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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Swift 1.2 : Confusing error message for closures that do not return value
import UIKit
import Foundation
//set up
extension Array {
func filterMap<U>(transform: (T) -> U?) -> [U] {
var mapped = [U]()
for item in self {
if let unwrapped = transform(item) {
return mapped
var array : [String] = []
no error message as expected
let transformedReturnsValue : [Int] = array.filterMap({
(data: String) -> Int? in
return 1
If the closure has no statements in it you
get the helpful error message :
"Missing return in a closure expected to return 'Int?'"
let transformedEmptyClosure : [Int] = array.filterMap({
(data: String) -> Int? in
//return 1
If the closure has statements in it but no
return you get the confusing error message :
Cannot invoke 'filterMap' with an argument list of type '((String) -> Int?)'
let transformedNoReturn : [Int] = array.filterMap({
(data: String) -> Int? in
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