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Created March 4, 2021 14:59
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Download counts of all R packages on CRAN for Jan-Feb 2021
package total_downloads
A3 2769
aaSEA 1254
AATtools 855
abbyyR 1745
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ABC.RAP 1412
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AID 1843
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Ake 1658
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ALS 1857
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Amelia 21699
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AmericanCallOpt 1808
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AMGET 1610
AmigaFFH 1101
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AMModels 1360
AmmoniaConcentration 1605
AMORE 2606
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AmpGram 687
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AMPLE 1039
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Andromeda 2211
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AQLSchemes 891
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AQuadtree 1179
AquaEnv 1472
AR 1779
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ASSOCShiny 1000
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AssotesteR 1286
AST 1410
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asus 1029
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AsyK 1019
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AsynchLong 1900
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ata 1333
atable 1590
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ATE 2173
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ATmet 1305
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AtmRay 1504
ATR 3222
aTSA 6495
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AUC 20806
aucm 1295
AUCRF 1390
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AurieLSHGaussian 1286
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AUtests 1482
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AutoDeskR 1293
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autoimage 1956
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AWAPer 729
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AWR 1598
AWR.Athena 1461
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AWR.KMS 1258
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