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Last active June 11, 2020 18:00
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Monadic Test Frameworks with Grading
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
type Rubric = [Bool] -> Int
data TestSeries = Test String (IO Bool) | Block String [TestSeries] Rubric
type Spec a = Writer [TestSeries] a
shouldBe :: Eq a => a -> a -> IO Bool
shouldBe x y = return (x == y)
check :: String -> IO Bool -> Spec ()
check lbl tst = tell $ [Test lbl tst]
grade :: String -> Spec a -> Rubric -> Spec a
grade lbl spec rubric = censor (\tests -> [Block lbl tests rubric]) spec
testList :: Spec ()
testList = do
grade "Full Project" $ do
c <- check "c" $ (2+4) `shouldBe` 10
d <- check "d" $ (2^4) `shouldBe` 16
rubric $ if pass c
then if pass d
then 5
else 2
else 0
pass = snd
check :: String -> IO Result -> IO (String, Bool)
check s mb = mb >>= (\b -> return (s,b))
shouldBe :: Eq a => a -> a -> IO Bool
shouldBe x y = return (x == y)
alpha :: IO (String, Bool, Int)
alpha =
do a <- check "a" $ 2 `shouldBe` 3
b <- check "b" $ 5 `shouldBe` 7)
c <- check "c" $ 10 `shouldBe` 20
let success = pass a
grade = if pass a
then if pass b && pass c
then 7
else 2
else 0
return ("alpha",success,grade)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
type Rubric = [Bool] -> Int
data TestSeries = Test String (IO Bool) | Block String [TestSeries] Rubric
type Spec a = Writer [TestSeries] a
shouldBe :: Eq a => a -> a -> IO Bool
shouldBe x y = return (x == y)
check :: String -> IO Bool -> Spec ()
check lbl tst = tell $ [Test lbl tst]
grade :: String -> Spec a -> Rubric -> Spec a
grade lbl spec rubric = censor (\tests -> [Block lbl tests rubric]) spec
testList :: Spec ()
testList = do
grade "Full Project" ( do
check "c" $ (2+4) `shouldBe` 10
check "d" $ (2^4) `shouldBe` 16
) (\[c,d] -> if c
then if d
then 5
else 2
else 0)
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