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Created July 31, 2022 06:35
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APEX REST for Pivotal Tracker Webhook
* @description : this is a class that will be setup in a Salesforce Experience Site as a public API that can accept data from Pivotal Tracker
* @author : copyright
@RestResource(urlMapping = '/handleInboundPayload/*')
Defined in PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload but posting here for reference as well. This is the structure we can expect from the PT Webhooks.
— The value of 'kind' will reflect the specific type of activity that an activity resource represents. The value will be a string that ends in '_activity' and which starts with a name based on the change which occurred. This field is read only.
— Project id and version of the activity. This field is read only. This field is always returned.
— The version of the activity. This field is read only. This field is always returned.
— Description of the activity. This field is read only.
— Boldface portion of the message. This field is read only.
— The set of changes. This field is read only.
— The primary resource(s) affected by this command. This field is read only.
— The secondary resource(s) affected by this command. This field is read only.
— id of the project. This field is read only. By default this will be included in responses as a nested structure, using the key project.
— id of the person who performed this change. This field is read only. By default this will be included in responses as a nested structure, using the key performed_by.
— Time of the activity. This field is read only.
global without sharing class PivotalTrackerEndpoint{
public class internalServerErrorException extends Exception {}
public static Map<String, String> updateMap = new Map<String, String>(); // a place to store some key/value pairs of updates from the process
public enum PivotalTracker_kind{
// these are the types of updates that PT could potentially send as detailed in their rest api. only story_update_activity is in scope for this
* handleInboundPayload REST endpoint that will take the pivotal tracker
* payload and parse it into Project__c, Project_Items__c, and Tasks
* 1. Check if Project Exists -> Upsert Project
2. Check if Stories Exist -> Upsert Project Items
3. Write changes to Project Items via Tasks
* @return return theJSON inbound from PT
global static String handleInboundPayload(){
RestResponse res = RestContext.response;
PivotalTracker_kind pt_update_kind;
PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload pl;
pl = parseResponse();
pt_update_kind = PivotalTracker_kind.valueOf(pl.kind);
} catch (Exception e){
res.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(JSON.serialize('error parsing JSON : ' + e.getMessage() + ' - ' + e.getStackTraceString()));
res.statusCode = 400;
switch on pt_update_kind{
when pull_request_create_activity{
// handlePullRequestAttached(); future use
when branch_create_activity{
// handleBranchAttached(); future use
when story_create_activity{
// handleStoryCreated(); future use
when story_update_activity{
Project__c[] projects = handleProjects(pl);
for (Project__c p : projects){
handleProjectItems(pl, p.Id);
res.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(JSON.serialize('successfully sync projects and project items and attached logs to Project record..' + updateMap));
res.statusCode = 200;
if( == 'TestException') throw new internalServerErrorException('Your Message');
} catch (Exception e){
res.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(JSON.serialize('internal server error - message: ' + e.getMessage() + ' - ' + e.getStackTraceString()));
res.statusCode = 500;
return res.toString();
* @description gets the restcontext string that was sent into the API as the body (PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload data structure)
@author sfdcboss
public static PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload parseResponse(){
String json = RestContext.request.requestBody.toString(); /* reach into the requestBody and get the details */
PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload thePayload = PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload.parse(json) ;
return thePayload;
public static Project__c[] handleProjects(PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload pl){
String thePivotalProject = pl != null && pl.project != null ? String.valueOf( : null;
Project__c[] proj = new List<Project__c>();
if (thePivotalProject != null) {
// we have a project Id so we will check for an existing project record. if none exists we will create
// this handles the use case where no Project has been setup in Salesforce so it creates a Project__c record and we will use the project id in PT as an external ID in salesforce
Map<String, String> storyIdToSFId = new Map<String, String>();
String theId = String.valueOf(; // get project_id from the pt payload
proj = doProjectsExistInSF(new Set<String>{ theId }, DateTime.newInstance(pl.occurred_at),; // check for salesforce sobject for project__c , if not create it, return map
updateMap.put('handleProjects', 'Synced Project Records, Ids: ' + proj);
return proj;
public static void handleProjectItems(PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload pl, String projectId){
Project_Item__c[] projectItemsToInsert = createProjectItems(projectId, pl);
updateMap.put('handleProjectItems', 'Synced Project Items Records, Ids: ' + projectItemsToInsert);
public static Project_Item__c[] createProjectItems(String projectId, PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload pl){
String theId = String.valueOf(;
Project_Item__c[] projectItems = new List<Project_Item__c>(); /* used to insert Project Items */
Map<String, String> storyIdToSFId = getStoryIdByProjectItemId(pl);
for (PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload.Primary_resources pr : pl.primary_resources){
String theStoryId = != null ? String.valueOf( : '';
projectItems.add(new Project_Item__c(Data__c = String.valueOf(pl), Project__c = projectId, pt_id__c = theStoryId, pt_url__c = pr.url != null ? String.valueOf(pr.url) : '', pt_story_type__c = pr.story_type != null ? String.valueOf(pr.story_type) : '', pt_kind__c = pr.kind != null ? String.valueOf(pr.kind) : '', pt_name__c = != null ? String.valueOf( : '', Id = storyIdToSFId.containsKey(theStoryId) ? theStoryId : null));
upsert projectItems;
return projectItems;
public static Map<String, Project__c> doProjectsExistInSF(Set<String> pivotalTrackerProjectIds, DateTime timestamp, String ptProjectName){
Map<String, Project__c> proj = new Map<String, Project__c>([SELECT Id, Project_Id__c, Last_Project_Update__c
FROM Project__c
WHERE Project_Id__c IN:pivotalTrackerProjectIds]);
Map<String, Project__c> projUpsert = new Map<String, Project__c>();
for (String s : pivotalTrackerProjectIds){
Boolean keepSearching = true;
if (proj.size() == 0) {
keepSearching = true;
} else {
for (Project__c p : proj.values()){
if (keepSearching == true){
if (p.Project_Id__c == s){
keepSearching = false;
projUpsert.put(s, new Project__c(Id = p.Id, Last_Project_Update__c =, Project_ID__c = s));
if (keepSearching == true){
projUpsert.put(s, new Project__c(Name = ptProjectName, Last_Project_Update__c =, Project_ID__c = s));
system.debug (projUpsert);
if (projUpsert.size() > 0)
upsert projUpsert.values() Project_Id__c;
for (Project__c p : projUpsert.values()) {
p.Last_Project_Update__c =;
proj.put(p.Id, p);
return proj;
public static Map<String, String> getStoryIdByProjectItemId(PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload pl){
Map<String, String> storyIdToSFId = new Map<String, String>();
String[] storyIds = getStoryIdsInPayload(pl);
Map<Id, Project_Item__c> pitems = new Map<Id, Project_Item__c>([SELECT Id, pt_id__c
FROM Project_Item__c
WHERE pt_id__c IN:storyIds]);
for (Project_Item__c pi : pitems.values()) storyIdToSFId.put(pi.pt_id__c, pi.Id);
return storyIdToSFId;
public static List<String> getStoryIdsInPayload(PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload pl){
Project_Item__c[] projectItems = new List<Project_Item__c>();
// we know Pivotal Tracker will send data over as "primary resource, so we are grabbing that
String[] storyIds = new List<String>();
for (PivotalTrackerUpdatePayload.Primary_resources pr : pl.primary_resources){
return storyIds;
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