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Last active December 7, 2020 05:38
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In this section, we want you to tackle a new programming language, Clojure. This introduction covers defining functions in clojure, calling them, composing simpler functions into a higher order function etc.

We want you to understand the syntax of the language, experiment with writing some new functions.

You can write clojure on a simple online editor to try out the examples

A clojure function has this form:

(defn <function-name> [<arg-list>]

You can call this function like:

(<function-name> arg1 arg2)

For example, here's an increment function:

(defn increment [a]
(+ a 1))

(increment 6) ;; returns 7

(defn sum [a b]
(+ a b))

(sum 40 2) ;; returns 42

Note that in clojure, we use prefix notation for calling functions.

(+ 1 2 3) ;;prefix, will run in your editor
1 + 2  + 3 ;;infix, will give error
sum (1 2 3) ;; also will give error

Square brackets are used to write vectors in clojure (arrays are called vectors in clojure)

[1 2 3 4]  ;; no commas are required, separated by space
["a" "b" "c" "d"]

Here are some common functions used in clojure: +, - , * operators are used as functions

(+ 2 3) ;;5
(- 2 3) ;;-1
(* 2 3) ;;6

some predicate (returning boolean) functions

(< 1 2) ;;true
(= 1 (- 2 1)) ;;true

string operations

(str "Hello" "Nilenso" "!") ;; returns "HelloNilenso!"

map is used to iterate over sequences, like vectors A map takes a function and applies it to each of the elements in the sequence:

(map <function> <vector>)

For example, here is how I would increment every element in a vector

(map increment [1 2 3 4 5]) ;; returns [2 3 4 5 6]

Similarly, filter runs a function on every element of a sequence and keeps that element if the function returns true.

(filter <predicate-fn> vector)
(filter zero? [-1 0 1 0 2]) ;; returns [0 0]
(filter (fn [v] (> v 2)) [1 2 3 2 4]) ;; returns [3 4]

The last example of filter used an anonymous function (has no name!).

(fn [a b] (- a b)) ;; returns a - b

Two ways of writing the above filter function. Both are equivalent but the first way is more concise.

(filter (fn [v] (> v 2)) [1 2 3 2 4])  ;; returns [3 4]
(defn greater-than-two [v] (> v 2))
(filter greater-than-two [1 2 3 2 4])  ;; returns [3 4]

More examples:

(map (fn [element] (sum element 5)) [1 2 3]) ;;returns [6 7 8]

reduce is another commonly used function that performs an aggregation, or "reduction" over a sequence. It takes a function, an initial value, and a sequence as input. Often the result is a single value. You can read more about it here: Here are a couple of examples:

(reduce <function> <initial-val> vector)
(+ 1 2)                  ;; returns 3
(reduce + 0 [1 2 3 4 5]) ;; returns 15
(reduce + 10 [1 2 3 4 5] ;; returns 25

  (fn [accumulator val] 
    (* accumulator val))
  [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])       ;; returns 5040
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