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Last active October 5, 2015 19:27
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Colored one line output from git-log
curl --create-dirs -Lo $HOME/bin/git-lg
chmod +x $HOME/bin/git-lg
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author:
# Sfate(
# Description:
# Show `git log` in simple colored list
# Install:
# $ curl -Lo- | bash
# Run:
# # Navigate to your project and type(shows 10 commits by default):
# $ git lg
# # To show 20 commits:
# $ git lg 20
# Share me:
ARGV << "-n10" unless ARGV.any?{|arg| arg.include?("-n")}
module Color
def; colorize(text, "\e[1m\e[31m"); end
def; colorize(text, "\e[1m\e[32m"); end
def self.dark_green(text); colorize(text, "\e[32m"); end
def self.yellow(text); colorize(text, "\e[1m\e[33m"); end
def; colorize(text, "\e[1m\e[34m"); end
def self.dark_blue(text); colorize(text, "\e[34m"); end
def self.pur(text); colorize(text, "\e[1m\e[35m"); end
def self.colorize(text, color_code) "#{color_code}#{text}\e[0m" end
colorize = lambda{|s, i|
case i
when 0; Color::yellow(s)
when 1; Color::red(s[0..28].ljust(29))
when 2; Color::green(s[0..36].ljust(37))
when 3; Color::blue(s[0..13].ljust(14))
else; Color::pur(s[0..23].ljust(24))
commits_list = %x[git log --pretty=format:"%H::::%ae::::%s::::%ar::::%ad" --no-merges #{ARGV.join(" ")}]
commits_list = commits_list.split("\n").map { |a| a.split('::::')"\s") }
puts commits_list
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