { $google_language = '&hl=en'; }
} else {
$google_language = '&hl=' . $lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'];
$mpopuptext = $mpopuptext . "<a href=" . $lat . "," . $lon . "&t=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_map_type' ] . "&layer=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_traffic' ] . "&doflg=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_distance_units' ] . $avoidhighways . $avoidtolls . $publictransport . $walking . $google_language . "&om=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_googlemaps_overview_map' ] . " target='_blank' title='" . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . "'>" . __('Directions','lmm') . "</a>";
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'yours') {
$mpopuptext = $mpopuptext . "<a href=" . $lat . "&tlon=" . $lon . "&v=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_type_of_transport' ] . "&fast=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_route_type' ] . "&layer=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_yours_layer' ] . " target='_blank' title='" . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . "'>" . __('Directions','lmm') . "</a>";
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'osrm') {
$mpopuptext = $mpopuptext . "<a href=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_osrm_language' ] . "&loc=" . $lat . "," . $lon . "&df=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_osrm_units' ] . " target='_blank' title='" . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . "'>" . __('Directions','lmm') . "</a>";
} else if ($lmm_options['directions_provider'] == 'ors') {
$mpopuptext = $mpopuptext . "<a href=" . $lon . "," . $lat . "&pref=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_route_preferences' ] . "&lang=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_language' ] . "&noMotorways=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_no_motorways' ] . "&noTollways=" . $lmm_options[ 'directions_ors_no_tollways' ] . " target='_blank' title='" . esc_attr__('Get directions','lmm') . "'>" . __('Directions','lmm') . "</a>";
$mpopuptext = $mpopuptext . ')</div>';
if (!empty($mpopuptext)) $lmmjs_out .= 'marker.bindPopup("' . preg_replace('/(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)/','<br/>',$mpopuptext) . '", {maxWidth: ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_maxwidth']) . ', minWidth: ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_minwidth']) . ', maxHeight: ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_maxheight']) . ', autoPan: ' . $lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_autopan'] . ', closeButton: ' . $lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_closebutton'] . ', autoPanPadding: new L.Point(' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_autopanpadding_x']) . ', ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_autopanpadding_y']) . ')})'.$mopenpopup.';'.PHP_EOL;
} else if (!empty($geojson) or !empty($geojsonurl) or !empty($layer) ) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'var geojsonObj, mapIcon, marker_clickable, marker_title;'.PHP_EOL;
//info: added for next versions
if (!empty($geojson)) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'geojsonObj = eval("'.$geojson.'");'.PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($geojsonurl)) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'geojsonObj = eval("(" + jQuery.ajax({url: "'.$geojsonurl.'", async: false, cache: true}).responseText + ")");'.PHP_EOL;
//2do: check if loading marker via GeoJSON has advantages
if ( !empty($marker) ) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'geojsonObj = eval("(" + jQuery.ajax({url: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-geojson.php?marker='.$marker.'", async: false, cache: true}).responseText + ")");'.PHP_EOL;
//info: load GeoJSON for layer maps
if (!empty($layer) && ($multi_layer_map == 0) ) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'geojsonObj = eval("(" + jQuery.ajax({url: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-geojson.php?layer=' . $id . '", async: false, cache: true}).responseText + ")");'.PHP_EOL;
} else if (!empty($layer) && ($multi_layer_map == 1) ) {
$lmmjs_out .= 'geojsonObj = eval("(" + jQuery.ajax({url: "' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-geojson.php?layer=' . $multi_layer_map_list . '", async: false, cache: true}).responseText + ")");'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'L.geoJson(geojsonObj, {'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' onEachFeature: function(feature, marker) {'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= " if ( != '') {".PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' marker.bindPopup(, {'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' maxWidth: ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_maxwidth']) . ', '.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' minWidth: ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_minwidth']) . ', '.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' maxHeight: ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_maxheight']) . ', '.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' autoPan: ' . $lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_autopan'] . ', '.