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Created October 19, 2021 12:10
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MCBM Python implementation refactored from
# This is the original algorithm with some renaming for clarity.
# DFS recursive function returns true if a matching for a_index is possible
def mcbm_can_match(graph, a_index, matches, seen):
# Try every resource one by one
for r_index in range(len(graph[0])):
# If resource at r_index can do assignment and assignment is not seen
if graph[a_index][r_index] and seen[r_index] == False:
# Mark resource as visited
seen[r_index] = True
# If resource at r_index is not matched to an assignment
# OR the assignment has an alternate match available.
# As r_index is marked as seen above this call won't match it again.
if matches[r_index] == -1 or mcbm_can_match(graph, matches[r_index], matches, seen):
matches[r_index] = a_index
return True
return False
# Macimum Cardinality Bipartite [graph] Matches
# Returns maximum number of matches
def mcbm(graph):
n_resources = len(graph[0])
n_assignments = len(graph)
# An array to keep track of the resources matched to assignments
matches = [-1] * n_resources
# Count of resources matched to assignments
cardinality = 0
for a_index in range(n_assignments):
# Mark all resources as not seen for next assignment
seen = [False] * n_resources
# Find if the assignment at a_index has a matching resource
if mcbm_can_match(graph, a_index, matches, seen):
cardinality += 1
return cardinality
graph = [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]
graph = [[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 0]]
# Algorithm changed to accept a list of resources and graph of assignments,
# rather than a binary flag "Edmond's Matrix".
# This is format is easier to generate by grouping in a database.
# DFS recursive function returns true if a matching for a_index is possible
def mcbm_can_match(resources, graph, a_index, matches, seen):
# Try every resource one by one
for r_index in range(len(resources)):
# If resource at r_index can do assignment and assignment is not seen
if (resources[r_index] in graph[a_index]) and seen[r_index] == False:
# Mark resource as visited
seen[r_index] = True
# If resource at r_index is not matched to an assignment
# OR the assignment has an alternate match available.
# As r_index is marked as seen above this call won't match it again.
if matches[r_index] == -1 or mcbm_can_match(assignments, graph, matches[r_index], matches, seen):
matches[r_index] = a_index
return True
return False
# Macimum Cardinality Bipartite [graph] Matches
# Returns maximum number of matches
def mcbm(resources, graph):
n_resources = len(resources)
n_assignments = len(graph)
# An array to keep track of the resources matched to assignments
matches = [-1] * n_resources
# Count of resources matched to assignments
cardinality = 0
for a_index in range(n_assignments):
# Mark all resources as not seen for next assignment
seen = [False] * n_resources
# Find if the assignment at a_index has a matching resource
if mcbm_can_match(assignments, graph, a_index, matches, seen):
cardinality = cardinality + 1
return cardinality
resources = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
graph =[[2, 3],
[1, 4],
[3, 4],
resources = [11, 22, 33]
graph =[[11],
[22, 33],
[11, 22]]
print(mcbm(resources, graph))
# Algorithm changed to accept a list of resources and graph of assignments,
# (as in prior version) but now doesn't rely on mutation of arrays.
# This makes porting to Postgres possible as PL/pgSQL passes by value (copy).
# DFS recursive function returns true if a matching for a_index is possible
def mcbm_can_match(resources, graph, a_index, matches, seen):
# Try every resource one by one
for r_index in range(len(resources)):
# If resource at r_index can do assignment and assignment is not seen
if (resources[r_index] in graph[a_index]) and seen[r_index] == False:
# Mark resource as visited
seen[r_index] = True
# If resource at r_index is not matched to an assignment
# OR the assignment has an alternate match available.
# As r_index is marked as seen above this call won't match it again.
if matches[r_index] == -1:
matches[r_index] = a_index
return True, matches, seen
result, matches, seen = mcbm_can_match(resources, graph, matches[r_index], matches[:], seen[:])
if result:
matches[r_index] = a_index
return True, matches, seen
return False, matches, seen
# Macimum Cardinality Bipartite [graph] Matches
# Returns maximum number of matches
def mcbm(resources, graph):
n_resources = len(resources)
n_assignments = len(graph)
# An array to keep track of the resources matched to assignments
matches = [-1] * n_resources
# Count of resources matched to assignments
cardinality = 0
for a_index in range(n_assignments):
# Mark all resources as not seen for next assignment
seen = [False] * n_resources
# Find if the assignment at a_index has a matching resource
result, matches, seen = mcbm_can_match(resources, graph, a_index, matches, seen)
if result:
cardinality = cardinality + 1
return cardinality
resources = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
graph =[[2, 3],
[1, 4],
[3, 4],
resources = [11, 22, 33]
graph =[[11],
[22, 33],
[11, 22]]
print(mcbm(resources, graph))
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