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Last active April 4, 2021 20:31
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Ballparks by James Fee
ballparks2.geojson from James Fee
Note that there's attribute "Teams", which has a value of a JSON array of JSON objects.
QGIS 3 interprets this as string.
Turning this string into an array still is an array of JSON Objects.
So, this has to be treated first as a JSON object.
In QGIS 3 following expression functions can be applied:
1. Get Team name (text) of first JSON array object:
map_get(from_json("Teams")[0], 'Name')
2. Get all Team names as array:
array_foreach(from_json("Teams"), map_get(@element, 'Name'))
3. Get Team names array as string, delimited with ' / ':
array_to_string( array_foreach( from_json("Teams"), map_get(@element, 'Name') ), ' / ')
The last example can e.g. be used as an expression functions for a label.
-- FUNCTION jsonb_path_query_text(...)
-- JSONB Path helper function.
-- DROP FUNCTION public.jsonb_path_query_text(jsonb, jsonpath, jsonb, boolean);
create or replace function jsonb_path_query_text(
target jsonb,
path jsonpath,
vars jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
silent boolean default false)
returns text
as $$
select jsonb_path_query(target, path, vars, silent) #>> '{}';
$$ language sql immutable strict parallel safe;
-- Ballpark(s) from James Fee
-- Originally contained one feature Ballpark "Salt River Fields at Talking Stick".
-- Extended by another feature Ballpark "Red Sox Fields Test".
-- Treated as plain GeoJSON document in PostGIS using PostgreSQL's JSON path implementation.
with geojson_features as (
select * from jsonb_path_query((select * from (values (
"name": "ballparks",
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-111.88552, 33.54523]
"properties": {
"Ballpark": "Salt River Fields at Talking Stick",
"Teams": [
{ "Name": "Arizona Diamondbacks", "Class": "Spring Training", "League": "Cactus" },
{ "Name": "Colorado Rockies", "Class": "Spring Training", "League": "Cactus" },
{ "Name": "Arizona League Diamondbacks", "Class": "Rookie", "League": "Arizona League" },
{ "Name": "Salt River Rafters", "Class": "Off Season", "League": "Arizona Fall League" },
{ "Name": "Scottsdale Scorpions", "Class": "Off Season", "League": "Arizona Fall League" }
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-110.88552, 33.54523]
"properties": {
"Ballpark": "Red Sox Fields Test",
"Teams": [
{ "Name": "Red Sox", "Class": "Spring Training", "League": "MLB" } ]
}'::jsonb)) as tmp), '$.features[*]') as geojson(feature)
row_number() over () as "team_id",
from (
jsonb_path_query(feature, '$.properties.Teams[*]')->>'Name' as team_name,
jsonb_path_query(feature, '$.properties.Teams[*]')->>'Class' as team_class,
jsonb_path_query(feature, '$.properties.Teams[*]')->>'League' as team_league,
jsonb_path_query_text(feature, '$.properties.Ballpark') as ballpark_name,
jsonb_path_query_text(feature, '$.geometry.coordinates[0]')::decimal(10,7),
jsonb_path_query_text(feature, '$.geometry.coordinates[1]')::decimal(10,7)
),4326)::geometry(point, 4326) as geom
from geojson_features
) as ballparks;
team_id | team_name | team_class | team_league | ballpark_name | geom
1 | Arizona Diamondbacks | Spring Training | Cactus | Salt River Fields at Talking Stick | 0101000020E61000007
2 | Colorado Rockies | Spring Training | Cactus | Salt River Fields at Talking Stick | 0101000020E61000007
3 | Arizona League Diamondbacks | Rookie | Arizona League | Salt River Fields at Talking Stick | 0101000020E61000007
4 | Salt River Rafters | Off Season | Arizona Fall League | Salt River Fields at Talking Stick | 0101000020E61000007
5 | Scottsdale Scorpions | Off Season | Arizona Fall League | Salt River Fields at Talking Stick | 0101000020E61000007
6 | Red Sox | Spring Training | MLB | Red Sox Fields Test | 0101000020E6100000D
(6 rows)
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