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' closeButton: ' . $lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_closebutton'] . ', '.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' autoPanPadding: new L.Point(' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_autopanpadding_x']) . ', ' . intval($lmm_options['defaults_marker_popups_autopanpadding_y']) . ')'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' });'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' }'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' },'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' mapIcon = L.icon({ '.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= " iconUrl: ( != '') ? '" . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_ICONS_URL . "/' + : '" . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . "leaflet-dist/images/marker.png" . "',".PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' iconSize: [' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconsize_x' ]) . ', ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconsize_y' ]) . '],'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' iconAnchor: [' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconanchor_x' ]) . ', ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_iconanchor_y' ]) . '],'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' popupAnchor: [' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_popupanchor_x' ]) . ', ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_popupanchor_y' ]) . '],'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= " shadowUrl: '" . htmlspecialchars($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadow_url' ]) . "',".PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' shadowSize: [' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowsize_x' ]) . ', ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowsize_y' ]) . '],'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' shadowAnchor: [' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowanchor_x' ]) . ', ' . intval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_shadowanchor_y' ]) . '],'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= " className: ( == '') ? 'lmm_marker_icon_default' : 'lmm_marker_icon_'+,-4)".PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= ' });'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= "if ( == '') { marker_clickable = false } else { marker_clickable = true };".PHP_EOL;
if ($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_title' ] == 'show') {
$lmmjs_out .= "if ( == '') { marker_title = '' } else { marker_title = };".PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= 'return L.marker(latlng, {icon: mapIcon, clickable: marker_clickable, title: marker_title, opacity: ' . floatval($lmm_options[ 'defaults_marker_icon_opacity' ]) . '});'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '}'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '}).addTo(' . $mapname . ');'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '})(jQuery);'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '/* ]] > */'.PHP_EOL;
$lmmjs_out .= '</script>'.PHP_EOL;
$plugin_version = get_option('leafletmapsmarker_version');
if ( is_admin() ) { $gmaps_libraries = '&libraries=places'; } else { $gmaps_libraries = ''; }
//info: Google language localization (JSON API)
if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'browser_setting') {
$google_language = '';
} else if ($lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'] == 'wordpress_setting') {
if ( defined('WPLANG') ) { $google_language = "&language=" . substr(WPLANG, 0, 2); } else { $google_language = '&language=en'; }
} else {
$google_language = "&language=" . $lmm_options['google_maps_language_localization'];
if ($lmm_options['google_maps_base_domain_custom'] == '') {
$gmaps_base_domain = "&base_domain=" . $lmm_options['google_maps_base_domain'];
} else {
$gmaps_base_domain = "&base_domain=" . $lmm_options['google_maps_base_domain_custom'];
wp_enqueue_script( array ( 'jquery' ) );
//info: Google API key
if ( isset($lmm_options['google_maps_api_key']) && ($lmm_options['google_maps_api_key'] != NULL) ) { $google_maps_api_key = $lmm_options['google_maps_api_key']; } else { $google_maps_api_key = ''; }
wp_enqueue_script( 'leafletmapsmarker-googlemaps-loader', ''.$google_maps_api_key, array(), NULL);
//info: Bing culture code
if ($lmm_options['bingmaps_culture'] == 'automatic') {
if ( defined('WPLANG') ) { $bing_culture = WPLANG; } else { $bing_culture = 'en_us'; }
} else {
$bing_culture = $lmm_options['bingmaps_culture'];
//info: load leaflet.js + plugins
wp_enqueue_script( 'leafletmapsmarker', LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-dist/leaflet.js', array('leafletmapsmarker-googlemaps-loader'), $plugin_version, false);
wp_localize_script('leafletmapsmarker', 'leafletmapsmarker_L10n', array(
'lmm_zoom_in' => __( 'Zoom in', 'lmm' ),
'lmm_zoom_out' => __( 'Zoom out', 'lmm' ),
'lmm_googlemaps_language' => $google_language,
'lmm_googlemaps_libraries' => $gmaps_libraries,
'lmm_googlemaps_base_domain' => $gmaps_base_domain,
'lmm_bing_culture' => $bing_culture
) );
$wp_scripts->add_data( 'leafletmapsmarker', 'lmmjs_out', $lmmjs_out );
function your_function() {
global $lmmjs_out;
echo $lmmjs_out;
add_action('wp_footer', 'your_function', 25);
} //info: end (!is_feed())
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