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Created March 17, 2022 23:46
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Temperature Variance Analysis with GEE: Mit ASTER-Daten (100m 2008) sowie Licht-Emissionen als Maske, um grosslandschaftlich bedingte Temperatur-Schwankungen (z.B. kalter Alpenkamm) auszublenden.
var temperatureDataset = ee.Image('NASA/ASTER_GED/AG100_003'); //
var nightLightsDataset = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/DNB/MONTHLY_V1/VCMSLCFG') //
var temperature ='temperature').divide(100); // dataset is in 1/100 kelvin
var temperatureAverage = temperature.reduceNeighborhood(
ee.Reducer.mean(), // calculate the mean
ee.Kernel.square(2000, 'meters'), // of a square with 'radius' of 2000 m (which is 4000 * 4000 m)
"kernel", // using the kernel as the input weight
true, // skipping masked or missing pixels in calculation
"boxcar" // using the more efficient boxcar method to compute
var temperatureDifferenceToSurrounding = temperature.subtract(temperatureAverage);
var lights ='avg_rad').divide(60); // dataset is in range ~ 0 - 60, we want it normalized (0 - 1)
var lightsAverage = lights.reduceNeighborhood(
ee.Kernel.square(4000, 'meters'), // use an area of 8000 * 8000 meters this time
.clamp(0, 1); // Multiplying and then clamping the value to 1 allows for light values as low as 0.1 to pass through the whole temperature in the next step
var wheightedTemperatureDifference = temperatureDifferenceToSurrounding.multiply(lightsAverage); // use the lights as a kind of mask, so we only see temperature in cities
// This specifies how we want our data to be displayed.
var vis = {
min: -10, // minimum value to consider (here: minus 10 degrees kelvin difference)
max: 10, // maximum value to consider (here: plus 10 degrees kelvin difference)
palette: [ // color palette for displaying, ranging from blue to red
'0602ff', '235cb1', '307ef3', '269db1', '30c8e2', '32d3ef', '3ae237',
'b5e22e', 'd6e21f', 'fff705', 'ffd611', 'ffb613', 'ff8b13', 'ff6e08',
'ff500d', 'ff0000', 'de0101', 'c21301'
Map.setCenter(8.541111, 47.374444, 13); // Set map center and zoom to Zürich
Map.addLayer(wheightedTemperatureDifference, vis, 'Temperature', true, 0.75); // Add our data as a map layer, with 75% opacity
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