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Created May 17, 2024 07:13
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from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast
import httpx
from ...client import AuthenticatedClient, Client
from ...types import Response, UNSET
from ... import errors
{% for relative in endpoint.relative_imports %}
{{ relative }}
{% endfor %}
{% from "" import header_params, cookie_params, query_params,
arguments, client, kwargs, parse_response, docstring, body_to_kwarg %}
{% set return_string = endpoint.response_type() %}
{% set parsed_responses = (endpoint.responses | length > 0) and return_string != "Any" %}
def _get_kwargs(
{{ arguments(endpoint, include_client=True) | indent(4) }}
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
{{ header_params(endpoint) | indent(4) }}
{{ cookie_params(endpoint) | indent(4) }}
{{ query_params(endpoint) | indent(4) }}
_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {
"method": "{{ endpoint.method }}",
{% if endpoint.path_parameters %}
"url": "{{ endpoint.path }}".format(
{%- for parameter in endpoint.path_parameters -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
"url": "{{ endpoint.path }}",
{% endif %}
{% if endpoint.query_parameters %}
"params": params,
{% endif %}
{% if endpoint.cookie_parameters %}
"cookies": cookies,
{% endif %}
{% if endpoint.bodies | length > 1 %}
content_type = client._headers.get("Content-Type") or client._headers.get("content-type")
{% for body in endpoint.bodies %}
if isinstance(body, {{body.prop.get_type_string() }}) and (content_type is None or content_type == "{{ body.content_type }}"):
{% set destination = "_" + body.body_type + "_body" %}
{{ body_to_kwarg(body, destination) | indent(8) }}
_kwargs["{{ body.body_type.value }}"] = {{ destination }}
headers["Content-Type"] = "{{ body.content_type }}"
{% endfor %}
{% elif endpoint.bodies | length == 1 %}
{% set body = endpoint.bodies[0] %}
{{ body_to_kwarg(body, "_body") | indent(4) }}
_kwargs["{{ body.body_type.value }}"] = _body
{% if body.content_type != "multipart/form-data" %}{# Need httpx to set the boundary automatically #}
headers["Content-Type"] = "{{ body.content_type }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if endpoint.header_parameters or endpoint.bodies | length > 0 %}
_kwargs["headers"] = headers
{% endif %}
return _kwargs
def _parse_response(*, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], response: httpx.Response) -> Optional[{{ return_string }}]:
{% for response in endpoint.responses %}
if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.{{ }}:
{% if parsed_responses %}{% import "property_templates/" + response.prop.template as prop_template %}
{% if prop_template.construct %}
{{ prop_template.construct(response.prop, response.source.attribute) | indent(8) }}
{% elif response.source.return_type == response.prop.get_type_string() %}
{{ response.prop.python_name }} = {{ response.source.attribute }}
{% else %}
{{ response.prop.python_name }} = cast({{ response.prop.get_type_string() }}, {{ response.source.attribute }})
{% endif %}
return {{ response.prop.python_name }}
{% else %}
return None
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
if client.raise_on_unexpected_status:
raise errors.UnexpectedStatus(response.status_code, response.content)
return None
def _build_response(*, client: Union[AuthenticatedClient, Client], response: httpx.Response) -> Response[{{ return_string }}]:
return Response(
parsed=_parse_response(client=client, response=response),
def sync_detailed(
{{ arguments(endpoint) | indent(4) }}
) -> Response[{{ return_string }}]:
{{ docstring(endpoint, return_string, is_detailed=true) | indent(4) }}
kwargs = _get_kwargs(
{{ kwargs(endpoint, include_client=True) }}
response = client.get_httpx_client().request(
return _build_response(client=client, response=response)
{% if parsed_responses %}
def sync(
{{ arguments(endpoint) | indent(4) }}
) -> Optional[{{ return_string }}]:
{{ docstring(endpoint, return_string, is_detailed=false) | indent(4) }}
return sync_detailed(
{{ kwargs(endpoint) }}
{% endif %}
async def asyncio_detailed(
{{ arguments(endpoint) | indent(4) }}
) -> Response[{{ return_string }}]:
{{ docstring(endpoint, return_string, is_detailed=true) | indent(4) }}
kwargs = _get_kwargs(
{{ kwargs(endpoint, include_client=True) }}
response = await client.get_async_httpx_client().request(
return _build_response(client=client, response=response)
{% if parsed_responses %}
async def asyncio(
{{ arguments(endpoint) | indent(4) }}
) -> Optional[{{ return_string }}]:
{{ docstring(endpoint, return_string, is_detailed=false) | indent(4) }}
return (await asyncio_detailed(
{{ kwargs(endpoint) }}
{% endif %}
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