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Last active September 9, 2017 13:54
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Use gcm-server from clojure
;;; Project here:
;;; Note: you need to specify the custom repo to get gcm-server.jar
;;; :repositories [["google" ""]]
;;; :dependencies [[ "1.0.2"]]
;;; See
;; Import all the needed classes from gcm-server.jar
(import ( Sender Message Message$Builder MulticastResult))
(def API_KEY "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...vz") ;Use your API KEY here
(def sender (Sender. API_KEY))
(defn notify
"Send notification with the given message to the specific device"
[message deviceRegId retryCount]
(.send sender message deviceRegId retryCount))
(def devId "1jGmalO_K9bPrprKlH4...GTX9EtRDbCZDocdRR5qxxxxxx") ; Get from your device during gcm registration
(def msg (-> (Message$Builder.) (.addData "key" "Updates") .build))
;; Look ma, no classes!
(notify msg devId 2)
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