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Created January 20, 2016 18:10
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XML Sitemap plugin integration
add_action('sm_buildmap',array(&$this, 'lmm_add_kml_to_sitemap'));
function lmm_add_kml_to_sitemap(){
if(class_exists('GoogleSitemapGenerator')) {
global $wpdb;
$table_name_markers = $wpdb->prefix.'leafletmapsmarker_markers';
$table_name_layers = $wpdb->prefix.'leafletmapsmarker_layers';
$lmm_options = get_option( 'leafletmapsmarker_options' );
$sitemap = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance();
//info: add markers
if ( ($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_include' ] == 'both') || ($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_include' ] == 'markers') ) {
$sql_markers = 'SELECT as mid, m.createdon as mcreatedon, m.updatedon as mupdatedon FROM `'.$table_name_markers.'` AS m';
//info: exclude specific markers
if ($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_exclude_markers' ] != NULL ) {
if (preg_match('/^\d(?:,\d)*$/', str_replace(', ', ',', trim($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_exclude_markers' ]))) == TRUE) {
$sql_markers .= ' WHERE NOT IN (' . str_replace(', ', ',', trim($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_exclude_markers' ])) . ')';
$markers = $wpdb->get_results($sql_markers, ARRAY_A);
foreach ($markers as $marker) {
if ( ($marker['mupdatedon'] == NULL) || ($marker['mupdatedon'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ){
$date_kml = strtotime($marker['mcreatedon']);
} else {
$date_kml = strtotime($marker['mupdatedon']);
$sitemap->AddUrl(LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-kml.php?marker=' . $marker['mid'], $date_kml, $lmm_options['xml_sitemaps_change_frequency_markers'], $lmm_options['xml_sitemaps_priority_markers']);
//info: add layers
if ( ($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_include' ] == 'both') || ($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_include' ] == 'layers') ) {
$sql_layers = 'SELECT as lid, l.createdon as lcreatedon, l.updatedon as lupdatedon FROM `'.$table_name_layers.'` AS l WHERE != 0';
//info: exclude specific layers
if ($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_exclude_layers' ] != NULL ) {
if (preg_match('/^\d(?:,\d)*$/', str_replace(', ', ',', trim($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_exclude_layers' ]))) == TRUE) {
$sql_layers .= ' AND NOT IN (' . str_replace(', ', ',', trim($lmm_options[ 'xml_sitemaps_exclude_layers' ])) . ')';
$layers = $wpdb->get_results($sql_layers, ARRAY_A);
foreach ($layers as $layer) {
if ( ($layer['lupdatedon'] == NULL) || ($layer['lupdatedon'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ){
$date_kml = strtotime($layer['lcreatedon']);
} else {
$date_kml = strtotime($layer['lupdatedon']);
$sitemap->AddUrl(LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'leaflet-kml.php?layer=' . $layer['lid'], $date_kml, $lmm_options['xml_sitemaps_change_frequency_layers'], $lmm_options['xml_sitemaps_priority_layers']);
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